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    1. ~Dreamer~
      ~Dreamer~ liked blog post by zxechoo09 On : First RC in my Dreams was a Fail
      I came upstairs and saw that no one was using the xbox, my brother was sitting on the lounge in front of it so then I went in my room and looked at my xbox 360 games and they all were unorganised,...
      Liked On: 09-14-2015, 03:27 PM
    2. Higat
      Higat liked post by zxechoo09 On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Get a video game controller and link it to a DC and control them and make them do things like in 'Aliens in the Attic'
      Liked On: 09-10-2015, 11:48 AM
    3. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by zxechoo09 On thread : Hey :D
      My name is Brad and I am 15 years of age, I tried to do some DILD'S at the end of 2014 and I had no success at it. I have now gotten into LD a bit more since last month. I recently came across this...
      Liked On: 09-08-2015, 10:27 PM
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    View zxechoo09's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    A Game

    by zxechoo09 on 01-06-2016 at 08:22 PM
    We are going to the movies but instead of going to the normal cinema we bought cheap tickets and went to the RAAF cinema instead. We drove out there and we were handed these purple badges which said our names on them. Mine looked a little different to the other ones. As we got out of the car where it was parked, outside the cinema, I could see in the distance a large group of people running in a circle with one of them hitting a ball before they ran. Another group looked to be outside this circle fielding the ball and throwing it in to which ever runner was the slowest. I decided to get up and ask one of the guys what they were doing and he explained that it was a game of teamwork, stanima and speed. I then asked if I could play and he said sure. This is when it started to get crazy. The moment I stepped onto the field it transformed into this arena with many different types of rooms. Instead of running around the game became more of a hide and seek game. I was 'hiding' and the arena did not have a roof on it and the walls were about 2 metres tall, almost maze like. I went inside a room and stood on a chest and got on the wall and sat there. Just as I got on the wall the chest turned into a mimic and went out the archway of the room and started chasing the nearest guy. Luckily for him, he was a ghost and I told him to come into my room through the wall and go back out leaving the mimic still in 'my' room. He went and did that, and my room being somewhat of a bedroom, I jumped onto the bed. The mimic wasn't tall maybe about 30cm and the mimic was eating my blanket away so I decided to just end this problem, I jumped on the mimic and started kicking it as hard as I could but it did nothing. It jumped up and was about to tear my balls off but I woke up in the nick of time just as it was millimetres away.

    State Discus

    by zxechoo09 on 10-13-2015 at 12:38 AM
    I believe that I was at state discus because there were all these banners and everything around this massive room that I was in. Our group was put into some sort of room where it had a wall about 2.5 metres high but no roof. When we did discus we had to throw over that. Everyone did quite good throws until I came up 😔. I came up to the spot and I threw my first one over the wall, it hit a wall about 5 metres (not the one I had to throw over) from where I was standing and it bounced back to me over the 2.5 metre wall. I was like its okay, its my first throw. I then did my 2nd throw, it hit the same wall probably about about 10 metres away and did the same as the other come right back to me. I was feeling quite angry as my throws were failing and everyone was laughing at me. I then did my 3rd throw and it was perfect it was sailing through the room and I was like yes! I've won this and then... it hit a F***ing banner then bounced off another f***ing banner and it hit the 2.5 metre wall and made a crack in the wall. Everyone was dying of laughter and I was raging so hard and kicking all these coins on the ground that belonged to a coin collector and everyone started laughing harder. This lasted a good 5 minutes and then someone on the other side of the wall came up to me with a trophy saying they'll give it to me to present it to 2nd place!!! They then asked for my group and it said on my badge Group 4 - 10. This is all I remember.


    by zxechoo09 on 10-01-2015 at 09:04 PM
    The dream started off with me getting on a cruise ship (just some background info I'm going on a cruise in a couple of days so this explains this dream), once everyone was on the boat we headed out to sea, the boat was not as large as a normal cruise ship and looked more like a fancy 1 deck boat. We headed out and saw this massive tidal wave coming right for us and we were heading straight for it! This colossal wave crashed into us and everything went black and I was being careful with my breathing and trying to see when I couldn't breathe and even though I was totally submerged in water. Next thing you know I'm looking for my iPad some reason to see if it was broken and someone comes up to me and says its going to have a massive crack in it after that, I then look at it and its completely fine. My dad comes up to me and says it was a good idea you brought it so you can do your RE assignment?! We are still sailing out to the edge of the water and hit this blackness... it is space? We sailed off the borders of Earth up into space, when we were up there the planets were massive 2D shapes, Jupiter was a giant massive red circle and the moon was giant as well with white craters, this 'space' looked like a kindergarten drew it XD. I even saw something that looked to be like a blue telephone box. We then come out of space and go back to Earth through something that looks like my garage, It was all black and I was holding my breath and waiting for them to close the garage door so I could breathe and get back on the boat but I could breathe the whole time, we got back on the cruise, cruisin' along and made it back to shore.

    Talking about Lucid Dreaming

    by zxechoo09 on 09-26-2015 at 08:15 PM
    I was out on the road with the roundabout going into ***** **** and we were outside this vehicle (truck, I believe) and my dad and 2 of his friends were there. They were talking about LDing, my dad's 2 friends said that they had been LDing since they were 3 and my dad said he was since he was in Year 12. They then asked me and said if I did and I said yes and they asked for how long, then I said since last year then quit then start again on 25th of August. They asked if I had one I said no. They asked (again) if I did the finger one and the guy who asked was flicking is index and middle finger up and down.

    I hate having dreams that are talking about LDing and I don't even recognise it XD

    Dreaming of Dreaming

    by zxechoo09 on 09-18-2015 at 08:41 PM
    Well this may seem very confusing but I'll try to explain it, I was in my actual dream and then I remembered something that I read on the forums, if you close your eyes in a dream you'll wake up? So then not being lucid in this dream I entered into the dream's dream and I cannot remember what this dream was like.

    All I know about this dream in my dream was that I somewhat had control over it not like my real life dreams. I then closed my eyes and it was black for about half a second and then it went white for about 2 seconds and then I woke up in a FA at school staring at a clock that said 5:55pm.