So I'll keep this pretty short, it's a dream kind of like what's seen in inception. I was having a restless night's sleep but finally I drifted off. I woke up again and I was in my room. I was kind of mad that I didn't sleep for very long, I couldn't remember dreaming and thought I must have just woken up a short time after falling asleep. I was wrong... The room I was in looked exactly like my own except there was a person sitting next to me, it was a man who sat on a chair right beside my bed. It was instantly someone I knew and trusted although I struggle to remember any intimate details as we were in a dark room, my curtains shut with only a glimmer of light breaking through the small crack between them.

I talked with the man for a short time and then continued to attempt to sleep again, I was extremely restless and moved around in the bed looking for the most comfortable position, moving the blankets as well. Once relaxed I drifted to sleep once more. At that point I went from the first level of the dream into the second level. I'm not saying that I had a separate dream within a dream. What I'm saying is that I had a second level of continuity within the same dream. I'll make that clearer as I go on.

The second level was inside a car park at night. The lights were on and a ramp stretched up onto the street level. I could tell because at the top of the ramp was darkness (that almost seemed to creep down the sides of the ramp). The car park was massive and I stood in one corner of it. The parks were all empty. Here's a diagram to help visualize:


Examining the car park I scanned across to my right and to my surprise saw a young women in ragged clothing. I was startled and began to feel incredible fear. She said something in a dragging dark voice along the lines of "Can you feel it?..." "The darkness..." "The darkness is coming..." "Can you feel her?..." "She's coming...."

I freaked out, this is much like dreams I've had before. This time it was different in that the girl warned me this time, usually it was a pretty girl that would talk to me and then disappear immediately when the evil came. I knew the evil was in the car park, I knew that when I turned my head I would see her, as has happened in my dreams before. She's waiting for me to look at her, so that she can take steal my gaze as I look into evil itself.

I turned my head slowly, knowing that I would have to face her eventually. As I turned my head I heard static, like the noise you get on a TV with no channel. It grew louder the more I turned. On top of this was a high pitched squeal that faded in and became extremely loud. It's comparable to a tea pot. I began to see her, her arms stretched out wide. There was a blinding white light from behind her, the noise turned into a deep groan like she was screaming out in pain and fear. I could not look at her face, it was black and the light shone too brightly for me to look at her directly. She had long black hair that fell to her sides and she stood suspended in the air. She was wearing a large drooping white robe, her arms stretched like an angel spreading it's wings. She felt like no angel though.

The feeling of terror that I experienced goes beyond what words can describe. As often as I feel it, I will never become accustomed to it. It's a fear that eats out your sole until you're only an animal locked in a cage and backed into the corner squealing. I forced myself to wake, this is something that I've learned to do from when I was a child.

The strange thing is, I woke up again in a dream. The same dream, back into my dream room, my dream bed and the man still sitting by my bedside. He asked me what was wrong because I was screaming uncontrollably. I said it was bad dreams and curled up in my bed. A women walked through my door and asked what was wrong. The man explained and they watched me fall back to sleep once I had got comfortable in my bed again. I woke up finally in my real bed, it was time to get up and ready for my day. I was so frightened that while in the shower any sound such as doors banging or crashing would shock me, I'd jump and get shivers. Still thinking about this awful demon I'd faced.