Coincidence today:

I was at a party and when I drink i smoke so we all went outside to smoke. As I was walking past the refridgerator that had hundreds of those poetry magnets on it, my jacket brushed against it and a magnet fell on the floor and I picked it up and it said "smoke". I chuckled and made a mental note and walked outside and a girl was talking about poem she heard in a dream of hers. And she said that her dog is named Luka with a K. It used to be with a C but she had a dream where the dog told her it was with a K so she changed it. She said: "You gotta follow your dreams!" And I went inside. People in the house were singing "Dream on" by Aerosmith and screaming "dream until your dream comes true". Right after that I went to the fridge to get another beer but they were gone. A guy who just showed up asked me if I wanted a homebrew that he brewed himself. People were still singing the Aerosmith song. He gave me a beer with a homemade label on it called "Winter Dream".

It gets intense when coincidences are coming back to back. I kind of start feeling like Donnie Darko or something. Like something big is going to happen. But nothing does. But it seems like I turn away out of fear and step out of the stream.