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    1. #51
      The Immortal nayrki's Avatar
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      In your nightmares
      Awesome tasks, I think the bus one is gonna turn up a lot of interesting results.
      Whenever i get on a bus in dreams, usually it ends up going underground

      Advanced Tasks of the month: 2
      Basic Tasks of the month: 1
      Total Tasks of the month: 3

    2. #52
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      so i get lucid in the basement of theis girls house in hawaii im about to go outside and surf but then i remember about that whole holiday themed special task and i was just like not about it, so i decided to go for the public trnsit. I just stopped over by the bus stop and when da transit came a rollin, by, i hopped on. See? Nothing fancy.
      Task:ride a bus
      Method: wait at bus stop.
      anyway so i'm on the bus and whose sittin over in the corner of his shady old bus but jason mraz! or is it jack johnson? I can't really tell, he's like both, but he got a ukelele I bust out my harmonica and we jam for a little bit, then we hop off the bus on the norh shore of the island and do a little bit of that surfing I was plannin, it was great just oerall a very good dream.

    3. #53
      LD's this year: ~7 tommo's Avatar
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      lol That sounds like a very nice dream

    4. #54
      Member LovingLucidity's Avatar
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      The space between


      Woke up this morning early so went back to sleep. I had a frustrating time waking up several times just before actual sleep.

      I started counting each breath like during a WILD trying to quite my mind and relax.

      I must have drifted off then I felt SP. The vibrations were strong and I was hearing knocking noises and had some fears it was real and someone was in the house but I didn't give in since I knew it would pass.

      Then the blackness turned to a white drywall. It was vivid. I got out of my bed and was in my room. (I have had a few WILD's but never in my room like so many people share, so this was cool).

      I looked around and the dream was faded and blurry already. I started to spin but not to fast and everything got vivid and the dream stabilized. Sweet.

      I walked out into the hall and it was daytime and instead of walking down the steps I jumped off the loft over the living room and was falling but then slowed it and landed gently on the ground. What a rush, I almost woke up.

      There was a cop sitting on my back porch drinking coffee, relaxed like it was his house. He saw me through the glass and motioned to talk to me but how could that be a good thing? I didn't.

      I went to the front door of my house (not really my house now but felt like it). I phased through the door and was outside. It was sunny which was cool. A lot of my LD's have been in night settings.

      I remembered the task, both basic and advanced.

      I decided to fly and find a bus. It was so great. I was above several streets and spotted a bus. But I couldn't catch up to it. I tried to speed up but couldn't. I saw another bus but never got to it either. I thought about the Santa sleigh but thought since it was so sunny outside it wasn't a good time to try...WTF?

      There was more to the LD but I can't recall it all because the dream faded to black and I was flying and tried to land to spin...wish I'd started spinning mid air. It faded and I woke up but didn't move. I thought maybe I would get another one so I didn't get up to write every detail down. I wish I would have because there was more to this LD.

      I just fell back asleep.

      I'm stoked about this LD. I had my best WILD! The dream started in my room! I remembered the task and attempted it! And had a great flight with the dream set in daytime!

    5. #55
      LD's this year: ~7 tommo's Avatar
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      Well done on your WILD mate.
      That is (IMO) because you weren't concentrating on actually GETTING a wild.
      So you weren't looking for all the signs "is this a dream yet?" "is this almost sp?" etc. You were just trying to sleep lol.

      Anyway yeh congrats even though you didn't get the task. Or maybe Ninja will cut you a break? hehe

    6. #56
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      So close, you'll get there next time, I know it

    7. #57
      Member LovingLucidity's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      So close, you'll get there next time, I know it
      Thanks ninja...

      Next time I will teleport!
      Last edited by LovingLucidity; 12-11-2008 at 06:46 AM. Reason: adding

    8. #58
      Impulsive Flyer Achievements:
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      Yosemine's Avatar
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      Nice basic task. I really do like having very little influence on my dream, save some flight.

      Now, of course, I have to get lucid. Considering I haven't recalled any dreams, save a few, for the past few months however, I don't see how I'll get lucid to begin with. Stupid school gets in the way of freaking everything.
      My Dream Journal All comments are welcome!
      (Total lucid dreams: 57)
      2009 DILDs: 3
      2009 WILDs: 0

    9. #59
      Lurker Big Buck104's Avatar
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      I finished the public transit one, last night.

