Originally Posted by Omnis Dei
We long for a connection, and people repeat the same habits after death as they did during life in order to obtain this feeling of a connection. They can become engrossed in massive orgies, in drug abuse, and all sorts of things as a way to put off the self-acceptance necessary to move forward.
Yea. But if you think about it, its all because of mass media and what they force society to believe.
We really are all connected as one. Its the materialistic world that has us feeling like we're isolated or individuals. But it will come a time where there are no more possessions, like money, cars, etc. ANd us humans we just have each other and start to realize compassion, love, is whats its all about. And someone i think this has something to do with 2012. Thats why im still trying to enjoy the ride lol! til that time comes.
Its like now, we're in a society all about control. Like in the matrix. People controlling us, specifically the government.
When it all comes down to it, its feelings and emotions. We all came from the big bang, from one single little particle.
These other dimensions i think are not within a certain place or time. I think time and space is just an illusion here in the physical world. These dimensions are states of mind, or states of consciousness. ANd when you raise your freqency you enter another dimension or existence where thoughts are more powerful.
If you have a negative state of mind, and you die, you enter this "void" darkness, where whatever fears you had to have caused this state of mind, keep manifesting itself and creates a reality, like a hell reality. And you can't get out of that state of mind until you can feel love and compassion. I dont think hell is a place where you burn and are tied upside down by chains or anything like that.
You know how when you think of something, then that thought keeps manifesting itself over and over?
Well i think whatever state of mind you are in gets carried over your afterlife. And it keeps manifesting itself into a kind of reality maybe. If you die with a positive mind, love, compassion, you will ascend into a higher dimension, or awareness, where its shared by others and thoughts are more powerful. And you can ultimately create your own afterlife with imagination. Sort of like that movie with Cuba GOod Jr. "What dreams may come".
Because this can't be all there is to existence. Has to be more, like with lucid dream. Who'd have fucking thought, you can have your own universe to do whatever you want. I havn't experienced this fully, but i did get a tease of what it was like when i became lucid in a dream for about 4 seconds lol.
This probably sounds crazy, its kind of hard for me to type out my thoughts on computer.
Oh yea, i heard of this experiment, where they tested to see if emotions and feelings have affect on human DNA. Turns out it did, lol. I can post a link to where i read this if you want.