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    About WaterDreamer
    LD Count:
    CURRENT goal for my NEXT lucid dream:
    Focus on vividly experiencing my dream using my senses.
    Florida (underwater)
    Collecting foreign money; amateur astronomy; gaming; reading mysteries
    Interpreting student/CSR/sultry vixen
    How you found us:
    My pimp told me =)


    Lucid Goals: (My LD count is from January 20, 2011)
    [ ] Stabilize & explore; [X] Fly; [ ] Change the scenery; [ ] Talk with a DC; [ ] Revisit a favorite dream; [/] Sex; [ ] Create an epic ongoing adventure; [ ] Participate in the mayhem in the movie Clue;
    [ ] Be in The Phantom of the Opera (original cast); [ ] Revenge on childhood nightmare DC, the Big Bad Wolf (he was 8 feet tall!), by yanking his ass out of my closet & putting him in a SAW trap!


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    1. WDr
      WDr liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : My first lucid dream!
      Yesterday morning I had my very first lucid dream!! I don't mean to sound like I won an award or anything, but I'd like to take a moment to express how thankful I am to have found this site & forum...
      Liked On: 10-24-2011, 07:46 PM
    2. Flying Spaghetti Monster
      Flying Spaghetti Monster liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Rape Dreams?
      Earlier this year I actually did have a rather upsetting dream, that I had been raped and was seeking revenge on my attacker. Thankfully I've never been raped IWL, but it happens to be my worst...
      Liked On: 10-19-2011, 12:15 AM
    3. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Rape Dreams?
      Yes, now that you've added that background I can see how you might arrive at those kinds of dreams. Sexual intimacy really is a beautiful, amazing thing; I regard it as something to cherish. But...
      Liked On: 09-29-2011, 06:27 AM
    4. Raetin
      Raetin liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Rape Dreams?
      That sounds very gentlemanlike. =) I agree, I've never liked the idea of being aggressive toward DCs you want to have sex with. And I like it when they're not aggressive with me! In sharp contrast...
      Liked On: 09-29-2011, 04:03 AM
    5. Mancon
      Mancon liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Rape Dreams?
      That sounds very gentlemanlike. =) I agree, I've never liked the idea of being aggressive toward DCs you want to have sex with. And I like it when they're not aggressive with me! In sharp contrast...
      Liked On: 09-29-2011, 03:38 AM
    6. Puffin
      Puffin liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Rape Dreams?
      That sounds very gentlemanlike. =) I agree, I've never liked the idea of being aggressive toward DCs you want to have sex with. And I like it when they're not aggressive with me! In sharp contrast...
      Liked On: 09-29-2011, 03:29 AM
    7. fatcatcog
      fatcatcog liked post by WaterDreamer On thread : Interesting VILD attempt
      Interesting experience! Personally I have yet to LD via any method, so I'm not qualified to speculate on what it may have been, but I'm trying the same method right now -- I recently read arby's...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View WaterDreamer's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    First lucid FLYING experience!! (morning of 4-26-11)

    by WaterDreamer on 06-23-2011 at 10:19 AM
    (Took me a while to post this... This dream was probably a direct result of something I do IWL on occasion: Late at night, I go outside to my car when I leave something in it. I take a moment to stand there, taking in the cool breeze in my pajamas, and imagine myself in a lucid dream, taking off from the dark street and flying…)

    I find myself outside at night, near the back wall of an unknown building, on a lawn with mostly smallish trees scattered around. It's very dark, and I'm very isolated. I realize I'm just a little cold, which leads me to notice I'm wearing only pajama pants and a t-shirt, outside in the slightly breezy dark night. Then I jump up slightly above the grass and begin to spin around & around in the air, for no apparent reason. I think something along the lines of, "It probably isn't safe to be out here in the dark by myself - what if I get attacked or something?" I'm nervous now, but not in a panic. It's around this point I realize I'm dreaming (duh!).

    One of my first thoughts is remembering my intention to stop and give serious thought to what it means to be lucid in a dream, and not take the experience for granted. But I end up turning my attention to the subject of flying, since I find myself lucid in a dream that features it. This is one of my primary lucid goals! So I float forward, away from the building I was just behind, and I find myself coming into the large parking lot that surrounds my work (looks pretty much like it does IWL, but more/larger trees). It’s still night, so the parking lot lights are glowing brightly.

    IWL I’ve often imagined taking off from the parking lot & flying over the adjacent strip of shops in the plaza… so that’s what I do in this dream! I easily recall the way I’ve flown in many dreams throughout my life (basically I fly in a standing position, levitating my body by maintaining a consistent mental “force” - it always takes me a couple tries to pinpoint the right amount of concentration, but once I have it I’m generally good). With some effort, I rise above the parking lot, and then I clear the shopping center!!

    I’M FLYING IN A LUCID DREAM!!! After passing over the shopping center I continue over the nighttime cityscape below (cities at night are so beautiful). What I’m seeing actually looks a lot nicer than my real city, but that just adds to the novelty of the dream. Then I fly over 2 tall structures with wide, round platform-like things at the top; they roughly resemble the Seattle Space Needle.

