This will be my journal in which I'll keep my progress of adapting more strictly to the default Everyman schedule of 3h + 3 x 20 (or 25)

I've started adapting to a polyphasic schedule on November 11th. Due to my personal 'flexible' lifestyle, I have adapted to a completely variable schedule, with hardly any structure in it. It felt good though, but I'm starting back at university in Januari, so I need to get my sleep in a stricter regime.

Here's a pic of my last 2 weeks:
Mind: date is in reverse order, latest day on the top.

As you can see, one big mess, haha.
My color coding: 30 mins of sleep, 20 mins of sleep, +-25 mins with a lucid dream, and the green was intented to represent some physical training, but I stopped noting that in my log.
The thicker black lines represent the ideal nap and sleep times (based on my timeschedule at university).

I found a great tool for keeping track of your sleep
It's very easy to work with and is linked to some scientific research about sleep and I would be very interested to join that too, just to prove their ideas on polyphasic sleeping are incomplete

I'm not sure how often I'll post here. Probably only when I have something special to mention. Or post my journal pics once or twice a week.

As for today, I feel very normal.
I accidentally had my core sleep early in the night, but I felt great for the rest of the day. All naps today were perfect: asleep witin 2 minutes, lucid dreams in morning and noon nap and waking up without problems.