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      "Infinity" is a software based Lucid Dreaming course:

      It's completely free and a clean download. Basically, over the span of a week (going one day at a time), the course will have you build up a repertoire that is supposed to almost promise you will LD at the end of the week. It's gotten a lot of great reviews so I figured I'd give it a shot.

      DV won't let me post a URL for it but if you search "lucid dreaming infinity" it will be the fourth result titled: "[software] Infinity - PDF Available"
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    About ZoeSeeker

    Basic Information

    About ZoeSeeker
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    Just a regular guy really. Recently, I have become drawn to God more than usual. I've been a Christian all of my life, but without real knowledge of what that means, or why I believe what I do. I am on a lifelong journey to learn more about my faith. "Zoe" is a term used by C.S. Lewis to describe the "spiritual" part of a man (as opposed to "Bios"). I am striving to be more spiritual. To do that, I need to know myself. Lucid Dreaming allow me to do that, although, indirectly. To be good at Lucid Dreaming, you must be aware of where you are, and what you are doing at all times, so you can detect dream signs. This naturally causes you to be in touch with "reality" a little more than normal. The more in touch with reality I am, the more aware of my faith, and my God. Also, it may give me a chance to explore my subconscious mind to see what brewing inside there! And let's not forget, it's a freaking blast! Peace
    Virginia, USA
    Tropical fish, Guitar, Poker, Movies, Philosophy, Christianity, Xbox!
    Director of Engineering
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    Since 7.8.2010:
    LDs: 6 Recalls:18 Chained:1
    GOALS: [√]Induce an LD [√]Stabilize an LD [ ]Hold a conversation [ ]Fly at will [ ]Conjure objects [ ]Change weather [ ]Space travel [ ]Precognition [ ]Talk to GOD [ ]WILD [ ]Dilate Time


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    08-07-2010 05:41 PM
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    01-22-2011 06:47 PM
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    View ZoeSeeker's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid Flying Then Nose Dive to Bottom of the Sea

    by ZoeSeeker on 09-23-2010 at 12:31 AM
    This is the first time I have been able to control my flying. Usually, I just bump along the ground, and can't gain any altitude. That changed tonight. I should have written this down when I woke up, but I was in a hurry to get to work.

    I am in some kind of high school locker room. Everyone is in top shape but me, and they are clothed in street clothes. I am walking around in jeans with no shirt on. I am embarrased. People are looking at me in disgust. I am ashamed, but continue to walk. The dreamscape changes and I am in a casino. I still do not have a shirt on, and now I realize I can't possibly meet a girl dressed like I am. I begin to despair, and people are still looking at me with disgust. The dreamscape changes again, and I am in Modern Warfare 2: Invasion. I am looking around, and although it is a map from a game, it looks completely real. Also, it's just a regular scene, the destruction seems normal, and people are going about their business. I try to talk to girls, but an old former friend whom I do not like or associate with comes up to me and starts telling me that I will never find a woman, that I will be alone forever, and women don't like me. I grow from despairing to downright depressed. I am wraught with sadness, and I begin to weep in my dream.

    I stand up and look around. For some reason, I can't see far enough away. I feel somewhat trapped. It starts to dawn on me that I am in a constructed reality, so I begin looking for flaws or dream signs. Still not lucid yet, I peak around the side of a van, and see the sky stretching out forever. The sky is both below and above me and both sides. I am standing on the edge of the map which seems to to be suspended very high up in the air. I have found the end of the map. Wait a minute!

    This can't be real, I am dreaming! I smile and know exactly what I want to do. I leap off the edge of the map into the sky spreading my arms like wings. I begin to fall and then gently rise to flight. I am amazed! I did it! I look down, and the ground is so far down, I can't really make it out through the clouds. I am very high up (I estimate about 40,000 ft) and flying like an eagle, making crazing banks, nose dives, and soaring. I am going very fast. I see a sunset ahead of me with a very rough round opening in the sky itself. It is black, and seems to be some sort of portal. the colors around it are just like a sunset. I fly towards it, but never seem to get any closer. It is hundreds of miles away. I am completely euphoric, and almost forget my despair. It creeps back, but is dulled by my joy. I continue to fly, thinking what I should do next.

    I look down and see the ocean. I raise up my head, soar up a bit, and then bank left and dive straight down. The wind is blowing past my ears, and I am diving fast and headed straight for the ocean. I feel no fear. I know I am dreaming, and I am now in a euphoric state. I hit the water and dive straight down. I see fish from my aquariums in the sea. It is very dark blue, but I can see. I stop and stand on the bottom of the ocean. How cool is this. I then lose lucidity.

    I dreamt and became lucid two more times that night. 3 lucids in a row. I cannot remember anything about the other two. They were very short, and the lucidity was only mild. Just aware, not trying to control. None of the dreams were related, which seems odd.