      I climbed into a subway, and all was going normal before I decided to get out.

      When I stepped out, I was in a very cold ocean, trapped under a large block of ice.

      I decided to wake up, because I was sort of scared, lol.

      Riding On Santa's Sled
      when I became lucid, I told myself I wanted to go to the north pole.
      as i have never seen the pole, I imagined a place like you see in the movies, with all the little elves running around.
      It was pretty normal, but the elves had no hats, and looked a little demonic.
      I found out where the sled was, and there was santa in it getting ready to take off, but he wasn't fat, and where his face should have been was only a hole, but he had a voice, just like the one you hear in movies, and I got in, and we took off (strangely, there were no reigndeer), and it was just like flying, except that instead of being self supported, I was in the sled.


    10. #60
      Member LovingLucidity's Avatar
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      The space between

      close again...

      This Ld was long and vivid but for some reason a lot of details evaporated quickly when I woke up. Font in bold below is specific to task.

      Was in a city. huge crowd begins to panic and run. I run with it into a building. Not sure why, I kinda "knew" it was some sickness or plague.

      It was so intense I asked myself "is this a dream" and got lucid.

      I left the panic and dream scenario and started to explore the building.

      It seemed to be a place you train swimmers. Also other pools of water...I felt like I was uncovering some mystery.

      A black man, thin and bald, like the guy on Hero's that can erase your memory kept showing up at different places. He said stuff but I can't remember what.

      Then was near a desk and stared at a phone and some paperwork to increase vividness and prolong the dream. It worked. I saw the paper's and wanted to read it but I knocked it on the ground. (I've never read in a dream and want to try)

      Then the bald man appeared again and said something to me distracting me from reading it. I think it was something like "your not supposed to be here" or "You need to leave" or that was thegeneral feeling I was having.

      I thought maybe this guy is another dreamer cause he kept showing up and was a smart DC.

      I wanted to lose him so I went down a hall and decided to phase my way through the walls out of the building. I phased through about four walls and stopped thinking I must have lost him by now.

      Then I remembered the task to ride public transit and that I wanted to transport to it. But I didn't. Well I sort of did, I said to myself the next door will lead to the inside of an airplane. However I forced the preconceived idea of a bus. Wish I had went with my initial thought.

      So I went through the door and was in a locker room. Like an employee locker room not a gym. Instead of exploring I did the same thing. Next door will be a Bus. The next door was an elevator. I pushed the button then another guy came up and was waiting and it bothered me because how was I going to get to the bus.

      Then I woke up.

      Great Lucid for me. I was around people, had conversations (can't remember) but I know I did. Had a smart DC and remembered the task and attempted it twice. It was very vivid and relatively long to my other LD's.

    11. #61
      King of All Wild Things Tarsier's Avatar
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      I'm going to try the basic task. I've never done one of these before. Maybe I'll try to get the bus to drop me off at the north pole =P
      LDs since joining DV:
      last LD: Wednesday, March 31, 2010

    12. #62
      Member rdog's Avatar
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      i think i did it

      Hey ninja, I just posted one of my first dreams today, but I've been in the lucid dreaming process for a few monthes now. A few days ago, I dreamt that I was meditating with my dad, and a thought came into my head wondering if I was dreaming. I read a street sign and figured I was since the big YIELD sign was a different colour, and it suddenly changed to a green light. Anyways, I became lucid, and jumped on a bus that was going two ways, there were two different drivers. I wanted to go to my home hockey arena, and before I knew it, I was there. Then the dream went on, with me losing lucidity shortly after.

      I was just wondering, I dreamt this before I knew that it was a task this month, so does it really count??

      Btw Ninja, I have been an ongoing reader of your dream journal, and keep it up, love the dreams lol

    13. #63
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      What day did you do it? If it was in December then you can get wings, if it was before then you gotta do it again.

      I almost had it last night, I couldn't find a taxi so I rode a van instead Damn

    14. #64
      Member rdog's Avatar
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      Last week

      I see in my journal that it was on December 4th.
      But again, I didn't know that it was the task...

