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    1. #26
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      Apr 2005

      Re: Christ: He's Back. Matraiya. Ram Bomjan Palden Dorje

      Originally posted by Sortilegio

      That is what most of the messiahs have been teaching us.

      On a personal note, I really haven't heard much from this, I will certainly look for more info, but it is hard to find the right information. I practice alot of meditation and I've been wanting for years to take a trip over to India and Nepal, maybe in a couple of years I'll go there and see how things are advancing for him.

      I've been in alot of spiritual thought lately about a messiah, and, although alot of people here don't belive much, it is very prominent, strong, the feeling of a new source. I always thought though, that if a messiah is to come, that it would arrive here at the occidental (sp? western?) cultures, because if there really is a need for spiritual enlightment this days, it would of be here. What's your take Leo?

      Well, yes, it would have really been nice if the Messiah Matraiya been very well connected. And maybe Jesus would not have been crucified so ready had he been born of the House of Herod instead of the fallen House of David.

      But the things of the Spirit and the things of Heaven are not the things of the World.

      And yet this Young Man has just started out and already there is not a single Orientalist or studier of Cults who is not already somewhat informed concerning him and all of the claims and promises swirling about him.

      Yes, there are some historical reasons for concern. For instance, Saints can be quite genuine without either being very intelligent or very well informed. Whatever their Spiritual Realization may be, what they are intellectually likely to say may be confined to the same set of ignorant concepts and models they had before their Realization as after it. Indeed, we have instances in Catholic History where two indisputable Saints would actually have their mundane differences of opinion -- the Greatest Saint in History, Vincent Ferrer was a supporter of the Avignon Papacy (as were the majority of Dominicans), while Catherine of Siena was a diehard for the corrupt and decadent Roman faction, the female Saints being just as lead by their sentimentality as any ordinary women, apparently.

      And yet history gives us hope in that some of the Greatest and Highest of Magnitude Saints have also been some of the best thinkers and administrators. Along with their Spiritual Realizations they are perhaps given a share of enough Wisdom to qualify as passable Common Sense.

      We should hope for somebody of the caliber of a Saint Patrick, who in 50 years completely restructured Ireland from a bulwork of Druidism to the most stalwert center of Catholicism in the West. Or Bernard or Benedict who were also splendid administrators.

      Regarding the Young Man, though, it is hopeful that so far he has made all of the right moves. Even with the concern of doing his 6 years of meditation, he has been proactive enough to protect appearances and distance himself from empty show and a carnival atmosphere. Such thoughtful assertion at this early age bodes well for him being sensible.

      And then, it will not be required of him to do everything. We can see how well Vivekaanda was able to speak for Ramakrishna. Perhaps the Quality of any Messiah or Matraiya comes in large part from the People they surround themselves by. Indeed, Christianity would have been a better Religion today had Christ not been killed before he had assembled more than just a pack of manual laborers and roadies about him. What we know of Christ is what a bunch of stupid uneducated fisherman were able to remember. But with Bomjan Ram Palden Dorge, we already have the interest of a very well educated elite taking cognizance of him. We are thus more likely to see much more coherency in this Messianic Administration then in any that have come before.

    2. #27
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      Feb 2004
      The benefit would be that he is here now. No matter how well someone records something, history is never perfect. Some things can even be just plain wrong. Its even worse now with so much junk on the internet and stuff. How do you ever really know what is true?

      Well if your right, everyone will be able to see it first hand.

    3. #28
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      Originally posted by Alric
      The benefit would be that he is here now. No matter how well someone records something, history is never perfect. Some things can even be just plain wrong. Its even worse now with so much junk on the internet and stuff. How do you ever really know what is true?

      Well if your right, everyone will be able to see it first hand.
      'History' is sometimes no clearer for being in the present. This is why I so often emphasize the importance of True Discernment. A great many people can all witness the very same incident, but the value of their discernments will vary in proportion to their faculty for True Discernment.