    Conditions: 2400 mg of Omega 3-6 Fish Oil daily
    Fell asleep: 1:00 am
    Lucid aids: none


    Giant Tidal Wave Nightmare

    by ZoeSeeker on 09-11-2010 at 06:53 PM
    (Ocean City is a very narrow strip of land between Assawoman Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water.)

    I am at the beach. It's a beautiful day, and I am walking on the beach. Everyone is happy and partying. I walk from place to place, meeting friends along the way. The ocean is calm with a little surf. I turn around and look towards the bay and see a giant tidal wave forming. I estimate it is about 20 stories high. It is moving quickly towards me. I am scared. The ocean is behind me so there is nowhere to run. I look at the building in front of me. It is a typical beach front house. I think to myself that there is no way this structure can protect me. However, I have no choice. I run up and stand with my back to the wall placing the building between me and the giant wave. I wait, cringing in terror...

    The wave hits. A section of the wall next to me blasts open with water shooting out. Water is rushing everywhere, but I am ok.
    I move out from the building and look back at the bay again. Another wave is forming. I am already in hip deep water. I decide to dive under the water this time, and let the wave wash over me. It works....

    A third wave is forming. There are still structures to hide behind, but I am afraid this is it. I am dead. Suddenly, my hands appear in front of my face. I think, "Wait, this could be a dream!". My hands look normal...

    "How can this be?". I then start to realize that this MUST be a dream. There are dream signs screaming at me. I look again. This time I notice my middle fingers are shorter than any of my other fingers! Yes! I am dreaming! Wake the hell up!

    I awake, smiling. It was only a dream! (LOL)

    Conditions: 2400 mg of Omega 3-6 Fish Oil daily
    Fell asleep: 1:00 am
    Headphones: none

    lucid , nightmare

    Lucid in Church

    by ZoeSeeker on 09-09-2010 at 07:06 PM
    I don't remember much about this dream...

    I am in church, and kneeling beside my sister who is sitting in a pew. For some reason, I ask myself if I am dreaming, and the instant I do, I become lucid. I didn't even bother looking at my hands because I knew I was lucid. I vaguely remember trying to do some very boring things, so my lucidity was minimal. That's it..

    Fell asleep: 1:00 am
    Headphones: none

    dream fragment , lucid

    Lucid, stabilized, then forgotten...

    by ZoeSeeker on 08-29-2010 at 07:17 PM
    I am standing at the mouth of a cave looking out. It is overlooking the sea. I immediately look at my hands and realize they are distorted. I turn them over palm up, and the fingers are too short, especially the ring and pinky. I am completely lucid. I look up and start to walk. I begin to awaken, I look up in the air and immediatley spin in my dream.

    I don't remember what happened after that, but I woke very quickly, so whatever I dreamed was probably very short.

    Fell asleep: 5:00 am
    Headphones: Isochronic pulses descending from 5 to 1 hz over 20 minutes. Took them off afterward. Was very sleep already.

    lucid , dream fragment

    Lucidity interupts the Heist

    by ZoeSeeker on 08-22-2010 at 06:57 PM
    I haven't been Lucid in a few weeks. I'm glad I finally got one. I was losing faith! This one interupted my Dream Architects (my subconcious) intentions...lol. The details are too fuzzy to remember, but the major parts are still with me:

    I am with someone I know. I think it's my ex-wife (god, I wish i could exorcise her from my dreams!). We have a mission, however, our car has broken down. We steal someone's car, and drive to West Virginia. We encounter a hotel and check in. We begin our mission by changing our clothes so we look like, "Them". They are on to us! I have to deceive the leader, which I do at first, but eventually he catches on. I realize I am in a school of some sort. I am sneaking around trying to find something. I don't remember what, but eventually find it. We have accomplished the mission and are ready to go. We are trying to leave, but we have to pack, and can't do it fast enough. We finally pack and leave. We got away! Now we go to return the car, and are caught by the owner. I do some quick haggling, and we agree to pay the owner $300. After all, I had the car repaired while it was stolen (huh?). It was a black Hummer, and very hard to drive. Nothing seemed to work properly.

    I decide to look at my hands (FANTASTIC! The RC has become habit!). Hey, my pinky is too short. I am dreaming! I try to fly. No luck. Can't even get off the ground. I try to conjure an object in the palm of my hand. It doesn't work. I think to myself, "This is my dream, why can't I do this stuff?" I tell everyone around me I am dreaming. They don't seem surprised, but they stare at me watching. I check my hands again. Still dreaming. I try to fly again, but this time I close my eyes first. I can feel myself gaining altitude. Cool! I open them, and slowly sink to the ground. What's up with that? I can feel myself waking up, so I quickly spin around several times. Ok, I'm back. I try to talk to people, but they remain silent. The entire dreamscape has not stopped any animation. I don't know what to do, so I just slowly let myself lose lucidity.

    I need to research dream control!

    Fell asleep: ?
    Headphones: 6.5 hz Isochronic pulses at 120 hz base with pink noise all night...
