• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between tboi3000 and Sugabombs

    9 Visitor Messages

    1. Yeah! I am all for supporting the music industry but the prices today are ridiculous.
      Woah that's a really long time! I have only played for about 3 years now. I tried playing when I was younger but couldn't get into it as much.
    2. that's definitely true! I try to buyy as few cds as possible, but I have the select few bands who's albums I will buy.

      haha, thanks! I've been playing since just before I turned 10 yeas old..so about 7 years now how long have you played??
    3. Ah no I don't think I will. It's not bad but records are so expensive today. Bless Spotify xD Haven't listened to that song. To be honest I haven't heard of it until now when you told me. Huh, I'll have to look it up.

      Sounds awesome! I don't have facebook anymore but from what I can see from your video on your page I would have definitely liked it if I had an account. For how long have you been playing the guitar? (curious ;P)
    4. haha, yes it is xD but power metal's sooo fun to play! my favorite power metal bands are Sonata Arctica, Helloween when Michael Kiske and Kai Hansen were still in it, Stratovarius, and Gamma Ray xD Are you planning on getting Dream Theater's new album? also, have you listened to their new song "On The Backs of Angels"?
      I find simpler better, no need to add a super-crazy amount of pickups, knobs and everything and Ibanez has a pretty great selection of shapes and body types.

      Yes I do, in fact. I play Guitar and Keyboards in a metal band with my brother and some friends. We really like death metal and power metal, but I like bringing some progginess to everything we do. idk, it's something about the varying time signatures and such that I love! here's the facebook page if you were interested, we're still not 100% certain on the name, every 'like' is appreciated!

    5. Oh nice, power metal is a tough genre (Y) I really like Dream Theater! Especially "A Change of Seasons". Ibanez guitars are designed in such a simple way. Don't get me wrong, it's a compliment.
      You play in a band?
    6. ahh, sweet. haha, I play mostly death metal, power metal, some proggy stuff like dream theater and periphery, jazz, swing, anything really xD I decided to get a 7-string because most of the bands I listen to use(d) them (certain Dream Theater songs, Scar Symmetry, Unearth, Trivium, Periphery).. the only difference is the added low B string, so the tuning would be EBGDAeb from high pitch to low pitch. The 7-string I have is the Jeff Loomis Schecter..I'd get an Ibanez RG 7string instead if you were looking, but the Schecter was all I could find at the time haha, definitely worth it if you have the extra money xD
    7. Haha I play mostly metal and rock And I play on a Hagström Ultra Swede. A 7 string? Whoaa I have never tried one of those x) Sounds like it's a hassle though. What do you play?
    8. haha, likewise! what do you play? err, genres and guitars? have any 7-strings xD they're fun
    9. Hello! I'm happy to see another guitarist on the forum
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9