      And I am not just talking about Open Mindedness. Often the most swarmy of the phony gurus will aggressively propagandize on the importance of open-mindedness more as a smoke screen in order to suppress the exercise of True Discernment, along the lines of "If you see that I am a phony, they you are not being open-minded". No, a reliable True Discernment will clearly pick out both the Saint and the Phony.

      But I have been at Ashrams where Gurus have told their stories and given their speeches and it has been odd what people come away with. Like a College Professor speaking to elementary students, the children can not understand much above their own level.

      But we are lucky here on this Page, as we can resort to our Dreams. I myself, years ago was following one Guru rather closely until my Dreams gave up on him. In a dream I saw that he had a machine that worked by smoke and mirrors, and that I saw him with a stubby and sinister beard and cunning, businesslike eyes -- that he was no longer quite trustworthy. Then, with a Synchronicity much like clockwork (which is a redundancy, once you think of what the term 'synchronicity' must imply) the scandals broke and I bailed out of the ashram with an amazing promptitude. "Where'd Leo go?" is still echoing about some corners of India.

      But that Guru still has tens of thousands of faithful devotees. Go figure. Not everybody sees or experiences the same thing.

    4. #29
      Happy Dreamer Achievements:
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      Honestly, I do not feel like I am pessimistic. On the contrary even I feel quite optimistic about this world and her people. Just because I don't put faith in saints or a messiah as much as some might do doesn't mean I have a dark, grim, pessimistic spiritual view..

      I have faith in the love of 'god' , which is all of us in my idea. I believe we'll overcome in the end, through love, kindness and understanding of one another. Any saint, guru or even messiah is most likely to preach a similar message. Love and compassion should drive everything else Wisdom will come naturally if we seek to follow our own path and look inside of ourselves.

      Also in other words.. the spiritual message and idea should be very simple and down to earth. Something we can all understand. Not just a messiah or greatly enlightened person.

      All I'm saying is, we shouldn't need a messiah to tell us that. What more is he going to do then tell us everything we already know? This message has been told countless times, all the wisdom we need to find inner peace and 'light' is already there.. people just need to open themselves up to it. And unless they do that, any messiah is going to do no more than any other 'wise' person. Only his select group of followers will open to him.. just like any other religion has their own claim to be the messiah from time to time.

      I am open to anything and anybody, I am willing to listen and hear out. So if he really turns out to be a miracle performing messiah I won't close my eyes do that.. but I'd rather put faith in my heart and the path I've been searching for myself.

      Like I said, we don't need a messiah to find god, love and inner peace. And that's all we really need to find.. from there we're fine by ourselves. But it's probably useless to keep going on about it All the respect for the people who wish to put faith in a messiah, but I prefer looking at the simple spirituality that is ageless: the love inside your heart and soul.

      Anyway, hope the guy brings lots of happiness to many people. Then I'll be happy aswell
      "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

    5. #30
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont

      Well, certainly not every 'human' can go a year without food or water. Not every 'human' is seen to glow in the dark, and to make the dumb speak. And there are a great many 'human's' in the Himalayan Mountains and Foothills who do not enjoy the prestige of having the recognized Spiritual Elite openly professing them to be the much awaited 'Matraiya'.

      No, your 'just human' argument smacks of the protestant doctrine of Original Sin, and pretends a moral hopelessness which evades all moral and spiritual responsibility, whereby we can easily identify it as really Satanic and Antichristical.

      Being 'only human' is the devils excuse for any imaginable evil. Spiritually, we all need to be better than that. And that Young Man in Nepal has already shown himself to be so.
      Actually I believe the reasons why we are human is to learn. Personally I do not see being human as anything other then being capable of making mistakes and learning from them. We are not perfect and that's ok because if we were meant to be perfect we would have been born that way. Instead of denying my humanity I embrace it because it is who I am.

      You would actually be surprised at how many people can do just that. Some are hidden because they know their very talent could be miss-used. For every good there is a evil only because we aren't perfect. I think one problem is people are wiling to believe because we need the emotional contact. I believe others or I had read that the man didn't always stay in one spot the whole day. We do not know what happen during the time that he was away from the media's eye.

