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      Ahhh alrighty.
    2. No, actually it's just like a nickname I gave myself!
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      Hi. Welcome to DV! Your name is related to Fringe, right?
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    About TheObserver
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    Life is but a dream, is it not?
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    Writing and playing music, reading, long boarding, meditation, and of course dreaming.
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    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour
    - William Blake


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    June 9th 2014

    by TheObserver on 06-10-2014 at 01:04 PM
    Me and my friend were in the same strange apocalyptic really. We were with some other character who was more experienced in this world . The setting was tall trees and a tree house, some ropes but I can not remember what they were attached too. The other character was reminiscing of the past when he was young and when the world was more beautiful. There was lake by us but it was all dirty was plastic water bottles and filled with trash and garbage. It the dream I felt fear for the way the world was turning out. The character in the dream seemed to some kind of outlaw or someone who was evil, and we were doing bad stuff do but I can't remember what.

    Dream Journal for June 8th

    by TheObserver on 06-10-2014 at 01:18 AM
    1. I was in a crowd of people in the same large gym room. The crowd was full of people from my high school I think and I was talking and standing by a few of my friends from school. Me and my friends notice another one of my friends is walking around naked. We talk about and we all wonder what he is doing. We look around and try to see what other people are making of us this but no one seems to notice or at least not care.

    2.I was having a conversation with one of my good friends and this girl that I had feelings for earlier this year. It mostly my friend talking to her while I was listening to the conversation. Every once in a while I was laugh or make a short comment but the girl would sort of ignore me and not make eye contact.

    Dodgeball Garcia and The Fatal Jam Session

    by TheObserver on 12-26-2012 at 05:35 PM
    1.I was my garage/jam band (dreamsign!!) plus these two other kids who I know but aren't in my band. We were preforming in front of this crowd that included regular DC's and people I actually know from reality, one of the kids that wasn't in my band was playing guitar and the other was this African American kid who was on drums. This other kid I know too named Taylor was there, and he looked like he was critiquing us. We were playing a song by the Allman Brothers called: You Don't Love Me, and for some reason it wasn't a good jam. It was almost as we thought we were playing one song but we were actually playing another. I thought while the dream was going on we were playing 'Memory of Elizabeth Reed' by Allman Brothers but later found it was actually 'You Don't Love Me'. The place we were preforming was some sort of bar, with wooden walls, and bunch of chairs where people were sitting.
    2.Was playing a game of doge ball with a bunch of these kids that I have never seen before, they all seemed to be a year younger. The only kid I know was the kid that was next to me for most of the dream and he is one of my good friends. The adult who was leading the game was Jerry Garcia, which was very odd, but it wasn't an old 80's Jerry Garcia, it was younger, like 60s-70s Garcia. I remember I won award at the end for my hard work, and I remember Jerry presented me with a silver dodgeball which he said to the kid with the orange sweatshirt. I remember throughout the dream I was trying to impress the girl. I think the location was in a school gym, because I remember going to other classes before going to play dodgeball.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    The Perilious Party

    by TheObserver on 12-21-2012 at 07:54 PM
    I had one of my friends over at my house and we were in my basement when my dad came home. My dad said it was time for my friend to go home, so we drove him in the car. When we got back home, there was a party going on in the house, full of kids that I knew but wasn't friends with. The kids were in all the rooms and were partying and making a mess of the house. My first response was to get angry so I started screaming at this girl to get out of my house, and she seemed shocked. I went into the basement and did the same, but the kids down there were playing pool and when they saw me they didn't listen and started to mock me. They started teaming up on me, and I was outnumbered. I remember seeing my dad really disappointed and overwhelmed with what was happened I tried to tell him that it wasn't my felt. Then I woke up.

    The Strangely Familiar Cafeteria

    by TheObserver on 12-20-2012 at 02:58 PM
    This is the first couple of dreams of the night before I got interrupted by a phone-call.
    I was in this cafeteria, in seemed as the cafeteria in my school, but at the same time it was a little bigger and different. The cafeteria was been hosted by a jazz station I listened to called 90.9, and they had jazz musicians playing. I mom was in the cafeteria too eating, and I joined for a little then left. I remember driving a car in the parking lot, I think it was a red jeep, and then parking it. A little later I drove another car and this time I bumped into another car while backing out, while to my luck no one noticed . I remember in the cafeteria there was hallways by the entrance, hallways like the school I go to, but still they were different. I saw one of my friends in the hallway, but he was in an unfriendly mood and wouldn't talk to me. For some odd reason the friend seemed taller then usual (and I think everybody else in the hallway as well) and when I asked the next time we were going to jam (make music, improvise) he responded with "I'm busy I don't have time for that" and told me to leave him alone. And I Did, which in the dream made me remember of when he told me he wanted to make cookies with me, with some kind of drug in it.