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    1. #1
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      Quote Originally Posted by Lëzen View Post
      Regardless of whether you used the word "ALL", it renders your statement as a...what was that G word? Oh yeah, "generalization".

      Learn to use the word "some", please, lest you make yourself out to be a generalizing ass.
      Are you a complete idiot?

      How the fuck is the statement "People that instantly reject me as a human being because I question their bronze-aged beliefs affect me." a generalization?

      Funny, I was about to say the same thing in regards to the fact that you don't know jack shit about Christianity - obviously - by asserting, in no uncertain terms, that there is only "one way" to believe in the Christian God. I guess there's no such thing as Catholicism, Protestantism, Methodism, Mormonism, 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses...all of which represent a DIFFERENT take on the SAME religion.

      WHO doesn't understand jackfuck about Christianity, now?
      You. Those are ritualistic and clergy differences, the core of all is exactly the same EXCEPT for a few, such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Everyone else believes that if you truly believe in Jesus as the son of God then you will have everlasting life.

      Ah, yes, the old "It's okay for the minority to hate the majority, but when it happens vice-versa, it's called discrimination" cop-out. Fuck off.
      No, not really. Wtf? Not when the majority is wrong. When did I ever use the word 'discrimination'?

      ...Do I even need to comment? Obviously you are someone of the mindset that if a person identifies with one thing, they and ALL others identify with it must, somehow automatically, adhere to what whatever stereotypes you believe to be associated with them. Because basically, you're saying all religious people are out for power and dominance. Which is basically the same as saying that all parallelograms are rectangles.

      Nevermind. You are an idiot.

    2. #2
      Fan of "That Guy" Lëzen's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by A Roxxor View Post
      Are you a complete idiot?
      Ah, personal insults. Really grown-up of you. I believe you've just shown me your mental age, if not your real one...

      Quote Originally Posted by A Roxxor View Post
      How the fuck is the statement "People that instantly reject me as a human being because I question their bronze-aged beliefs affect me." a generalization?
      Hm. Well, gee. Let's see. You come waltzing into a thread wherein the OP asks for a reason why atheists have such a big problem with theists.

      Theists are the subject.

      Then you lay on a statement like that, which must pertain to - what else - the subject. So in essence, you're saying "Theists are people that instantly reject me as a human being because I question their bronze-aged beliefs affect me." Instead of elaborating, you just leave it at that? What the fuck are people supposed to think, other than that you're implying that ALL theists are "haters who don't like me, boo hoo hoo". Say what you mean and mean what you say, or, as they say on the internet, GTFO.

      Quote Originally Posted by A Roxxor View Post
      You. Those are ritualistic and clergy differences, the core of all is exactly the same EXCEPT for a few, such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Everyone else believes that if you truly believe in Jesus as the son of God then you will have everlasting life.
      So first of all, when did I ever question that Jesus was the son of God? That much is universal for all sects of Christianity. I suggest you reread my post and show me, if you can, where I might have said "some Christians don't believe Jesus is the son of God". Then won't I look foolish?

      All I said (if you remember) was that not all Christians are compelled believe - unquestioningly, anyway - the obviously bullshit aspects of the Bible, like the aforementioned Adam and Eve shit. What it sounds like to me is that you are actually advocating the rigidity and inflexibility of the Christian belief system. Some shit, huh? And here I thought atheists were actually pushing for a world in which theists would come one step closer to embracing that which can be explained logically. I guess not, eh? Because by your attitude, I can basically either believe in God and shun evolution, or vice versa, but not a little bit of both. Whose side are you on again?

      Moreover, I can believe that God exists, that Jesus was His son, and all that whatnot, without having to believe every other thing thus written in the Bible...or any version thereof, for that matter. Can a book full of such fantastic, obviously unrealistic scenarios really be true, or is it more like a fictional book meant to teach people morals? That's for me and me alone to decide, and who the fuck are you to tell me that I'm somehow against my own religion for it?

      Quote Originally Posted by A Roxxor View Post
      No, not really. Wtf? Not when the majority is wrong. When did I ever use the word 'discrimination'?
      You obviously have no clue what discrimination is, if you really have to ask that. Generalizing - which is something you've done oh-so-brilliantly, by the way - is a form of discrimination. Dunno if you knew that, but...now you know.

      And if the majority wants to believe there's an all-powerful wizard man making all the decisions for them, that's their own goddamn business, not yours. So what if that all-powerful wizard man happens to tell them that homosexuality, for example, is wrong? As long as they don't go around openly calling gay people "faggots" and beating the tar out of them and whatnot, it does not directly affect you. So why the hell should you even care?

      ...Obviously because you're obsessive, but that's not the issue here.

      So you disagree with them, and they disagree with you. Cry me a fucking river. If I got depressed every time someone disagreed with me, I'd have committed suicide long ago (or maybe not, since suicide is for the weak IMO). No matter what theists believe, they're no different from anyone else - no more inferior, and definitely no more superior. They still put their pants on one leg at a time. They eat, sleep, fuck, pay bills and die, like anybody else. If they silently shake their heads in disapproval at the (perceived) immoral things you do, why not take it in stride and say "Well, what's wrong for you may not be wrong for me" and go on about your life? Instead of pissing and moaning about it, as you seem to be so good at.

      Quote Originally Posted by A Roxxor View Post
      Nevermind. You are an idiot.
      More juvenile insults...a sure sign of copping-out. A word of advice: Don't waltz into Extended Discussion thinking that all DV members are going to help back up your cockamamie, petty little generalizations based on your own personal experiences.

      ...Okay, so some of them will in fact back you up, but that will only serve to prove my point that some atheists can be just as arrogant, judgmental, and quick to blame the other side as some theists can be at times.

      Notice that I used the word some. That's because even though a lot of atheists I know are complete dickheads, others are just swell people, regardless of what their belief system entails.
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    3. #3
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      Lezen, angry white male.

      Here in Portugal supposedly over 90% of the population is religious but I suspect that among the younger generations the number is much much lower, I haven't seen anyone around my age express religious belief in ages. Every now and then I even test the waters by throwing in a joke about jesus or god and everyone laughs instead of getting offended.

      So mostly I'm good. But I still feel ripped off from having attended to church when I was a kid/pre-teen.
      - Are you an idiot?
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    4. #4
      Rational Spiritualist DrunkenArse's Avatar
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      Lëzen, your whole argument is stupid.

      You don't know what the scientific process is. In science, there are ideas that are just outright trash and not worth the time of day.

      So scientists don't take every idea that comes along seriously. Nor should they. That's a fact. So stop acting like they do.
      Last edited by PhilosopherStoned; 09-24-2009 at 12:57 PM.
      Previously PhilosopherStoned

    5. #5
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by PhilosopherStoned View Post
      Lëzen, your whole argument is stupid.

      You don't know what the scientific process is. In science, there are ideas that are just outright trash and not worth the time of day.

      So scientists don't take every idea that comes along seriously. Nor should they. That's a fact. So stop acting like they do.
      I believe you are actually refering to my argument, and what I said was that that was the ideal scientific perspective. I said nothing about the process. Obviously one would get no where if they didn't build off of the assumptions that they have already made. They ideal scientific perspective, however, knows that they are assumptions and accepts nothing as immutable, or infallible. This perspective knows that anything can turn out to be completely different, even though it continues to operate on these assumptions. No scientist should be afraid of starting over from scratch.

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