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    1. #1
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      Love can't be stolen it needs to be given.

      I was watching my 1 year old daugher try to catch baby frogs in our outside room. Its a room on our house that is not quite finished but provides a covered play area for my two girls Lena 2 1/2 and Brooke 1 year. She was squeezing them between her fingers. Lena was watching and with much concern in her voice explaned to me what Brooke had been doing. There where 50 or so little guys hoping around their play area. I said to Lena we love the little frogs. Lena kneeled down and started comunicating with our little friends saying " I love you little frogs". I suddenly saw the situation through Brooke's eyes. It wasn't that she didn't love the frogs it was that she was curious not comprehending the pain she was inflecting on the little guys. It was innocence and her pure love of discovering life. Then my mind jumped to a bigger picture. I was in a position to see both sides. I did not want to see harm come to the little guys and I tried to explain to a 1 year old not to touch, but I could not watch her all afternoon, I had to at some point let her explore and hope that she would understand by my and her sisters example of treating the frogs with respect and interact through sending thoughts of love. Then I thought of humans as a whole and how we are evolving...
      Later this same day two guys stole my purse out of my car containing my iphone while my two kids where sleeping in the car 15 feet away from me! My first reaction was ANGER... I even went so far as to stomp my feet like a child in a temper tantrum... it was the last straw! The energy fluxes this month are driving me CRAZY! With in 5 mins I thought those poor guys are missing love in their life. I will send them love. I felt sadness for them. They stole from a women and her children and afterwards we went to get a milkshake and those sad men will still be trying to fill a void that can not be filled with any amount of money. Love can not be stolen it needs to be given. I hope love finds them. These men are like a child squeezing frogs... they are still discovering. They didn't think about the harm they where inflicting on others they just thought about what the outcome affected them. The only positive reaction is to show love like you would a child and except that life happens and cherish all experiences because this is how we grow and evolve. What does this message mean for me?.?.?. Wake up and feel, and choose what you feel!
      Thank you for reading my thoughts and love to EVERYONE!

    2. #2
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      maybe they need the money to survive. it does not justify stealing, but a thought.

      It is nice to hear about your family and I hope all goes well. Love isn't an easy word, in fact, probably one of the most controversial ideas and abstract interpretations of human emotion. I don't think they are trying to acquire "love", or steal it, in this situation. If I were to try to swoon you with gifts, that would be me "stealing love".

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dreams4free View Post
      maybe they need the money to survive. it does not justify stealing, but a thought.

      I don't think they are trying to acquire "love", or steal it, in this situation. If I were to try to swoon you with gifts, that would be me "stealing love".
      Thank you for your perspective I value everyone's view. My thoughts take me to (this is only from my perspective my perspective that comes from light from my soul place) Those men where babies brand new in their bodies when they where born in to this life. As children I think we see nothing but love, as long as the environment inside the mother is peaceful, because everything else is learned from life experience. Personality is but the sum of your experiences and perhaps the experiences projected on you from your parents and to go even further from your parents parents and so on. Some where along the line they did not feel as if they could care for themselves and that taking rather then receiving was the learned habit. So a lack of love or a miss understanding of the sum of love. I don't claim to know the sum of love myself but when I am in that soul place I can always make decisions from a place of love. It is a life practice to try to always come from love (for me).
      I would love to hear your thoughts for they make me examine my own thoughts.

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