      If my questioning has angered you then I am very sorry because that was never my goal. I am always one that tries to find understanding and a common ground between everyone. Maybe it is also my own fear that a person who is gifted could be used as a tool that clouds my judgement. Part of me also fears that for my ownself because I still do not know what is hidden inside of me. I know I as smart and wise as I can be I am still very niave. I also do not think being niave is a bad thing.

    6. #31
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      Originally posted by Lucius
      Honestly, I do not feel like I am pessimistic. On the contrary even I feel quite optimistic about this world and her people. Just because I don't put faith in saints or a messiah as much as some
      Okay... let me see if I got this right. You are not a pessimist, but its just that you don't think anybody is particularly good.

      You believe in God but don't think anybody can be godly.

      Well, exactly what is pessimissm unless it is embodied exactly in such hopeless cynicism?

      You know, it is still pessimism even if you can justify it by giving up all expectations for anything better. Settling for dark and despairing world because you can expect nothing better is not exactly the kind of grinning optimism that excludes pessimism.

    7. #32
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      Originally posted by Lucius

      All I'm saying is, we shouldn't need a messiah to tell us that.... Like I said, we don't need a messiah to find god, love and inner peace....

      Easy enough to say.

      But it shows a complete unfamiliarity with the Literature.

      Messiahs are not just alot of talk.

      Saints are not just school teachers with a well prepared lesson.

      there is a Power and a Communicative Energy in Saints, Prophets, Avatars, Bodhisattvas and all such.

      Take Charisma and multiply it by ten. A Saint or Messiah can generate and radiate Love and Peace.

      You propose Self Help, but we have a World that has been relying on self help and going down steadily all the while. Your boast that we don't need God is clearly futile and empty.

      Each of us could use all the Help we can get. And you would wish to suppress all of the very best people.

      Your self reliance... what is it but arrogance, pride and a denial of one's own real needs and inadequacies. You think you need no help, but only because you have such a low level of standards set for yourself. Perhaps this is why you so hate saints and messiahs... that you find you suffer so badly by comparison.

    8. #33
      Join Date
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Leo Volont)</div>

      All I'm saying is, we shouldn't need a messiah to tell us that.... Like I said, we don't need a messiah to find god, love and inner peace....

      Easy enough to say.

      But it shows a complete unfamiliarity with the Literature.

      Messiahs are not just alot of talk.

      Saints are not just school teachers with a well prepared lesson.

      there is a Power and a Communicative Energy in Saints, Prophets, Avatars, Bodhisattvas and all such.

      Take Charisma and multiply it by ten. A Saint or Messiah can generate and radiate Love and Peace.

      You propose Self Help, but we have a World that has been relying on self help and going down steadily all the while. Your boast that we don't need God is clearly futile and empty.

      Each of us could use all the Help we can get. And you would wish to suppress all of the very best people.

      Your self reliance... what is it but arrogance, pride and a denial of one's own real needs and inadequacies. You think you need no help, but only because you have such a low level of standards set for yourself. Perhaps this is why you so hate saints and messiahs... that you find you suffer so badly by comparison.[/b]
      I do not think what the above person is saying was a bad thing. People do rely on beliefs because they can make them stronger and that isn't a bad thing. I believe what the person means is once a person is able to find their own inner strength they can then help others in ways they currently can't. This is where my own friends have taught me a lot and that is we rely own each other. Most of my friends have past where certain events have shaped their lives so strongly that they do not believe in themself.

      Let me give you a example of how strong my family of friends are. One of them happens to be a Mother figure to me. Keep in mind the actual person is not a woman. My goal in life is to help her meet the people she cares the most and to let her see how wonderful of a person she truely is. My friend can not see what others have seen in here and the reason why I would be proud to call her my mother.

      Now you might at first glance say two males can't create the same love that a mother/daughter would naturally have yet we have proven it possible. There is a bond between her and I that is so great words can not discribe. Some people reading these words might react negative to this because it isn't natural yet who is to say it isn't suppose to be? If this relationship also wasn't to be then why did God allow us to feel what we did about each other? One thing to keep in mind is our happiness isn't there unless each other is happy.

