Well I woke up this morning,and no-one was home. So I decided to try to WILD. At 1st I was very close. I was lieng still on my back for nearly 25 minutes,and suddenly I tried moving my fingers but I couldn't. I knew I was in SP. I started seeing mini hallucinations. they were kind of like mini dreams. One was that I was in my apartment and I saw this elderly couple,and they were asking me how high the elevator goes up to. Then it transitioned to me walking around my block. Then it went back into blackness. I started hearing things. I heard static waves and a hair blow dryer,and I got freaked out and ended up waking up. I tried again several minutes later. I again fell into SP,and just before I started getting hallucinations, my ipod(which i keep near my bed because I use it as my Dream journal) but I got jolted awake because I got a loud notification from my ipod telling me to update one of my apps. -__- I woke up mad because of my ipod and did a RC just to make sure it wasnt a FA. I'm happy that I got pretty close I was about to quit lucid dreaming a couple of days ago because I've been on a dry spell since the beginning of the month,but now I feel motivated again. I will keep you guys updated. I'm trying WILD again tonight. Should I mix it with WBTB?