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      Dreamer Phoenix422's Avatar
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      WILD Anchor - Need Advice


      I've only ever WILD'd two times, one of them been completely unintentional. The last couple of times I've tried, I've failed though. I'm either two awake and eventually end up falling asleep or I fail while attempting it for some reason or other.

      I tend to use two anchors to try and WILD successfully. The first one is that I visualise myself on a trampoline and, with every jump, I see 1. I'm dreaming on the wall, counting up to ten and starting again. If my mind starts to wander in any way, I start from the beginning. Also, sometimes I'll count in my head, other times I won't.

      Is this a good enough anchor or should I try something different that might work better?

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      I use mantras and sometimes I try to invoke a feeling of movement. But there are other anchors. The ones you are using sound great. Everybody is different, so what works for me may not work for you. Here is a great WILD (sageous) tutorial, which explains the whole process in great detail.

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      Those ideas are great. For my anchors, I listen to the whirring of the fan while doing my mantras. My mantra is usually something like "when i open my eyes, it's a dream". Other times, I focus on my breath and count along with each one.

      Definitely check out what gab linked.

      Good luck!

      Maybe it's a dream and if I scream, it will burst at the seams.

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      Quote Originally Posted by paigeyemps View Post
      Those ideas are great. For my anchors, I listen to the whirring of the fan while doing my mantras. My mantra is usually something like "when i open my eyes, it's a dream". Other times, I focus on my breath and count along with each one.

      Definitely check out what gab linked.

      Good luck!
      As soon as I heard about anchors my first thought was The fan in my room! That night I found out that the fan makes absolutely no noise, even on its highest settings

      I have been practicing a few anchors for the last few weeks. Hoping to find one that suits me.

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      Thank you for all the advice! I've been trying different anchors and reading the WILD tutorials but, lately, it just doesn't seem to be working.

      Every night I relax myself and say two mantras, "I have long, amazing, vivid dreams which I remember perfectly" and "I wake up after every dream and remember them" before going to sleep, and they tend to work perfectly. I always wake up around 5/6 am in the morning and it's then that I get up out of bed quickly, say my mantras about lucid dreaming and recalls and go back to bed. I'm normally quite tired around this point and I do start to feel this tingling all over my body, but nothing ever happens. I just end up waking up too much while lying there or I'll end up getting pins and needles in my hands.

      Anything I'm doing wrong? The last time I had my false awakening, it happened rather quickly. I was woken up from sleep by my friend rather than waking up naturally from a dream. Would WBTB-WILD work better if I set my alarm to wake me up an hour or half an hour after falling back asleep? I've been trying FILD as well for when I wake up at 3 in the morning, but I tend to be most comfortable when sleeping on my side and I'm not sure if it only works when lying on your back or not.

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      Your mantra is very long, I think mantras should be shorter. There is a tutorial on how to make mantras on here.

      If you have only had 2 LDs, then it might just be hard to get the dream feeling. I am finding WILD easier with the more LDs I already have. (Had a WILD yestersay )

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      I agree ^

      Try to keep it short, because the more you repeat it, it'll be easier to forget the words and make it lose its meaning if it's a long sentence. But if it works for you, go ahead and use it.

      Maybe it's a dream and if I scream, it will burst at the seams.

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      I might shorten it just to, "I have vivid dreams which I remember perfectly" and "I wake up after my dreams and remember them" Those are what I say before bed when I want to improve my dream recall and, I must say, they always work for me. My dream recall used to be terrible and then, soon as I started with these two, I was having three dreams a night!

      When I want to try for a lucid dream before attempting a WILD or a FILD, I normally use the mantras, "I lucid dream" and "I reality check" before lying down to sleep again.

      If I'm trying for a DILD (which I haven't had so far, sadly), I'll say "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realise that I'm dreaming" and "The next time I look at my hands, I will be dreaming." I hope those aren't too long.

      As for when I attempt WILDs, I say, "1. I'm dreaming" and then count up to 10 and start again. I visualise when doing it and it normally helps to know when my mind starts drifting off, but nothing ever seems to happen from it now. Maybe it's because I'm too undecided on a chosen anchor or I don't really know to expect?