      You might ask yourself why I brought up this subject up and that is because if I deny who I am then I deny the part of me that makes me special. Again it might also be niave of me to think others will understand my greatest feeling in life, yet I do not regret being who I am and what I am. Isn't that what living is all about? I personally choice to follow this path. I also know it is the correct path because I've always received dreams about my life. Yes inside my ownself might be the power to save the world, but I've found a group that needs me more.

      Before anyone thinks I mean a physical ability to change the world I'm talking about the HUMAN HEART. Our own heart has more power then people give credit to. We can love one another, we can care about one another, and we can also respect one another with it. To me that is the power to change lives and the power to encourage lives. I have saved many people just because I was there to listen and be a friend to them. Does that make me a Messiah no. It does give me reason to encourage others even if there is no Messiah to guide me. My heart is what makes me human and I shall never deny my heart.

    9. #34
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      Somewhere..over the rainbow
      1- I never said I hated saints and/or messiah I never even said I disliked them. Not at all. I even keep repeating that it makes me happy when other people find comfort and new-found spirituality because of them. My own opinion isn't absolute.. if I feel like a saint or messiah is not going be what will find me 'enlightment' that doesn't mean this is so for everybody. There are many different paths towards a goal, and surely there is not one true path. For one a saint might bring a lot, for another a little less.

      I just feel in all honesty that there is not much more to say or tell. Yes, they are more than words and yes they might radiate a feeling of love and warmth all around them. This is a good thing indeed. But this kind of love can be achieved by anybody, I believe.

      I apologise if this was unclear.. but by relying on one-self and our inner paths, I don't mean to say we should be all alone and not rely on others at all! 8) Sharing things with one another is beautiful, love and good feelings are there to be shared. However, there is a difference between sharing once love and spirituality and being dependent or 'saved'. There is a middle path, of course

      2- I also don't mean to say we don't need 'god'. However my concept of what is 'god' might be different from yours. To me, god is everything around us and within us. Together we make what god is, thus we can't really be without it We are god, nature is god, everything is. God is love, and for everybody. God's not an entity or person to me. Though I suppose one could say that 'god' is more present in certain places and people.

      Also, of course somebody can be 'godly'. But again, I suppose our definition of 'godly' is a little different, which is understandable. We all believe in different things, and that's ok. To me, godly means something very simple. The more 'love', the more 'godly'. I just don't like the term godly.. to me it's associated with worship and being higher or better.. even though this might not be so, it's just that word stuck in my head.
      To conclude I again need to stress the fact that I hold not grudges against the entire 'messiah' thing whatsoever How could I hate any concept that brings happiness to people? That'd be silly. Just because I feel a little different?

      Ultimately, I think in terms of people's happiness and peace.. and if this is what makes them happy then.. good! I'm satisfied with that. What I was speaking off all that time is just my own opinion on a personal level. Not a higher level.

      But, when it comes down to it and when we look through the silly differences of opinion and misunderstandings.. we'll see that we both want the same, Leo. We want people to find happiness and greater purpose, one way or another. So it won't really matter who is 'right' or 'wrong', as long as we're all happy and find peace

      So, I wish you luck. I hope this boy will help you find more peace, happiness and enlightment in your life ^_^ Same goes for everybody else. If not through a saint, then through something else. The possibilities are endless
      And, thank you HiddenSaint for coming to my defenses I appreciate the understanding. I enjoyed reading what you wrote, thanks! It's good to hear you found yourself such a special relationship. It doesn't matter if it is considered strange.. love is love, between all sorts of people! Glad to see somebody is trying to understand. I try as well. That's the whole purpose of this discussion
      "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

    10. #35
      Member Darkmatic's Avatar
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      It just so happends that i was visited by a jehovas witness the other day . I answered the door in just a pair of boxers on , i looked like i just woke up thinking 'this better be improtant' . And i see this old fellow in his mig to late 60's , dressed up in his best closthes and i think maybe hes a private investigator by the look . When he starts to talk about God , and im like "*sigh* , i just woke pu old dude , i cant even remember my last name right now in my state and you want to talk about God ? Sheesh ." Or atleast thats what i was thinking .