    15. #65
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      A few nights ago I tried to find Santa's sleigh again, but I couldn't even get out of the building I was in first.

      A couple nights ago I had a normal dream where I was riding in a bus...

      Last night I finally got the basic task, but it took me four lucid dreams to even get it done and even then I just barely got it.

      In the first lucid I had, I was driving some Army guy around and I was going to try to get rid of him and find some public transportation, but I woke up.

      The next lucid I had, I was next to a busy street. There were a bunch of buses going by on it, but I couldn't get any of them to stop for me. I jumped out in front of some of them, but they just went around me.

      In my next lucid I car jacked a guy that looked like the Haitian from Heroes. I told him to take me to a bus. I ended up seeing some cop cars while he was driving me around. I was starting to lose control of the dream so I decided maybe getting arrested and riding in a cop car would count a public transportation . I got over to the cop cars and talked to one cop lady, but I woke up.

      Finally in my last LD of the night, I lost visuals in it, but I could still feel the ground. I re-imagined the scene with a taxi in it. It worked, but the taxi was upside down in a ditch. I was easily able to lift the taxi out. I tried to get in the passenger's side, but there was no door there. I went around to the driver's side and opened the back door. I yelled at the driver to drive even before I was completely in because I was starting to lose the dream again. He immediately took off and I hopped in. I noticed something strange about his side view mirror and then I woke up.

      My public transportation was rather brief, but at least I finally got it. I've had two other lucid experiences of being driven around by people this month, so I don't feel like I missed out on much as far as having the experience goes anyway.

      I'm still going to keep trying for Santa's sleigh though.

    16. #66
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      Heh, I've riden in buses a lot in my dreams XD (And all the buses are shining new and when you ride them, you fell like the bus is floating ) Though none of those dreams were LD's
      It'll be easy if I'm gonna become Lucid near my home 'cause there's a bus stop near there

      Though I don't think I've ever dreamt of Santa

      But I'm still gonna try it when I become lucid!
      Wanna see my art? go here

    17. #67
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      You'll get lucid on a bus soon.

    18. #68
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      I hope so!
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    19. #69
      Aconitum delphinifolium Wolfsbane's Avatar
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      Geez, that advanced task is hard. I tried so desperately to believe in Santa. I didn't even think of going to the North Pole.

      There's a little bit more that I left out (it's really not relevant), but it's in my DJ.

      Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsbane View Post
      I had a couple dreams before this, but I can't remember anything.

      I was in India with a friend, and we were sitting on a cliff and looking at the city's skyline below. There were two stereotypical Indian men there, and one was trying to get my friend's number. We took some pictures, got bored and went back to my house. When we got there, I went upstairs and realized I was dreaming. This wasn't a very clear or very lucid dream, though. I tried to think of something to do, and then remembered the monthly task. I stood in the spare bedroom and tried to summon Santa. I kept thinking, "Santa WILL come here. Santa exists!" But the jerk never showed up. I kept trying to summon a sleigh, and all I got was a magical flying coffee can and a flying dog. We flew out the window, and then I tried to make it dark outside. I closed my eyes and thought of darkness, but I felt like I was going to fall off and stopped. This is about the time I lost lucidity.

      We kept flying over fences and backyards, and I was still able to control the flying coffee can I was sitting on. We ended up in a setting that I think was exactly the same as another dream. There was an engaged couple who were nomads. I discreetly flew above them and watched them walking by houses. They stopped at every chance they got to get it on. Horny people. I don't think they even wore any clothes because it would get in the way of on-the-spot love making. They reminded me of Adam and Eve in all their nudity.

      They went to their parents' house (finally clothed) where they were having a BBQ. The woman excused herself to go to the garage, and the next thing they heard was a man's voice and a lot of moaning. AWKWAAAARD. I sat down at the table to get some food, and as soon as I did the grandpa ate a huge piece of amazing-looking brownies and then shoved the pan away from me so I wouldn't "spoil my dinner." What a freaking jerkface.

      When the woman came out of the garage, she and her husband got into an argument that ended with, "YES, I AM HAVING AN AFFAIR!" I think she was cheating because her husband didn't want to experiment in the bedroom.

      Dream Journal (Now with visuals!)