      The last two times, I've had a tingling sensation vibrating through my body and then, for a minute, I'll see just black and feel as if I'm being pulled into something while my arms will get this weird sensation as if I want to lift them up. I'll stay still and wait but then nothing happens and I'll just be lying there, awake. Lying on my back doesn't really help - I'll get these sensations as if I'm rocking from side to side or falling, but nothing else.

      I might try using a low alarm this time and also try and keep myself from wanting a WILD too much. Maybe I'm so hopeful for one that my expectations and attempts to concentrate on my anchor are waking me up too much? I have to remember that getting comfortable and falling asleep is the main priority and keeping my mind conscious has to be done as if second nature. ^^

      Are the mantras ok? I do reality checks during the day, such as checking my hands, but they never come up in my dreams.

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      If I'm trying for a DILD (which I haven't had so far, sadly), I'll say "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realise that I'm dreaming" and "The next time I look at my hands, I will be dreaming." I hope those aren't too long
      I'd probably wanna change the first one. It requires you to know that you're dreaming for you to know you're dreaming. It kinda loops on itself. "The next time I'm dreaming" means you have to know it's a dream. But the thing is you won't know it then, so that might not be effective. You know what I mean?

      The second one is alright, though if it were me, I'd probably use something like "If I look at my hands, I'm dreaming". It's much shorter but still holds the same thought. It's up to you though. Just try out different things and see which works for you

      Maybe it's a dream and if I scream, it will burst at the seams.

      sigpic by kraom

    10. #10
      Dreamer Phoenix422's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by paigeyemps View Post
      I'd probably wanna change the first one. It requires you to know that you're dreaming for you to know you're dreaming. It kinda loops on itself. "The next time I'm dreaming" means you have to know it's a dream. But the thing is you won't know it then, so that might not be effective. You know what I mean?

      The second one is alright, though if it were me, I'd probably use something like "If I look at my hands, I'm dreaming". It's much shorter but still holds the same thought. It's up to you though. Just try out different things and see which works for you
      I see what you mean about, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realise that I'm dreaming". Errrm, would "I will become lucid in my dreams", or "I will have a lucid dream tonight" be better for a DILD?

      Are "I lucid dream" and "I reality check" ok for WILD or should I make them, "I have lucid dreams" and "I do reality checks in my dreams"?

      Thank you for been so helpful! ^^

      "If I look at my hands, I'm dreaming", is pretty good. I chose only that one because that's the recall that normally works for me best. That been said, in my dreams I do see text quite frequently and encounter problems with the lights, but I never seem to stay long enough to really consider that I might be dreaming. Just my luck.

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      Those sound alright Try to stick to present tenses though, whatever mantra you decide to use. The really important thing is the thought and meaning behind it. Make sure it is something that helps you remember, and really catches your attention. One tip I can give you though, is to make them sound like commands. For example, when I use my mantra "pay attention" and "look at the sky", they seem like commands I am telling myself. Oh and another thing: it might be good to do those mantras WHILE you are in waking life. In my case, before I do reality checks in the day, I tell myself "pay attention" or "look at the sky". THEN I do the reality checks. So whenever I do the mantras later on, it's much easier to remember when dreaming, and whenever I remember it, I automatically get a snap and I reality check.

      So what I am trying to say is the words don't matter as much as the thought you are trying to convey. You can use "chicken bananas" for your mantra, and as long as it is meaningful to YOU and reminds you to do what you have to do, then that would work. Haha

      Maybe it's a dream and if I scream, it will burst at the seams.

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    12. #12
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      Ah, I see about the matras! Whenever I do them before bed, I try and say them with conviction and honestly believe that they're going to happen! As for during the day, I normally just ask myself, "Am I dreaming?" and then try the two reality checks I normally do before inspecting my surroundings and retracing my steps. Would adding mantras help?

      Ok, I'll try and keep them present tense and make them sound like commands. ^^ So, these are what I have:

      Dream Recall
      "I have vivid dreams which I remember perfectly" and "I wake up after my dreams and remember them".
      MILD + DILD
      "If I look at my hands, I'm dreaming" and "I become lucid in my dreams".
      "I lucid dream" and "I reality check"

      Is that all ok? ^^

      Now I just need to figure out how to WILD and FILD successfully. Just cannot seem to make them work lately; especially WILD. I just end up laying there in bed, awake. Sometimes I feel as if I'm being pulled into something and about to feel my dream body, but then nothing happens.
      Last edited by Phoenix422; 11-04-2012 at 07:17 PM.

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