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    1. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked blog post by Violetflame On : It can be done! I'm hooked :D
      Hey everyone! I was so happy that some of you commented on my first Lucid and DJ entry. You were right it does get frustrating! I was so close multiple times when I first started going for my...
      Liked On: 04-08-2015, 03:44 PM
    2. BrittanyJordan
      BrittanyJordan liked blog post by Violetflame On : First Lucid
      Hello :D I don't know if I'm supposed to introduce myself in my DJ, but just in case someone is reading my postings in here and noticing certain spelling mistakes or such, I'm from Denmark and my...
      Liked On: 03-22-2015, 08:36 AM
    3. Keitorin
      Keitorin liked blog post by Violetflame On : First Lucid
      Hello :D I don't know if I'm supposed to introduce myself in my DJ, but just in case someone is reading my postings in here and noticing certain spelling mistakes or such, I'm from Denmark and my...
      Liked On: 03-22-2015, 03:54 AM
    View Violetflame's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    It can be done! I'm hooked :D

    by Violetflame on 04-08-2015 at 01:40 PM
    Hey everyone!

    I was so happy that some of you commented on my first Lucid and DJ entry. You were right it does get frustrating! I was so close multiple times when I first started going for my second lucid dream (also had my first false awakening within that first week, and my first nightmare in a very long time), but it seemed to get harder to keep focus and confidence as time past, it even got harder just to write down my dreams. I had some really good vivid dreams when I did my first wake back to bed's, but they seemed to get more and more fragmented and unsure. Yesterday evening I could feel myself giving up slightly and I didn't even think of dreaming before I went to sleep. In the morning my BF woke up early to go to the university. It woke me up and I went to the bathroom before I went back to bed.

    In my dream I was walking around on the balconies of a very large castle when I suddenly became aware that I was in a dream and I became conscious. I felt the incredible rush of the realization and to ground myself I immediately slapped my hands together and started rubbing them against each other. I did it! I stabilized the dream and I walked inside the castle. It was much less impressive inside. It looked more like a ruin than a castle. I began thinking "what was I supposed to do now?" and I remembered the basic task of the month which said to take a shower in your dream and I started looking for a bathroom. And found a few, but they were both gross and as I was leaving the second bathroom I heard the door to my real room open and I knew it was my BF coming in to say goodbye. AAAAAARGH NOOOOO ! Oh well, I went back to sleep and had a normal non-lucid dream about a kidnapping at a hotel, somehow I turned of my alarm without me remembering it (again!), but maybe that was what triggered my next lucid dream (THANK GOD!)

    This time I became lucid in a restaurant at a hotel. I was walking around looking at people's food and one pizza looked particularly good, I wanted to take it, but it belonged to a guy who sat at a table with three other guys and I was not going to risk them getting mad. Again I remembered the TotM and I went into one of the rooms at the hotel, somehow my female childhood friend was there and she goes with me to bath. We are laughing and I remember the water splashing as it hit her back as she bent down a little (She is fairly tall) the water was warm, but I don't remember the tactile feeling all that well (I hope this means I did my first TotM!) After that I went down to the lobby and out back behind the hotel where I meet 3 or 5 DC's that like to follow me around like a gang of some sort. It's nighttime outside and there are stars in the sky. It makes me want to fly, but when I try nothing happens. The others start looking at me weird so I stop, there are so many other things to do after all. As we walk through the darkness we come through some weird places. At some point we are walking along side a road and I remember the other TotM which says jog and observe the change in scenery, but at that moment we arrive at a beautiful house. We enter and I sit down by a table. By this time I am aware in my dream that this dream is very long and I am worried it may be hard to remember it all, so I find a piece of paper and a pen and I start writing the beginning of my dream down, but every time I finish a word it turns to doodles, so I stop and we go out into the big beautiful garden. There is water springing from some rocks in the middle of the garden, down into a small lake. In there lives some sort of large sea monsters, as the others look at them I walk to the stone wall surrounding the garden and sit on it. Here I find a bowl filled with some old stuff, including a piece of cake which I eat thinking I will need fuel for my jog (TotM), but in that moment the dream dissolves and I wake up.

    I am so happy I kept at it! It only took me 3 weeks to have my second lucid experience. Hopefully it will be even shorter between the next ones !
    lucid , task of the month

    First Lucid

    by Violetflame on 03-21-2015 at 09:38 PM
    Hello :D
    I don't know if I'm supposed to introduce myself in my DJ, but just in case someone is reading my postings in here and noticing certain spelling mistakes or such, I'm from Denmark and my English is a little rusty, so excuse me ;D

    I had my first lucid dream ever just a few days ago and it got me so excited I immediately started researching everything on the topic. I had shortly read about it a year ago, but I put it aside because I could not relate to it and it seemed impossible. Then, suddenly I was standing in my dream having a totally new feeling of control and consciousness. I joined this forum (first time I’ve ever joined such a site on the internet) cause I really want to share this weird and wonderful new experience, which I am sure from now on will become a large part of my reality and personality, and interact with people who are as passionate about this as I am. I study art-history and I am a wannabe artist and author myself, so I see real potential in this newfound skill. Not to mention how much it already helps me feel more grounded in this reality and in myself.

    In my first lucid dream (that I can remember), I suddenly became conscious, I have no idea what caused it because I don’t remember any of the dream up until that moment, the first thought that came to me was to look at my hands, I don’t remember how they looked because I was still very hazy. I was in some sort of medieval castle courtyard with tall walls and a podium in the middle. There were lots of people there, including my family and danish actor Mads Mikkelsen (weird). I decided to jump around. Jumping high in dreams has always been my favorite dream occupation (I lost the power to fly as I grew up), even though I was usually jumping away from something unpleasant in my past dreams. I remember very clearly bending my knees and setting off from the ground. I didn’t jump that high, but still higher than would be physically possible in this reality. It was great and I did this a few times, then I walked around for a while, but from there the dream slowly faded, and I don’t remember anything further.

    I realize this is not a very action-packed lucid dream, but the feeling of being lucid and the endless possibilities that entitles, gave me such a high and I have been chasing that since. Hopefully I will soon be flying and playing in my dreams. I am working on my dream recall, keeping a dream journal, doing wake back to bed and practicing my WILD and MILD techniques.