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    1. View Conversation
      i was just wondering what happened to you , last night, seriously O_O hopefully you're back for gooood~
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      DD finally!
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      Woot! permantent internets! now you must join the night chat crew
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      Happy Birthday!
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      Happy Birthday
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      on Ban the person above you, lol.
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      everytime, it is you
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      I haven't seen you in ages!
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      DDD you're alive !!!!!!
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      go to the IRC and we can IM on it
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    About Soulnote

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    September 15, 1995 (28)
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      Are YOU dreaming? RC now!

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      Come n' go gal

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    1. Erii
      Erii liked post by Soulnote On thread : Rename The Person Above You!!!
      Liked On: 04-17-2011, 05:03 PM
    2. KassyC
      KassyC liked post by Soulnote On thread : Ban the person above you
      Banned for being sexist, if I had any respect for you, I just lost it
      Liked On: 04-01-2011, 11:30 PM
    3. sloth
      sloth liked post by Soulnote On thread : Second Uncontrollable Lucid Dream
      Simple really, I believe in levels of lucidity, and at a lower level, you know it's a dream but you can't have a lot of conscious thought, as well as being instinctive, you're only just starting....
      Liked On: 03-30-2011, 07:44 PM
    4. Erii
      Erii liked post by Soulnote On thread : VS Game!
      Pure Thoughts beat most of this page
      Liked On: 03-27-2011, 05:19 AM
    5. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Soulnote On thread : Self-aware Dream Characters
      My Dream Journal Quote "CONVERSATION/ Me, Her Hey, you do know right? / Ummm know what? / Don't play dumb, if you're here, you should know / Please don't go, I don't care if this is a dream...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Mario92
      Mario92 liked post by Soulnote On thread : If you were sure to dream lucidly tonight, you would...
      ahh, classic mario
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Soulnote On thread : Serial Dream RPG
      I try to log every dream, I've recently became active again, I needed a new computer According to my DJ, before I had to stop recording because of my computer not working, about 1/4-1/3 of my...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. acatalephobic
      acatalephobic liked post by Soulnote On thread : If you were sure to dream lucidly tonight, you would...
      I would rip holes in space and see where they take me EDIT: or try to find my dream guide
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. acatalephobic
      acatalephobic liked post by Soulnote On thread : What The Hell Is With This DC!?!?
      A snip from my latest dream CONVERSATION/ Me, Her Hey, you do know right? / Ummm know what? / Don't play dumb, if you're here, you should know / Please don't go, I don't care if this is a dream...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Raspberry
      Raspberry liked post by Soulnote On thread : Lapses and Recurring Dream. Any ideas?
      Well your thoughts usually follow your dreams for a bit after you get up, and with them being realistic thoughts and fake memories, it really is like another person. One time I had a dream that I was...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View Soulnote's Dream Journal

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    by Soulnote on 05-19-2011 at 01:13 AM
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Fog At Last Second[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]This dream was kind of long, but I hit my head and then fell asleep again after it before I could really try recall it...I only remember the start and end

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]At the start, I was suspecting this was a dream, then a DC said, "this is weird, almost like a dream"...[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]...obviously, I became lucid. I said thanks and stabilized the dream by using my senses.

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]Seriously blurry part[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]

    Last thing I remember, there was some sort of race and I crossed the finish line and won, though I am pretty sure I wasn't participating. He said he would give me the prize, then I said i can't wait to get a clouder. [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]This is the lucidity power trials club goal, my way. [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]He gave me a tiny device, it was yellow and see-through...Suddenly my dream started blurring, I could only see black, I managed to stabilize the dream, temporarily...When I could see again, there was nobody anywhere, nor were there any buldings, here's my uninhabited island. I pressed the top of the weird device and suddenly fog came in from nowhere and I couldn't see more than a meter away...The dream suddenly ended around here

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]This was the first time I regained a dream before it ended, they usually end so suddenly



    by Soulnote on 05-17-2011 at 06:28 AM
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Silly, Silly DC's[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]It started in my school, I was in class.

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]It was a normal day at school when I got suspicious of something and did a nose pinch RC, but I couldn't breathe, so I let that suspicion go.[/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"] (Nose pinch RC occasionly fails) [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]Then I saw a girl who moved last year and recently came back, I was thinking, "wow, she really is back, thought it was just a rumour" But even though she really is back in real life, this temporarily raised my suspicion enought to think about some things. I thought, Why is E in my class? WAIT, WHY AM I AT SCHOOL ANYWAY???[/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"] (I was born with a mental disorder and can't go very often, I'm smart, it's just I can't bring myslef to go)[/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"] I didn't do a nose pinch, but I thought for a bit and [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]realised that this was a dream.

    I looked around for a bit, and rubbed my hands on the floor for stablization. I remembered my goal to talk to some DC's, so I asked E her name and if this was a dream, she said her name was E****, which it is, but she said it wasn't a dream.

    i then walked around outside looking around and decided to go to the library for some reason. I asked the DC librarian what a good book was but she said "Yunzabit?" I saw another person I knew, she for some reason was a lot taller then she was in real life, I also asked her name, and this answer was even weirder. I asked and she said "I dunno, Stare at my ass [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"](???)[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]" I walked away confused. I think I remember someone following me outside when I left.