      Then he starts to say things like have you read the bible ?
      I tell him "Sure , ive read parts of it"
      He says "Do you understand what it says?"
      I say "Yeah , i guess for the most part"

      Then he starts talking about how theres been a rise in earthquakes and natural disasters , childern are uncontrollable , the sun has a black dot where it didnt have a black dot before <actually i made the last one up > . And he tells me a change is coming very soon . Judgement day i assumed . Then he gets out this book , and scrolls to the particular page with a happy family , having a picnin in the hills , like the sound of music setting , and he says 'this is what awaits for those people who live by the bible . Then we get talking aobut the bible , and he brings up the dead sea scrolls , and so i pounce on this subject and say , isn't it true that some of the dead sea scrolls were actually books taken out of the bible ? And he blatantly denies this fact , and claims that the bible has never been tampered with apart from them taking out of 7000 repetitions of the words Jehova . And this is when he decides to end our conversation , gives me the booklet and leaves .

      Anyway , im guessing the evangelical radicals are getting all worked up about something , maybe this monk kid , and they think its the second coming . But , what they dont know is that it will come when they least expect it . not
      Live on the edge , If you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

    11. #36
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont

      As Christ said "Wide is the Way that leads to destruction but narrow is the Way of Truth".

      And then, one of my favorite books is Somerset Maugham's "The Razor's Edge", concerning the spiritual quest. Does not the idea of a razor's edge suggest a certain necessary narrowness?
      Does the fact that the majority of the people in the world are not Christian, much less Catholic, suggest that most people don't care about your razor's edge of righteousness?

      People believe, for the most part, what they are brought up to believe - what their parents believe, what their neighbors believe, what their peers believe. Religion is as much (some could argue – and effectively – that it is more) cultural than it is spiritual, so the suggestion that people are damned by mere geography to follow the “wrong” religion certainly seems indicative of an egotistical human notion rather than the dictate of a loving and merciful god.

      And how can you quote a second-hand, politically filtered account of the life of a 2000 year old religious rebel to support your belief that the way of truth is narrow (indicating a highly specific, Christian notion of salvation and enlightenment), then suggest that a Buddhist child is the next messiah, and in the same thread completely discount the value of many popular world religions? It seems a rather disjointed theory of reality, at least as you’ve presented it in this thread.
      “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
      - Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

      The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
      - Mohandas Gandhi

    12. #37
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      Originally posted by AHiddenSaint
      ..... Most of my friends have past where certain events have shaped their lives so strongly that they do not believe in themself. .....
      This is a very narrow and parochial view that says that one can believe only in one's self and one's friends while explicitly and deliberately setting yourself up to positively hate any stranger.

      What is it that makes you worship your accidental friends but to spit on Messiah's and Avatars?

      This instant hatred simply seems a product of Protestant Culture. It comes out of the ubiquitous doctrine of Paul that has instructed Western Culture to suspect all any Appearance of Righteousness or Holiness to be of the Devil. But this view is in itself Satanic and Antichristical, as it does exactly what we might expect it to do -- it effects that people like yourself will spit on the True Messiahs, Avatars and Matraiyas while sticking to your own small clutches of insular bigots.

      So, continue to tell me how wise your little group of hateful villagers with torches and pitchforks are, as you continue to pillage and destroy all that is above you in spirit?

    13. #38
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      Originally posted by Lucius

      I even keep repeating that it makes me happy when other people find comfort and new-found spirituality because of them. My own opinion isn't absolute.. if I feel like a saint or messiah is not going be what will find me 'enlightment' that doesn't mean this is so for everybody.

      This is either pride or an admission to hopelessness and incapacity..

      You realize the other people may be helped by Better Souls then themselves, but that you have this particular Stupidity that cannot be improved by contact Knowledge or Quality. Or perhaps you are insisting that you are of such Saintlike Proportions yourself that what is above other people and instructive to them is still much beneath yourself.

      Perhaps it is a bit of both. You would not be the first person to be proud of their own stupidity and protective of their limited and confined perspectives. What little you know has gotten you where you are today, and you are afraid of anything more or different.