    Then comes the best part: Suddenly I’m flying between the skyscrapers of New York City (an ideal vacation destination of mine, and setting of the various free-roam Spider-Man video games I enjoy)! I end up flying along the outer buildings on my right, with the black harbor far below me out to my left. The buildings are appearing in my line of sight just like they do in the games.

    Suddenly I see flashes of light from a tiny island out in the distance, I guess where Ellis Island would be. It looks like fireworks, very noticeable against the dark water. I debate whether to keep flying between the skyscrapers, or to look into this unplanned spectacle. I’d love to keep flying in NYC, but I decide it would be best to investigate what my dream is surprising me with. So I fly over the dark harbor, off toward the island. As I get closer and fly lower, I realize I’m going to fall short of the rooftops on the island, so I instinctively do a web-zip (from the aforementioned Spidey games - a horizontally shot webline used to yank yourself closer to a rooftop if you’re about to miss it), except I find myself grabbing a rope instead of a web. I seem to have difficulty landing properly.

    Finally I touch down on the rooftops of the island - various rooftops of slightly different heights packed so closely together that it’s like one big building. Not very high above the ground either, although all I see is the rooftop area. I’m surprised to see that the light display is no longer fireworks, but GIANT pink dice, glowing with almost neon brightness. Even the dots are lit up, in white I believe. Suddenly I feel my left hand half asleep, knowing I probably rolled over on it in bed, and I manage to ignore it. But then I think about opening my real eyes, or blinking,
    and I flicker myself right out of the dream by actually blinking.

    Updated 06-23-2011 at 10:27 AM by WaterDreamer

    lucid , memorable

    Nightmare - homeless guy attacking me (morning of 5-17-11)

    by WaterDreamer on 05-18-2011 at 07:10 AM
    My memory of how this began is kind of sketchy now:
    I'm working on a class project with 2 other students. One of them, a girl, gets mad at me for some reason - unjustifiably as I recall. Since I can't stand to be on bad terms with someone IWL, naturally in my dream I seek out this girl later on to straighten things out.

    The following I remember vividly:
    I'm alone in a house at night. I'm possibly in that girl's house trying to find her. I walk past French double doors that are wide open; beyond them is a dimly lit back patio. There's a homeless-looking man sitting on a covered porch swing outside, and he's glaring at me. Part of his clothing is green, and he has a bushy beard. He looks threatening, he's not supposed to be there, and the doors are open - so now I'm scared. He's watching me, so as quickly as possible, I shut the right side of the double doors, and just as I try to shut the left side, he lunges at me. Holy crap!! I try to shout for help, but I find my throat severely congested and I can barely make a sound. He comes at me reaching with one arm, menacingly. Desperately, I reach out to grab his hand in an effort to stop him from grabbing me... and I wake up in bed, actually grabbing at thin air!

    I've added this to my mental list of nightmares to revisit in future lucid dreams. Nothing against homeless people - heck, I give them money IWL - but I'll beat the living piss out of this particular DC the first chance I get. No one lunges at me from dark patios and gets away with it!
    ***** UPDATE *****
    About a week after I dreamed this, a REAL homeless man who VERY CLOSELY RESEMBLED the nightmare DC came into my work IWL and acted very strangely. He had the same bushy gray beard, the same creepy look, and was even wearing green!! He asked about getting a job, hit on me, and started undoing his fly as if he planned to expose himself to an older woman who was getting fitted by our seamstress (I work at a drycleaners). I was about to tell him to get the fuck out, but he decided not to whip out his junk, and finally left.

    Updated 06-21-2011 at 06:07 AM by WaterDreamer (update w/relevant anecdote)

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    My best lucid so far, includes sex attempt! (morning of 4-8-11)

    by WaterDreamer on 04-08-2011 at 04:20 PM
    I find myself in my father's home office/guest room (same basic layout, same side of the hall, as his out-of-state house IWL where I occasionally visit... the only different thing is the desk is where the spare guest bed is supposed to be). There's an attractive guy in there with me - about my age, tall with shortish blond hair. I don't pay much attention to him at first, because I somehow realize I'm dreaming! The first thing I do then is make a point to look carefully at a digital clock in the room, since I retardedly passed up that opportunity in my last lucid. It's a blue display. Each time I look at it it says a different time. The first couple look like normal times, but then they start having lots of 0's. I don't see any dramatic mutations when I try staring.

    With that mission accomplished, I start to think about what else to do. That's when I look at the guy in the room with me, who is now basically laying on top of the desk, and already has his shirt off. He's looking at me. Sure, why not - it's only a dream! But first I stupidly look down the hall to see if anyone's around, even though I know it's a dream. I recall seeing my younger step-sister in her bedroom at the end of the hall, on the floor playing or doing something
    (doesn't make sense since she's 17 IWL). I remind myself it's a dream, in fact I can't recall if I even shut the door. As I turn back to the guy waiting on the desk for me, I think something along the lines of, "Gee, hope I don't start to feel my real body in bed, or just wake up". The awesome part is, upon thinking this I DON'T wake up! It occurs to me that this lucid is lasting longer than my previous ones, and I have no problems moving my dream body.

