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    1. #1
      Is FaTaL Achievements:
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      iFaTaL's WILD Group

      A couple weeks ago, I made a group that mainly discusses WILDing in general. I thought it would be a good idea to post our progress.

      If you want to make your own group click here.

      So in this thread I will update you guys with the different ways we induce sleep paralysis, transition into a dream, different things we do to WILD and etc.

      I wont be posting everything we say just the things that I think would be good to share with the community.

      If you would like to read all of our discussion then click here.

      Group Members:

      1. iFaTaL
      2. Shadow27
      3. Raspberry
      4. Refrain
      5. Katsuno
      6. siuol

      Feel free to comment



      I have been thinking something for with WILDs. People tell other people that you need to go to sleep to WILD which is true but I think people take it the wrong way as in actually trying to fall asleep.

      The problem with this is that if you fall back asleep, can't WILD. So instead of trying to go to sleep, you want to relax and calm your self down so you body thinks you are actually asleep. Then SP kicks in and all that stuff.

      Another problem that I see around the forum is people thinking to much about WILDING or trying to hard to WILD. I see people looking specifically for HI, HS, and SP. But if your looking for that, you can't fall asleep and if you can't fall asleep you can't get into SP and later on into a lucid dream.

      Now you guys might be a little confused because I just said that you shouldn't fall a sleep when you WILD. What I meant is like this:

      Think to you self right now. How to you fall asleep? You lay in bed and you let your mind wander. Then eventually you fall a sleep

      Now if you thinking about SP and WILDING when you try to WILD, you not letting your mind wander. You thinking about something as if you were awake. Thats why if you ever wake up in the morning and you just lay in bed thinking about things and your as still as a rock, you don't go into SP or see any HI.

      Sorry if that is confusing.

      So now every time I try to WILD, I wont try to fall asleep I will lay back relax and let my mind wander. My mind will be my anchor.


      Hey, all of you!
      So I've read your comments so far and I've had similar experiences.
      When I try to WILD I meditate and focus on a word (A person in my dream said it's a special word). So far I only get to sp but then I freak out because everytime I hear some monster voices shouting at me (I have very bad nightmares lately, about 1 a night O.o).
      I try wilding before having slept every day (no success but sometimes sp) and on weekend with wbtb. But I think I'm close to finding the missing piece of the puzzle ^^
      And thank you again for inviting me to the group


      I went to sleep at 10 and woke up at 2. I didn't wild but then I woke up at 4 again to try to wbtb and wild. I got up just long enough to go to the bathroom and get a drink. I did this with the lights turned off. When I got back to bed I lay on my side and try to wild. I started to get uncomfortable and I rolled over onto my other side. After about 20 minutes I had this sudden intense vibration in my chest, but It went away. I think it is because I started concentrating on it ( this also happened in my other wild attempt) I was mad at myself and I rolled over onto my stomach and tried again. After laying there for about and hour and a half more I just gave up. Then I couldn't fall asleep! I stayed up for about 3 hours . I eventually did fall asleep, but only for about 20 minutes to have a nightmare.

      But from failing comes learning and I have learned when I get vibrations not to focus on them or even pay attention. I also take this as another opportunity to WILD during a nap today! You can always find a bright side in everything!


      Refrain, exactly this happened to me some time ago!
      I found out that I can fall asleep much easier when I focus on my breath and don't think about thinking nothing (What I mean with it: Just let your mind wander)
      When you focus on falling asleep it makes you more awake (at least thats what happens to me) and when I just try to relax and focus on breathing (without any thoughts on wild or ld) I fall asleep within 5 minutes even when I'm wide awake.
      And for the being tired thingy, when I try WILD while being tired I loose concentration too fast and just pass out.
      Well but it differs from person to person doesn't it ?
      About 1 month ago I did a challenge that turned out really bad but in the end I learned much from it.
      I made a bet with my friend and the challenge was to get into sp by not moving. The person who falls asleep without having a wild or at least getting into sp looses.
      So I went to bed and did not move.
      .....Well after the night I ended up without being able to sleep at all and I wasn't moving for about 6 hours but I didn't get into sp. After about 8 hours I just passed out because of exhaustion.
      So I had 1 hour of sleep that night and had school next day
      But I learned that when you try something too hard you will just get the opposite and that getting into sp has nothing (or not much) to do with moving but with your mindset.
      On my first Wild I ever had I rolled over and in the next 10 seconds I was in sp and that was mostly because I did not even think about Wild that night. I was just laying in my bed thinking about a story and suddenly I noticed I was in sp and then I had a Wild.
      Well I hope this helps