    20. #70
      Member deepsleep's Avatar
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      I have a feeling it would be quite easy to dream about Santa if your a little kid and you believe in him ( i dont and im not a little kid ) especially with Christmas coming up..

      ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
      (¸.•´ (¸.• DeepSleep

    21. #71
      Member LovingLucidity's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsbane View Post
      Geez, that advanced task is hard. I tried so desperately to believe in Santa. I didn't even think of going to the North Pole.

      There's a little bit more that I left out (it's really not relevant), but it's in my DJ.

      Nice try.

    22. #72
      Member rdog's Avatar
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      I flew up, and through the ceiling, I tried to tell myself that santa's sleigh was behind me, which is the task of the month. I turned around, and all I saw were a couple in the sky, kissing, and on the verge of having sex I think.

      LOL, that was an excerpt from my dream journal!
      I'll keep trying to get the advanced!
      Lucid Dreams Since Joining - 3
      "Set out each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for amazing things."-Josh Hinds

    23. #73
      Member blue_space87's Avatar
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      From reading back at previous lucid tasks, most of the previous seem much better in comparison to the present (I.e. fly to the center of the sun and back; witness the end of the world).

      What REALLY would be amazing, would be to fly through earth, past the solar system, galaxy, cluster, etc - to see how far you persue space; to see if you discover more celestial bodies, such as; a superuniverse or such

    24. #74
      LD's this year: ~7 tommo's Avatar
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      Then complete the task and suggest it in the VIP section lol

    25. #75
      Aconitum delphinifolium Wolfsbane's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by LovingLucidity View Post
      Nice try.
      Thanks! I got a little bit closer last night.

      rdog: A couple having sex helped ruin my LD, too.

      Quote Originally Posted by DJ Excerpt
      We waited silently, taking only shallow breaths. I watched the base of the door for shadow movements, and then I saw something walk by. I opened the door and saw a line of shadow children prancing down the stairs. I tried to grab one, but they moved out of my reach. The whole time I kept thinking, "This is real! but this can't be real!" Freaked out, I went back into my room and shut the door...

      I screamed to wake myself up, and then I was laying in my bed. I chewed on my lip and saw shadowed movements in my room. I screamed and thrashed and kept trying to wake up. In one FA, I thought I was still asleep because it was so hard to keep my eyes open. In the next FA, everything seemed normal, and I was able to stay awake. I scratched at my face and felt nothing and then questioned if that should hurt or not. When I reached for my (still tender) cartilage piercing, I pulled the blanket up over my ear because I was afraid of something seeing me do my RCs. Just before I reached my ear, I felt something scamper over the top of my sheets. All I saw was a brief shadow, but I think it was a big tarantula. I screamed some more, but I still couldn't wake up.

      I gave up and became fully lucid. For the final RC, I punched my window out and made sure to step on the glass shards. As I crawled outside, I saw Carrilyn in the room I had just left. I was in a New York sort of place, and the building I was was entirely tinted window panes. As I scaled the side of the building, I thought to myself, "What if I'm sleepwalking right now? Carrilyn's stepdad would be so mad at me..." As I got closer to the top of the building, the windows became clear blue like the Hawaiian shores. I kept saying, "When I get to the top, I will be able to fly. I will fly to the North Pole." I got to the top, and none other than SANTA CLAUS himself was up there! "Oh Santa, I knew you were real! Can you take me to the North Pole?"

      He agreed but said that I couldn't ask for anything else, and said that I had to say goodbye to all of my dream friends first (all of the ones I made in the previous dream). They were all talking ornaments in boxes, but my dream self didn't seem phased by that. I kissed all of my friends goodbye and said that I would never forget them. I felt the dream slipping away, and so I let it go and woke up (for real this time).

      I got a little closer to December's task... Maybe next time.

      I sat up in bed (and chewed my lip for an RC), and I looked at my mirror. I swear to God I saw Santa's sleigh on my wall! It looked like a painting of black lines similar to other drawings on my walls. I saw the sleigh and reindeer move across my wall. They moved out of the mirror's sight and were gone. It was a pretty detailed painting, too. It was small, but I could see the reins and jingle bells. What the hell...
      Dream Journal (Now with visuals!)

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