    So then I start taking off my clothes and climb onto the desk with the blond guy. I'm pleasantly surprised to have a chance to experience lucid sex for myself, so early on in my lucid experiences
    (this is only my 4th LD). Despite my preference of being on the bottom, I find myself intending to climb on top of him, maybe just because he's already laying down. Most unfortunately, I lose the dream before we get to the good stuff.

    Updated 04-10-2011 at 04:04 AM by WaterDreamer (colors)


    Dream left me wondering if I'd really been raped (morning of 3-2-11)

    by WaterDreamer on 03-26-2011 at 08:42 AM
    This one's been in my mind the last few weeks, so I thought it might be therapeutic to post it. Everyone has a worst fear, and mine is being raped.
    Thank God it's never happened to me, but this dream left me temporarily convinced that it had... so it was kind of upsetting, to say the least.

    Can't remember how this dream began - maybe it's better that way. The dream had its own back story: In it, I knew it was Wednesday (it really was IWL), and that meant it had been exactly one week since I was raped (again, in the dream!). I always seem to have a desire to go all vigilante on frightening DCs, so not surprisingly I decided to go seek revenge on my attacker. Obviously not alone, so I brought my friend Michelle with me. Somehow I had figured out that a particular area of the tile floor in a vacant building (almost like a very shallow pool, only 1-2 ft deep) covered a passageway to an underground area, and that was where we'd find him. We opened up the tile panel and descended. The next thing I remember is us frantically trying to get back out, pursued by my attacker. I was pulling Michelle out of the passage, and I saw a knife pierce her sneaker, but we got away.

    I figured she was only cut if anything, but suddenly it's a couple days later, at night, and after I walk up to Michelle's front door and am let in by her family, I realize she died (from the cut, somehow). I instantly offer condolences to her family, and I'm in shock.

    So then I go back down the secret passage to pursue this twisted man, alone. Despite being underground, there are windows up high, with daylight coming in. The underground portion consists of halls connecting large rooms, with nothing really in them. Everything is made of plain gray concrete. I somehow figure out this used to be a school. I think I even see a desk somewhere. I find at least one old piece of paper with writing, and I realize that this is proof of something else I had been trying to prove about the school, some sort of mystery surrounding it (didn't have a damn thing to do with revenge on my rapist, but some sort of secondary mission, maybe left over from a prior dream that night). I don't find the villain, but instead focus on this mystery solving. Then my mom comes around a corner, just as I'm pissing myself (not from fear, I just decided to pee in my clothes LOL), so I try to shoo her away and babble something about what I'm trying to do.

    This is the weirdest part: As I began to slowly drift into wakefulness, I was having "dream flashbacks" to the rape itself. It was so strange, like my dreaming mind was creating a memory of something that didn't actually happen. Thankfully they weren't terribly vivid, but it was highly disturbing. Consequently, as I became more awake, I was trying to figure out if it was real. It got to the point where I was sitting up in bed thinking, "Was I really raped last week? Is this a repressed memory?" I was genuinely uncertain for a couple minutes. Once I was fully awake, I was never so happy to realize I had just been dreaming!
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Murder trial brings me back to old daycare center (morning of 3-25-11)

    by WaterDreamer on 03-26-2011 at 06:43 AM
    Early on in this dream I notice a new Blockbuster is being constructed very close to where I live (IWL all 4 of our nearest Blockbusters have recently closed or are in the process); I'm pleasantly surprised and assume this is to make up for the ridiculous mass closings. At some point someone is murdered; I seem to recall it was a child or someone relatively young. Next thing I know I'm standing on the top step, under an overhang, outside what I assume is a courthouse. It's daytime, looks like afternoon sunlight. There are lawyers and perhaps a few other random people standing near me. Then I see the mother of the murder victim walking up the steps. I notice she is Indian. As I look at her, I ponder how she, and others like her, can possibly manage to cope with their child's murder. Then the murderer arrives, I believe I actually make eye contact with him. He moves parallel to the bottom step at first, to my left, away from us before coming up the steps. Kinda strange, I notice he's wearing a suit but is not escorted by any guards or anything, I get the impression he's just been dropped off in a black car. He's a middle aged black man, his skin is an ashy gray color.

    I can't remember actually entering the "courthouse", but at some point I find myself on the inside of the building, and it's a much larger version of Kinder Care, the daycare center I went to when I was young IWL (it sucked ass!!). It's more like a school actually; through the large windows I can see other buildings on the campus. There are as many people milling around as in an airport; I can't recall how many children, I know there are some adults. Suddenly I'm on my phone with my mom, and she tells me to find the west building. I tell her I have no idea which way is west on the campus, so I'll have to ask somebody. I see a number of adults in green uniform shirts, I assume they work there. But that's the last thing I can really remember.