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    Conversation Between spiralsofgold and wana

    9 Visitor Messages

    1. no i wont steal it ill
    2. lazy to do them myself
    3. DX Sorry I meant PS2. By new console I mean like NEW consoles that came out more recently like PS3 or 3DS and such sorry about that
      Lol yeah, it's mostly because of the influence of my brother, who is also a gamer. And Okay Might I ask why you ask for the painting?
    4. YOU SAY I can't afford a ps3 or any new console yet
      then you say I have a ps3, xbox 360 and psp go
      its a bit confusing
      man thats so like new to me like seing a girl who is fund of boy games most that i know rather ds like house sims and style games
      later ill have an image for you to make for me
    5. Of course I would I'm kind of packed with projects though, so it might take a while, but I can do them for you. This is actually good, because this is a perfect opportunity to practice my concept art skills!
      Sadly, I can't afford a ps3 or any new console yet. I totally would get it as soon as I can buy it though. Games that I enjoy are final fantasy games, especially final fantasy X that one's my fave game ever, kingdom hearts games, Sims 3, Jak & Daxter, Jak II Jak III, mmorpgs, Child of Eden, assassin's creed, and more that I can't think of right now. I honestly despise girly games where you design clothes and such, but I also have tried playing games like Halo and Battlefield but I suck at them. -_- I have a ps3, xbox 360 and psp go
    6. if i gave you ideas that i want to reprisent wuld you do them for me and you play what gmaes as a girl ? nintendo ds ? or ps3 ,?
    7. Thanks
      Yes I do it as a hobby pretty much, but in the future I want to make money by it. When I really feel like painting, I paint. Otherwise I'm busy with school and video games xD I don't only do digital painting though, I do some traditional as well, but I am trying to focus on digital painting right now. If you want to see my art go to elena-sky.deviantart.com
    8. digital painting hein would you do it as a hobby ?
    9. welcome to lucid dreaming
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9