      But whatever the motive, your contempt is still a form of bigotry.

    14. #39
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      Originally posted by Lucius

      2- I also don't mean to say we don't need 'god'. However my concept of what is 'god' might be different from yours. To me, god is everything around us and within us.

      Oh, Great! This is the "I don't need God or Saints, because I am just as good as they are" argument.

      Okay, fine. Now show us your miracles. Show us who you have healed. How many months can you go without food and water? Let's see you glow in the dark.

      If you are so high and mighty then why don't you step up and give the World a little leadership and be the Messiah or Matraiya. Or do you think everything is just fine and dandy and honky-dory? Oh, I suppose you like the present chaos, and you expect everybody to despise everybody else just as you despise everybody else. Everybody do their own thing and rebel against any sense of Togetherness or Community. How convenient. It makes it so much easier to live on predatory exploitation of others if one makes it one's guiding principle to set one's self apart and above from everybody else. You think it so noble to make your own rules and live by your own laws, to suppose yourself equal to God, but isn't that what any contemptable horse thief or chicken thief does?

      No, I am not of the position that nobody can ever claim personal Righteousness. Indeed, I have always sided with Pelagius in that famous controversy and I have renounced the doctrine of Original Sin that would characterize all people as necessarily sinful. But this is not to say that the Potential for Goodness can be equated to Realized Goodness.

      It is silly for those at the bottom of the Mountain to supose themselves equal to those at the top, and especially for them to publish their contempt far and wide. Those stuck in that Platonic Dark Cave of Shadows should not be so publically dismissive of those in the light, but as Plato had concluded, they can only speak so rashly because they don't know what they are talking about.

    15. #40
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      Originally posted by Peregrinus

      Does the fact that the majority of the people in the world are not Christian, much less Catholic, suggest that most people don't care about your razor's edge of righteousness?

      You limit my scope when you speak only of the Catholic Religion Orders and Community. As I have pointed out before, the Catholic Religious Orders have long collaborated with the Religious Orders of the other Higher Religions and Spiritual Communities. I have attended Weekend Retreats populated by Monks from Catholic, Sufi, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Yogic and Buddhist Orders. They all were comfortable on a large field of common ground.

      Now, about the majority of the world's population being stupid puppets to the secular propaganda that has been handed out by the secular and masonic media for the last three or four hundred years... well, fuck those idiots. why should I care what those deluded morons think? Wisdom is not a democracy. Look at America -- Proof that the Majority can be Wrong.

    16. #41
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      Originally posted by Peregrinus

      And how can you quote a second-hand, politically filtered account of the life of a 2000 year old religious rebel to support your belief that the way of truth is narrow (indicating a highly specific, Christian notion of salvation and enlightenment), then suggest that a Buddhist child is the next messiah, and in the same thread completely discount the value of many popular world religions? It seems a rather disjointed theory of reality, at least as you’ve presented it in this thread.

      You are wondering how it is that I can assert that there is a huge common ground between the Higher Moral Religions and Spiritual Movements and at the same time express that there are many false and Antichristical Sects and Quasi-Religions.

      So you are complaining that life is complicated and you are surprised that I can make all of the right distinctions.

      Well, for one thing, years ago an Angel came to me and gave me the Gift of the Faculty of True Discernement. but, more mundanely, I am an old man and have been well read and well traveled. I know all the players. I know the good guys and I know who the bad guys are.

      It is no contradiction for one out of the Tradition of the Catholic Holy Orders to express a Spiritual Kinship to one from one of the Himalayan Religion Orders. And again, I think that perhaps your confusion about Catholics rests in your failure to discern the difference between the Catholic Secular Clergy and the Religious Orders. Secular is Secular. Religious is Religious. All the Doctrines of the Bishops and Cardinals and even the Popes, expressed in all their Letters, Councils and Catechisms are, surprisingly, Secular. Against this and in contrast there are the Religious Orders. This is not my distinction. This is a Church distinction. the Religious Order go way beyond the Secular Doctrines and are not bound by them. yes, the Secular Bishops do at times wish to rein in the Religious Orders, to assert a superiority and control over them, but this only goes to prove my point that there IS indeed a real difference between the Secular Clergy and the Religious Orders.