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]I was doing some stablization things to hopefully prolong the dream, but it didn't really work to prolong it, my dreams are always perfectly stable, so they failed in their only purpose...Help is greatly appriciated...[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]

    Outside the person was following me, I don't remember much about this part, but they followed me to this next part, which I do remember. I saw a bunch of trash in my way and used telekinesis to move it out of my way, I did this for a while, there was a lot. When I was done with this I remember a person sitting on what looked like a lifeguard chair, I asked him something, but I don't remember what. The telekinesis reminded me of the advanced task, I tried to drop the moon again,but after multiple attempts, I failed to make it night, I'll try dropping the sun, maybe that'll count.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
    lucid , memorable


    by Soulnote on 05-14-2011 at 01:52 AM
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Voice Your Opinion[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]Finally a dream with good, long recall.

    I don't remember exactly, but I can infer that before I remember, I was in the past. Right now I'm at present time at my nan's house.

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]I was talking to someone we brought back from the past, he looked pretty normal, so it was probably only 50 years back at most. We were talking about how he wanted to see his family, and asked about using my nan's time machine, I told him she might not let him. I talked to her about using the time machine and she said we can only use it for important things. [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"](if that's so, I wonder why she let him be brought to our time) [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]I went back to him and said she said no, but if it's just for a tiny visit she might. She still said no, but we tried to go anyway. We couldn't figure out how to set it, there were 3 presets, we tried the first.

    The first preset landed me in what looked like a party, there was a disco ball, everybody had afros and peace jewelarry, so it must of been the 80's. It was completely crowded, I couldn't even move a bit, so I had to shove my way outside. No matter where I went there was a party, so it made me uncomfortable, it obviously wasn't the time we were lokoing for, so we left.

    The second preset landed us in a small, but futuristic looking city, it must of been a bit in the future, so this OBIVOUSLY wasn't it, but we stayed for a bit. There were aliens hidden there, though they were in human disguises, I found an alien after some looking, but they didn't do much. We went on to check the third preset.

    When we got to the third preset there was a roundabout and a road linking off of it, it had an old house by the road, and a large, unoccupied pen near the roundabout. There wasnt much techonology, but there were old steam cars, this looked somewhere around the right time. We were in a car and we drove by that house multiple times until we stopped at the pen. [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I became lucid somewhere around here.

    There were a bunch of weird looking people and 3 of them were seriously annoying me, I pointed at one and said "DISAPPEAR!", and he vanished. [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"](along with a rainbow glitter and sound) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]People were a bit scared, I pointed at the second person and did it, when I realized I pointed at the wrong person, I said REAPPEAR! and he reappeared. I then disappeared the other 2 and then the other DC's got really scared, but I calmed them down. I then remembered my goal to eat dream food, I yelled out, "CINNAMON DOUGHNUT!" and a cinnamon doughnut appeared in my hand and I ate it, it tasted normal. I remembered stabilization stuff and rubbed my hands together and licked the net, but the dream ended soon anyway.[/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]
    lucid , memorable


    by Soulnote on 05-12-2011 at 12:19 AM
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Regaining Control[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]This is the first control I've had since my consciousness got better in my dreams, besides my DC control

    I was at my house, currently in my front yard

    I don't remember before being lucid.

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I became lucid and was talking to my mum a bit, about how it was a dream, she seemed ok with it. I walked into my carport and remembered the task of the month, I said, "Oh yeah, the task of the month is to telekinesis"

    I walked over to a 12 wine rack and held my arm out. I concentrated for a bit and moved my arm up, levitation fail. I tried once more and successfully levitated it, my mum asked me what I was doing and I thought of tipping all the bottles on her. She seriously annoyed me before I went to bed, but I just decided to throw it with my telekinesis and watched it shatter.

    I then remembered the advanced goal, to drop the moon...but it was daytime. I tried to make it night, with different methods:

    - Turn the sun into the moon - Fail
    - I noticed I could move the sun, so I tried to swap them - Got dark
    - Extreme time control - Time...Reversal??
    - Yelling to the sky - Nothing

    I then went into my yard and saw a gigantic hill from my backyard, it looked like it was draw there, not a bad drawing but a masterpiece with good shading. I noticed it had 2 cows in it too. A larger cow came from behind them and ran straight past them, then a huge ryhno-like creature fell from the sky and landed on the hill, on it's back and ran off sfter it got up. Then a strange creature with a sword in it's mouth jumped past a tree and there were slashing noises and a light trail where it slashed, the tree broke up along the, around 5 slash lines.[/COLOR][/INDENT]

    Funny thing is, if it were night, I would of been able to crash the moon, because I could move the sun


    by Soulnote on 05-06-2011 at 08:06 AM
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Indirect Flight[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#000000"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    [COLOR="#000000"][/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"]I can't remember much about this dream because I hit my head on that damn top bunk...curse it when my cousin comes over, this dream was just as vivid, but less realistic than most of mine :)

    I was in a huge, wide open hilly area with a town at the base

    Can't remember the start :(

    [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I was looking at the sights as I always do, because I can't think of things to do, and I don't have any control sadly. I looked over the town and saw some people near my firing rockets and they flew on forever and all wildly around. I thought it might be fun to grab one.

    One of the rocketeers had a rope on his waist, I took it and asked him to shoot forward, over town. When he did, I roped the rocket and was flying over the town, I could move the rope to move the rocket. [/COLOR][COLOR="#000000"](Most epic thing i've done in a while) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I saw a gigantic building, but I crashed the rocket...into a cloud...

    I climbed up onto the cloud I crashed on and ordered it to fly to the building. I felt the wind almost pushing me off, before I got to the building, I fell and awoke from hitting the ground.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
    lucid , memorable