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    Thread: Can you attained lucidity through sleep paralysis

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    1. #1
      Member HelloBro123's Avatar
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      Can you attained lucidity through sleep paralysis

      Is it possible? I know that you already gain consciousness during sleep paralysis but can you take over it and gain lucidity? I am known to have so many sleep paralysis so I don't want to miss this opportunity. The annoying part of me really hunger to hug my lynx of chrono cross but still not possible. Can I interrupt the sleep paralysis and meet my hotty cat man instead of meeting hideous creatures there? Thanks for the help!

    2. #2
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      First of all, check out this thread, it will probably give you a pretty good idea regarding the topic.

      Assuming you are one of those rare people that experiences sleep paralysis on a regular basis, then yes it is possible to take advantage of it and enter in a dream, a kind of WILD. Essentially your goal would be to withstand the hallucinations for a period of time, remain calm (as not to disrupt your sleep cycle) and let the transition occur (in a way, just like in a normal WILD). Since sleep paralysis doesn't necessarily occur closely to REM (where you're expected to start your most dream-like experiences), this is not a given. I can't help more since I never experienced it in my life, but we have some members around the forum that suffer from this condition I believe, maybe try to reach out to one of them and ask them for tips
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      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
      MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

    3. #3
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      Thanks. No wonder this topic I created get moved. I never know that it was asked so many times already. OK.
      Last edited by HelloBro123; 03-13-2015 at 02:23 AM.

    4. #4
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      I've had real sleep paralysis and I've WILDed many times. SP has never led to a successful WILD for me. The state of mind in SP is too confused and hallucinatory, which is not what you want. It's very different from hypnagogia.
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    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by cmind View Post
      I've had real sleep paralysis and I've WILDed many times. SP has never led to a successful WILD for me. The state of mind in SP is too confused and hallucinatory, which is not what you want. It's very different from hypnagogia.
      I had more than dozen of SP already. Sometimes it happened everyday and sometimes it happened in continuation. I only saw hideous creature only once though, it looked like a goblin. SP really sucks and scary. It made me panic and wanting to get out of it as soon as i can. Now i think it doesnt really help to achieve WILD either.

    6. #6
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      In my opinion, there are psychotronic, lucid nightmares generated by CIA sub-low electromagnetic microwaves which signal an extremely low mood changing frequency through cellphone towers and radio signals, these signals engage different parts of your brain to release certain chemicals of their desire, effectively putting the CIA in full "robotic style" RC of every person on the planet. Every time you sneeze, impulsively breathe deeply in, yawn or twitch, you are being redirected to different channels of this EMMW frequency which is in control of your body, dreams mind, thoughts, beliefs, mood, and everything you could ever imagine. there's ALWAYS about 2-5 controlling agents watching over you to make sure you mess up in every way possible, putting you in a downward spiral of not believing in yourself, and they mess up your life every time you're just about to succeed because success and positivism would harm their agenda. So what ends up happening is you accept these really REALLY loud frequencies of pure fear/ EM microwaves into your belief system, causing them to be ignored/ placed in the subconscious. When you become lucid in a dream you can control/manifest anything you'd like, when you're not lucid your subconscious mind controls the dream. However if you're infected subconsciously by these telepathic remote controllers which try to ruin your life every chance they get (some confuse these NSA/CIA agents as "mental disorders".) So when you do this in dream they don't care much, because it's outside the earth time sphere. However shit really hits the fan when you try and lucid dream while awake, what happens is, you start to gain conscious control over your waking life, and you then gain the ability to do anything you could in dream, awake. they REALLY don't want you to figure this out, because if you did, you'd become like neo, the singularity of your life. You could use telepathic powers, telekinesis, fly, become invincible, control everything that happens, manifest any thought, and realize any imagination. The thing is, because you're so blatantly spammed this fear signal, you think it's you, you believe in it, and not yourself. Thats why you get all these urges, urges to eat, urges to sneeze, urges to breathe deeply, urges to yawn, urges to move around in bed, urges to do stupid things that you'd NEVER do if it was your own choice. The only thing between lucid consciousness is the urges that give up your control to these evil CIA agents. I'll give you an example, First time I lucid dreamed from an awake state, all i did was, I lay down, and waited without moving a muscle, not accepting any urges no matter how strong to move, roll over, scratch my eyebrow, scratch my elbow, even yawn, I ignored and overcame every urge I had, which to these controllers is seen as a tuning out of their control, I was finally gaining my own control. The idea behind this, is the fact that every urge you have is an electromagnetic (emotional) impulse signal shot at you to create confusion and distraction long enough to keep you astray from true fortune and understanding. If you begin to ignore these urges like a mindless robot, you will see the world for what it really is.
      So After 30 minutes of ignoring every urge shot at me, I began to feel numb and paralyzed in every part of my body, and nothing happened, I thought it didn't work, so I rolled onto one side to snap out of it, and right as i did that, i heard the loudest, scariest vibration i've ever heard in my entire life, it was so loud i couldn't hear myself think. Then I was confronted with sets of eyes staring at me, some suggest it was an archon, but i'm not sure. These scary sounds and visions, in my opinion were these archons losing control of me, and the sound was me finally hearing my own vibration of fear, so loud that i couldn't even hear it awake, however when lucid it became all too apparent. I think we all consistently feel/hear this extremely loud fear signal every second of every day, we're just not aware until we become lucid of it. I think they do this because if we became lucid awake we would start to realize our own benevolent powers and abilities which are beyond what people can even imagine these days. The only reason you REALLY hear it when awake lucidly/sleep paralysis is because you're consciously connecting to your subconscious mind which contains all these sounds.

