O’ Boy, here I go again,

First, it is a fundamentally inherent trait, in graphed into the psyche of hued-man kind to question everything. That is how as (hued-mans) learn. That is the reason for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (God didn’t just put it there for looks.) No man can convince another of a spiritual thing; it must be revealed by the spirit itself. Logic can’t do it, Intellect alone can’t do it. So we are ultimately set alone to make up our own mind and heart about any given matter of supernatural origin. Cause if you aren’t open to the spirit, no man can open you to it. It is the common response of the intellectual to dismiss God entirely because no one can convince him/her of his existence without physical evidence. So, as we run-a-round this globe arguing about weather he exists or not, he as a people in full obedience to his plan, (fulfilling the Word in this world to save it from its own shortsightedness) as the carnal world just goes on about its business.

P.S. You can’t wrap your mind around something that has no end or beginning

The Rev