Hello Everyone, I used to frequent these forums back when I was 12-13 years old and was an absolute fanatic about lucid dreaming, I practiced and practiced and eventually made it to where I could DILD once every week/every other week, but being so young I was never able to truly grasp WILDing. It always stayed a goal that was out of reach, I never got to realize what Sleep Paralysis felt like,or the actually ability to transition into a dream state from a waking state, I would always try though and eventually, with no results, I gave up. I gave up on lucid dreaming as a whole because I never had the time and my lucidity became short lived and less frequent. The reason I feel like I was never able to WILD, or even get to sleep paralysis, was because of the way it was always described here. For beginners that have no grasp on what it feels like it is something that is almost intangible to teach without prior experience. Over the past few years I have started to experience nights that I would wake up in sleep paralysis, I used to dismiss it as dreaming but the more frequent it became the more aware I was that it was indeed SP. It was a feeling like when you get when your arm or leg falls asleep, the vibrations without the "pins and needles" twinge. Well my SP experiences became a lot more intense the more I became aware of them, I wasn't able to really do anything with these experiences because they were often short lived as I came back to consciousness. After multiples occasions of experience this, I decided to use my innate ability to wake up at any time without the need of an alarm clock to try something, to try WILDing. Last night I ended up having my most intense SP spell yet, where I was able to feel my arms almost "fall out" of my real body. I became too aware and the SP wore off and so I decided a second attempt. I fell back asleep and woke up again, trying to transition, well, this time it worked, because of the state I was in I wasn't able to remember much of the process, just the sleep paralysis and ending up in my dream room and realizing I finally pulled off a WILD, it took me 6 years but I finally reached my goal. Now the reason why I am telling you this story about my first WILD experience is because I believe that I can help explain the FEELINGS you get in the stages, believe me, I am no expert, but I have opened the door up for myself mainly because I have really dived into why I was able to finally obtain my goal.

1. Becoming Less Aware of Your Body - I know this sounds kind of strange but hear me out on this. Any time I have been able to start transition into a dream state from sleep paralysis, or into paralysis in general, it was always when I wasn't as aware of my body, and more aware of my mind. I was more focused on internal thoughts than external sensations. This is without saying that focusing too hard on thoughts will make you too awake and break it.

2. Timing - Timing is everything, and what I mean by this is two different events. a.) When you decide to try and WILD. b.) What your mental state is when WILDing. I have noticed that no matter how you cut this cookie is that it is nearly impossible unless you are in the right mental state. Some people will probably find this easier when you nap, but I have found this most effective when you are just waking up out of a dream or out of sleep. What I mean by mental state is that groggy/hazy feeling you get when you are on the sleep boundary, where you could easily go from completely awake or completely asleep. I have personally only been able to reach this boundary via exiting sleep. I believe it allows for super easy transition into sleep paralysis and into a dream state. I have never been able to reach SP or a dream state from that without being on the sleep boundary. Any time I try to nap and transition or go from being really awake into a dream state it doesn't work.

3. Experience - I know this sounds really odd to those who are reading this and are trying to get into WILDing, but unless you have truly felt those feeling you get when you are in sleep paralysis, that feeling of being on the edge of sleep, barely aware of anything other than your own mind, the physical cues you get when you know you are transitioning, no matter what it will always be a struggle to teach, it was like someone trying to describe a color. Until you feel some of these things it won't truly make sense what these great WILDers on this site have shared.

This was just my two cents on this important milestone of mine. I am now 18 almost 19 and I have finally figured out how to obtain a WILD. With my ability to wake up whenever after I have fallen asleep is a great asset to me and makes the process a lot easier. Like I said, please only take this as guiding words, not anything more than that, I wanted to share my experience and how it could possibly help or guide some of these newer people on how to WILD. Remember I am no expert nor do I claim to be, and if anybody has any comments they would like to add I am always open to discussion. Thanks for the read!