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by blizzardesigns View Post
      In my opinion, there are psychotronic, lucid nightmares generated by CIA sub-low electromagnetic microwaves which signal an extremely low mood changing frequency through cellphone towers and radio signals, these signals engage different parts of your brain to release certain chemicals of their desire, effectively putting the CIA in full "robotic style" RC of every person on the planet. Every time you sneeze, impulsively breathe deeply in, yawn or twitch, you are being redirected to different channels of this EMMW frequency which is in control of your body, dreams mind, thoughts, beliefs, mood, and everything you could ever imagine. there's ALWAYS about 2-5 controlling agents watching over you to make sure you mess up in every way possible, putting you in a downward spiral of not believing in yourself, and they mess up your life every time you're just about to succeed because success and positivism would harm their agenda. So what ends up happening is you accept these really REALLY loud frequencies of pure fear/ EM microwaves into your belief system, causing them to be ignored/ placed in the subconscious. When you become lucid in a dream you can control/manifest anything you'd like, when you're not lucid your subconscious mind controls the dream. However if you're infected subconsciously by these telepathic remote controllers which try to ruin your life every chance they get (some confuse these NSA/CIA agents as "mental disorders".) So when you do this in dream they don't care much, because it's outside the earth time sphere. However shit really hits the fan when you try and lucid dream while awake, what happens is, you start to gain conscious control over your waking life, and you then gain the ability to do anything you could in dream, awake. they REALLY don't want you to figure this out, because if you did, you'd become like neo, the singularity of your life. You could use telepathic powers, telekinesis, fly, become invincible, control everything that happens, manifest any thought, and realize any imagination. The thing is, because you're so blatantly spammed this fear signal, you think it's you, you believe in it, and not yourself. Thats why you get all these urges, urges to eat, urges to sneeze, urges to breathe deeply, urges to yawn, urges to move around in bed, urges to do stupid things that you'd NEVER do if it was your own choice. The only thing between lucid consciousness is the urges that give up your control to these evil CIA agents. I'll give you an example, First time I lucid dreamed from an awake state, all i did was, I lay down, and waited without moving a muscle, not accepting any urges no matter how strong to move, roll over, scratch my eyebrow, scratch my elbow, even yawn, I ignored and overcame every urge I had, which to these controllers is seen as a tuning out of their control, I was finally gaining my own control. The idea behind this, is the fact that every urge you have is an electromagnetic (emotional) impulse signal shot at you to create confusion and distraction long enough to keep you astray from true fortune and understanding. If you begin to ignore these urges like a mindless robot, you will see the world for what it really is.
      So After 30 minutes of ignoring every urge shot at me, I began to feel numb and paralyzed in every part of my body, and nothing happened, I thought it didn't work, so I rolled onto one side to snap out of it, and right as i did that, i heard the loudest, scariest vibration i've ever heard in my entire life, it was so loud i couldn't hear myself think. Then I was confronted with sets of eyes staring at me, some suggest it was an archon, but i'm not sure. These scary sounds and visions, in my opinion were these archons losing control of me, and the sound was me finally hearing my own vibration of fear, so loud that i couldn't even hear it awake, however when lucid it became all too apparent. I think we all consistently feel/hear this extremely loud fear signal every second of every day, we're just not aware until we become lucid of it. I think they do this because if we became lucid awake we would start to realize our own benevolent powers and abilities which are beyond what people can even imagine these days. The only reason you REALLY hear it when awake lucidly/sleep paralysis is because you're consciously connecting to your subconscious mind which contains all these sounds.
      Umm...Are you sure about these people you were talking about? O.O
      That's kinda creepy.

    8. #8
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      In REM Atonia it is very easy for me to get into a lucid dream, provided I am conscious during it of course. I am also capable of using the same technique if I wake up in sleep paralysis. What I do is believe that a vortex of some kind is floating near my feet or my head and that I am going to get sucked into it like water down a drain or cosmic stuff into a black hole. When you get all the way sucked in, you are in the dream. That's how it has worked for me anyway.

    9. #9
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      I've been trying to find resources for this, like tutorials for people that experience ISP trying to WILD. I've experiences some sp with hypnopompic hallucinations where I was more curious than terrified but recently I've been experiencing it when going to sleep, or back to sleep, and last night I felt it happening and tried to see if I could use it to WILD. But whenever I find myself slipping in I kinda panic and try to jerk myself out before I get so deep that it'd take a big frantic effort to pull myself out. It's hard letting go of control I guess....

      But, if there are tutorials anyone'd recommend specifically for people who already experience it, that'd be great. I'm mostly finding things where it's "first achieve SP" or "this is why the phrasing is inaccurate" - so I'm not sure which is bullshit, and if they mention my kind (lol) it's usually only a snippet.

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      I've had a lot of sleep paralysis run-ins in the past. It is definitely possible to achieve WILD through SP, just much harder if SP freaks you out. See, if you are afraid during the process, you can invite other beings into this dream state. Whenever I have SP, my eyes are barely open and I can see my room. It's believed that this view is actually a dream room. So, if you're in paralysis and you can barely open your eyes to see your room, you are actually dreaming, but you think you're in your real room sleeping. Because of this, you think you can't move when in reality you're in your dream room, in which you can move. The goal is to unlock yourself from your bed. The main technique I like to do is imagine I'm floating up like I'm being levitated out of my bed. If that doesn't work, I do the opposite and imagine I'm sinking into my bed. If you can master this, you won't have trouble imagining a dream scene because you'll already have one which is your dream room.

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