      Anyway, if you are really curious as to how I can correlate what I do, and make the distinctions that I make... well, it is nothing that further instruction cannot help elucidate. Continue reading my essays. Each essay makes a point about something.

    17. #42
      Member exploreyourmind's Avatar
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      I don't see why this wouldn't have been on the news...why should we all trust what this website says? do you have any reliable links?

    18. #43
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      Originally posted by exploreyourmind
      I don't see why this wouldn't have been on the news...why should we all trust what this website says? do you have any reliable links?

      I made it a point to include the most complete link I could find.

      And then I included every variation of the Young Man's name that I have found in print. why? Well, so that people could use their Search Engines.

      Now, about reliable links. You know, we are not all little snot nosed 15 year olds. I am a 65 year old Religious Scholar who has had a great deal of personal contact with most every one of these Schools of Sprituality and Religious Thought.

      I AM your reliable link, you little green piece of crap.

    19. #44
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      Originally posted by exploreyourmind
      I don't see why this wouldn't have been on the news...why should we all trust what this website says? do you have any reliable links?
      Its not what this website says. Its what Leo Volont says.

    20. #45
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont
      I AM your reliable link, you little green piece of crap.
      Burnt lol.

    21. #46
      - Neruo's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont

      I AM your reliable link, you little green piece of crap.

      Funny link.
      “What a peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain which we call 'thought'” -Hume

    22. #47
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont

      This is a very narrow and parochial view that says that one can believe only in one's self and one's friends while explicitly and deliberately setting yourself up to positively hate any stranger.

      What is it that makes you worship your accidental friends but to spit on Messiah's and Avatars?

      This instant hatred simply seems a product of Protestant Culture. It comes out of the ubiquitous doctrine of Paul that has instructed Western Culture to suspect all any Appearance of Righteousness or Holiness to be of the Devil. But this view is in itself Satanic and Antichristical, as it does exactly what we might expect it to do -- it effects that people like yourself will spit on the True Messiahs, Avatars and Matraiyas while sticking to your own small clutches of insular bigots.

      So, continue to tell me how wise your little group of hateful villagers with torches and pitchforks are, as you continue to pillage and destroy all that is above you in spirit?
      If you are talking about a group of Transgender folks being a little group of hateful villagers with tourches and pitchforks I think that is funny. Normally a person group like that would be the one that the Christian right runs after with those very objects. No what has happen is inner peace and being a support group for one another. We are there and would do anything to help our friends. We may not have been born natural family, but we care about each other.

      The first time we got together nobody forced another to do what they wanted, but instead we all wanted to make sure the other was ok as well. With my friend that was Jewish I tried to help out in making sure the places we went to had the diet need as well. When we get together I go out of my way to try to figure out what everyone likes before hand and try to help to have a object there that would bring comfort. It's funny to because most of the time one person ends up paying for everything, but to us we were competing to try to put our payment up because each other didn't feel we were doing enough there. We didn't want to burden the other with the cost either.

      I'm not focused right now on the after life because I rather live this life to it's fullest. People might say who I am is a sin, but if I am to deny what I am because of that then I rather live with the sin then forced to cast away my friends. I would give my own life to protect my friends and others if it came down to it. I do not feel others should be forced to be who I am either. I think this world even with it's problems is a good place. People have the ability to learn and evovle at their own speed. People also are free to be what they are and I do not feel it is right to frce others to be anything different. If I tried to force my own idea world onto others then wouldn't I be taking away the very faberic that gives us free will?

      Again if my idea's are sinful then I rather live with the sin and help bring hope to smaller groups who need it. Instead of changing the world as a I whole I rather give people a chance to live in this world and do good things.