      ok so today i woke up from a quiet alarm, just loud enough to do its job, tried to wild and instantly passed out. snooze came on, same story but i stayed up for a minute to turn off the alarm. im going to try getting up and going to the bathroom or lying down on my back, but i can tell this is going to be a battle of finding the balance between wakefullness and exhaustion. anyway i woke up naturally for a few attempts, and one i got far. i was actually haveing a non lucid dream for 5-10 minutes just from letting my mind wander, but i could still feel my body, which was numb but i dont think it was sp. it was strange, and then i got interested in what my body was doing and i shifted my attention slightly to it. then i got the usual transition feeling i can never get past, my body got almost a chill through it, a feeling like pins and needles in my brain (but not really unpleasent), falling, and this time it was new because i saw very very faint purple orbs floating around. thats when i failed and i went back to only being numb. i was calm, but payed to much attention, i think this is like if your daydreaming and arent aware of anything, and then you snap back to what the teachers saying, and in this i have to keep ignoring the teacher.


      I had a fail at wilding today. I can't even remember if I tried to WILD. I'm pretty sure I did try to WILD but I passed out in the process .

      @Posts Above:

      Yeah I have also heard that WILDS cause more vivid, longer lucid dreams. I also like them because you don't need to really do reality checks every day and you can basically have a lucid dream everyday if you master WILDING.

      Other Stuff:

      Once our group can have multiple WILDS without any effort, we should all put together a WILD tutorial or something or then turn our group into a lucid dream studies group.

      Meaning, we go into a lucid dream and test out the different things we can do for example:

      1. Prolonging a dream
      2. Shared Dreaming


      Can anyone give any tips into getting into SP because I can never get into it. I relax and relax don't think about SP, wilding or any of that stuff and all I get is a little numbness in my hands and a tingle all over my body. I know that SP varies for different people but I need away to tell if i'm about to WILD or not. I have never had any HI or anything like that and the closest to SP that I have ever gotten is waking up and only being able to move a little.

      Any help/ tips?


      Well iFatal, your're right, SP differs from one person to another. I've heard of people who don't even have sp at all when Wilding. Maybe the little numbness you have is all you get. But from my own experience I know how you feel. I often have just a little numbness and give up then. The only times I get into a full body paralyze is when 1. I listen to music and totally get lost in my thoughts until I notice that the music is over or 2. I just think about an amazing story until I get lost in my thoughts and get conscious again.
      Either way, it only happens when I don't try observe it at all. When I try to get into sp by force, I notice how my body slowly gets numb and then I get too excited again and I've got the same problem as you.
      You could try to just go to bed not with the goal of sleeping or getting into sp, but thinking about something/ listening to music/ meditation or whatever you want and as a side effect, don't move


      can someone also explain to me what reverse blinking is?


      Gonna try them next time I got to bed. Normally I listen to a 1 hour chill-trance mix that puts me (like the name of the music ) into a trance.
      Well for the reverse blinking: I read that it is a technique that should put you into a trance/sp like feeling faster when attempting wild. You can do it by having your eyes closed and about every 5-10 seconds open them for just a short moment like when you blink. It's basically just blinking but reverse ^^
      I tried this one time and it relaxed my eyes so that I could only open them with force again. Pretty nice technique if you are not very sleepy and you can't close your eyes easily


      is it completely impossible or just really hard to wild before bed? 2 nights ago i got 3 hours of sleep, and stayed up untill 2 last night(morning). i was just watching vids and listening to music (not yet tired for some reason), and eventually my eyes were stinging from exhaustion. i got really relaxed and comfortable, and it felt like i had been in bed for hours (well i was, but that feeling that makes you not want to get up in the morning) my mind started wandering of its own accord, and i had a vivid daydream/dream. it was strange i wasnt really unconcious yet it was a non lucid dream, and i snapped back for a second and i hallucinated a glow in the dark calender with wierd symbols on my wall. i maybe could have tried wild here but i thought it was impossible so just went to sleep for good.


      That's exactly what I get when I'm really tired. It is possible to WILD before sleeping but most people just don't do it because it's really hard, the dream's crap quality and you can just do it during a WBTB anyway.

      My recall is getting better and my sleep cycle is adjusting so I should be able to start attempting WILDs again soon
      Current status: Practicing my WILD method.

      2012 Dream Stats:

      [42] Dreams Recalled
      [1] Lucid Dreams

    2. #2
      DreamStalker Achievements:
      1000 Hall Points Veteran First Class
      LucidPower's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2009
      LD Count
      very interesting concept
      Dreaming Is Anybodys Game But Being Lucid...Now Thats Earned
      All hail the Lucid Dreaming Bible 'Exploring the world of Lucid dreaming'

      WILDs= 150+
      DILD= 50+
      WBTB+WILD= 100

      Total LD's: 300+

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