had an amazing series of lucids last night. it started back at my old school. i was generally causing mischief and when i realised i wasnt being punished i knew it was a dream. it was good fun so rather than fly or anything i just thought id have a laugh by messing around. i was back in my old form room and just singing songs. mostly about how crap the school was and how education is a load of shit designed to train people into being good obedient little slaves. i even did the old thing we used to do where you make a really long tone without moving your mouth so no one knows who is doing it. its great to be childish sometimes. anyway theis went a bit more dreamy and the characters changed a little. a rapper was sat in the corner and i think for some reason this sparked the next part.

in order to pacify me from being such a disruption, the teacher came across and gave me a joint. around this point something really amazing happened. i became fully aware of my body lying in bed. normally this would destabilise, yet the dream was as solid as ever. the teacher kind of morphed into this black guy with an afro and i started ruffling his hair, messing around and telling him it was a dream as a reminder to me. it felt amazing and he laughed as it stabilised the dream. i knew that i was lying in bed, yet still locked into this real dream. if i opened my eyes i would be back awake instantly i felt, but i thought i would be able to go back this time. i opened them and awoke completely, but then concentrated on getting back. i wouldnt class it as a proper wild because there was stilla gap in consciousness. i still had the spliff id been given so started to smoke that. this was the weirdest thing ever because i was 100% awake and aware of my body in bed, yet smoking a spliff in a dream that felt 100% real, taste smell, smoke everything...

after that i drifted back awake briefly, then decided to go back to another dream. i was still with schoolmates, but this time i was driving a rally car. it was a dream where it switches between 1st and 3rd person view, unfortunately normally as the car started to go round big corners. as soon as i hit the corners it would switch to me sat there with a computer controller trying to swing it round but without any kind of good view of the car. i got out of the car and started kicking a football around. someone kicked it away so i went to get it and thumped it back hard. it smacked someone on the ass and knocked them over so i apologised. we walked towards this building and it all felt like a school pe lesson. we got into our swimming stuff and dived into the pool. for some reason we had too much kit on our upper bodies, so i couldnt breaststroke properly, which put me off.

later i realised i was back at my old work again (tes). this was a pretty good lucid reminder but i must concentrate on it because its the worst feeling ever to waste such a vivd dream there. i met an old unrelated friend and we chatted about what we are up to over christmas. probably because he supports the same team and is from the same town as the team i watched last night. cant remember much more for now