    23. #48
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      Originally posted by Lucius

      And, thank you HiddenSaint for coming to my defenses I appreciate the understanding. I enjoyed reading what you wrote, thanks! It's good to hear you found yourself such a special relationship. It doesn't matter if it is considered strange.. love is love, between all sorts of people! Glad to see somebody is trying to understand. I try as well. That's the whole purpose of this discussion
      I try to be and I will never lie in the fact that yes I have had a Messiah complex myself. With my own spiritual developement I was confused about what was happening to me. Also because in my dreaming I am a God there I believed I might be here as well just in the human sense. Now some would say it is crazy, but folks this can happen to a lot of people who gain spiritual awareness. It's one reason I also try to understand because it might not be the persons fault but events that made them at one time think this way.

      There is a lot to this world we do not still understand and a lot we can not answer for. It can be confusing to those trying to seek answers and understanding. I only question because without it I would be blind yet I still seek to understand and respect others who might believe in something. i have no disrespect for anyone who might believe this about the person. I also do not think your view is wrong. There are no right or wrongs to life just learning from experiences and trying to grow as we live.

    24. #49
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      Alrighties, let me try once again.. after that I give up hehe

      I am not high and mighty. I am no saint nor am I an enlightened guru of any kind.. that isn't my point.

      I cannot perform miracles such as glowing in the dark, magically healing people or radiating divine light. And as far as I know, nobody in this world can..
      But what am I saying.. that really isn't my point. I'll try to make this short..

      Some people find happiness because of 'saints', others less than them. Not because some are 'better' than others. No, because we are all different. We all walk unique paths and we all have unique ways of finding love and peace.

      Just like some people prefer organised religion, coming together in a church while others prefer being alone or in smaller groups and meditate.

      If this boy can truly heal the sick, then I hope he'll heal many and I am very grateful for this presence here on earth. As for going without food and radiating light, he must be a very enlightened soul to be able to such a thing.. but that's his path, not mine.

      But I'll stop here, as I feel it is really no use.

      One last time, I hope you and many others will find happiness because of him. And I'm not saying this because I'm being arrogant or trying to seem above it. I'm not above it. I just believe there isn't one absolute path to follow, if anything it's the path of love which has many many roads.

      I've been trying to sound positive to reflect what I feel inside but aparently that is not how you perceive me. I suppose I lack communication skills then. Because you would notice that I actually respect you and try to communicate and share some positive feelings throughout the discussion. Alas, I fail o_O

      Good luck.
      "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

    25. #50
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      Originally posted by Leo Volont
      You limit my scope when you speak only of the Catholic Religion Orders and Community. As I have pointed out before, the Catholic Religious Orders have long collaborated with the Religious Orders of the other Higher Religions and Spiritual Communities. I have attended Weekend Retreats populated by Monks from Catholic, Sufi, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Yogic and Buddhist Orders. They all were comfortable on a large field of common ground.

      Now, about the majority of the world's population being stupid puppets to the secular propaganda that has been handed out by the secular and masonic media for the last three or four hundred years... well, fuck those idiots. why should I care what those deluded morons think? Wisdom is not a democracy. Look at America -- Proof that the Majority can be Wrong.
      You are wondering how it is that I can assert that there is a huge common ground between the Higher Moral Religions and Spiritual Movements and at the same time express that there are many false and Antichristical Sects and Quasi-Religions.
      I'm glad that you can appreciate non-Catholic religions, but I maintain that you are being narrowly judgmental about the value of many other religious traditions. Now I personally don't agree with any religion - hell, I don't even agree with the idea of organized religion - but that does not mean that I don't appreciate some good ideas about how one should live one's life that have come out of various world religions. But, although you seem to have thought quite deeply about your beliefs and don't simply buy into the dogma, the judgments you so insistently level against other religions is rooted in the same intolerance which has lead to religious wars the world over by disregarding cultural influences and devaluing believers in other religions (and certainly going further than your simply calling them “morons”). To call other religions essentially Satanic without citing specific grievances with their beliefs, either stated or implicit, does nothing but further an impression of judgmental intolerance.

      So, a question (and I do mean this seriously and with curiosity, not as a rhetorical device): How do you personally define and distinguish between “Higher Moral Religions/Spiritual Movements” and “false and Antichristical Sects and Quasi-Religions”?
      “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
      - Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

      The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
      - Mohandas Gandhi

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