• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between The Sandman and Hukif

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. See there? I just checked you out Hukif. I always appreciate when people take time to address my concerns. 3266 Lucids? J. C.! Do you know how much fun I would have if...oh gees. Dream one for me, would you?
    2. Thanks for the encouragement. I do have patience and am willing to work. I have my kids screaming, "Reality check" and we all count our fingers. :-) I also have my own theories on what gets me (and others) dreaming. I am working on all of it. I am disappointed that I don't have more lucids, but not due to unmet expectation.

      I'm waiting to take one of the DV classes, but none are planned it seems. That's OK. I'm just going to immerse myself and take it as it comes.

      Thanks again for the encouragement.
    3. Don't think there is a delete button, or don't know where it is lol
      Also, patience and hard-work is all you need to get good at LDing, the site and people are just there to help make that path easier, me thinks.
    4. Where is the delete comment button?
    5. I have come to realize that my lucid dreams (1 since joining, but I've had more), are my favorite things in life, except maybe my kids. I envy whatever it is in your makeup that allows you so many LD's.
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