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    1. I have been interested in Lucid Dreaming for a little more than a year now, but have only just started practicing on a daily basis, with the dream journal, reality checks and all of that. I am excited as I have had several lucid dreams in the past, but I am now working to increase the clarity of those dreams and hopefully gain a more precise control.
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    About VickDannon

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    February 3, 1988 (36)
    About VickDannon
    LD Count:
    I am a very imaginative person who is deeply interested in Lucid Dreaming. While my count isn't very high, the majority of those dreams were WILD, and from what I understand, those are challenging to accomplish. Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near an experienced LDer. The ones I've had were very simple and hard to maintain. But I seem to have the induction methods down. Now, I need to work on dream recall and ability to influence my dreams in a more vivid capacity. I look forward to meeting fellow LDers here and learning new things!
    Country Flag:
    St. Augustine, FL
    Reading, Writing, Drawing, Video Games, Television Shows, Movies, Film, and of course Lucid Dreaming
    I am a Lube Technician at Toyota
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    View VickDannon's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    PLEE Day 7

    by VickDannon on 10-11-2010 at 04:11 PM
    I dreamt I was in a parking lot helping people unload some sort of work vehicle. Once we were finished, I went into a car and started masturbating for some reason. I wasn't finished when I was asked to help with the last of the objects left on the lift. After, we started smoking marijuana mixed with cocaine, which sounds in hindsight like a terrible idea. It sped the dream up and then I woke to my alarm.

    In another dream, I was with my ex. I remember being split up with her in the dream, but for some reason, we were fooling around. We were trying to avoid her ex from noticing. After I finish pleasing her, she starts to work on me, but I wake before anything happens. At least I was gentlemenly even in my dreams.
    lucid , dream fragment

    PLEE Day 6

    by VickDannon on 10-11-2010 at 04:02 PM
    No recall.

    PLEE Day 5

    by VickDannon on 10-09-2010 at 02:17 PM
    I can't recall any dreams I had while asleep. But then again, the whole night felt like a dream, so maybe I used up all my seratonin receptors. It's all good, there's always tonight.

    PLEE Day 4

    by VickDannon on 10-08-2010 at 05:02 AM
    The dream begins with me on the side of SR-312. My mom comes to pick me up, and asks me if I have a ride to the convention I want to go to. I tell her I'll get a ride from Jason (My brother). She tells me that he's gone. I knw what she means by it, but it's very hard for me to accept at first. Then she tells me he committed suicide and I try fighting the sadness from hearing this. I almost break down, but she looks so stoic and I don't want to lose control in front of her when it must be even harder for her. My friend Joey is in Gainsville with Nick. I am a bit annoyed at this, because Nick pisses me off. She drives me to Steak & Shake where I am going to apply. They're doing open interviews and there is a dog nearby who's shadow is acting strange. Next, I am in a house watching a clip of a movie with Edward James Almos in it, getting stabbed and falling over a railing. This reminds me of Battlestar Galactica and then I see Admiral Adama boxing Starbuck and letting her win, so he can resign. He feels he failed his crew, and I think of my brother and wish I had seen a sign. I start crying and then wake up, still crying a while until realizing that it was a dream. I was so certain it actually happened, and upon figuring out that I had just woken from a dream, a large rush of relief acme over me.

    Upon falling back to sleep, I am in a dream where I am with a girl I want to be with (In the dream, I've never met her in waking life) and another friend, Jack. We stop at this little souvenir shop where I see a row of kids embroidering some of the dreamcatcher like hanging charms. The girl and I are walking together, debating which ones we'd like in our house (I guess we had a thing, but weren't actually together). She said she wants one of the hanging charms, and I tell her I think their terrible looking, except for the ones that didn't look like child pictures. There were some that looked like Native American designs that I quite fancied, which she then told me were the ones that she meant. We picked one out and she took it to the counter. Then I'm messing around with Jack, and as a practical joke, he rubs a small amount of dog shit on me. I tell him that's fucked up and he laughs. I go to teh bathroom to clean it off and then I wake.

    PLEE Day 3, Part 2

    by VickDannon on 10-07-2010 at 02:19 AM
    Took a nap after work today. I was extremely tired, so I only remember bits of two dreams. In the dream, some coworkers of mine and I were drunk (They were drunk. Like in waking life, I abstained) and in my garage. Rod stayed near the front and I was admiring all of the picturs on the walls, all of them in Spanish. I can't remember what was on the left side, but on the right was a rudimentary painting of the solar system. I recognized the spanish word for sun, and then the dream became a musical as Jesus (Mexican, I think) started singing about what was written on the walls in spanish. It was crazy and awesome at the same jtime. Crazy awesome.

    In another dream, I was shopping in a grocery store with my mom. After checking out, I went back through the store to find some prepared food. In this store they had a lot of cooks with rows of cafeteria style tables where people were eating. I am trying to find some chicken and I ask one of the cooks, who gets real snarky with me as if I'm supposed to know where it is already. Apperently, there isn't a person in existence who hasn't been in this grocery store. I walk to where the chicken is and it isn't the kind I wanted. I try to explain this to the cook, who becomes yet even more snarky and dick like. Angered, I walk away pushing past some other dicks that I know. The scene transitions into a row of computers and I get on one, fully intended to complain to corporate and get his ass fired. I can't remember if I woke on this dream or if it transitioned into the next dream.
    non-lucid , dream fragment