• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      I recommend it to all.
    2. ParadoxOwl's Avatar
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      That sounds great , especially the transformation part, I'm really interested in the whole transformation thing.
    3. woblybil's Avatar
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      Grand, Just Grand...... I love it, I always have been afraid to put the X gender stuff in my DJ but hey, Whenever someone tells us to go F ourselves we can just smile.......
    4. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Yeah, you men really get kudos for having to learn such a level of self control, especially when we chicks are so damn amazing . I mean, the whole time it wasn't like I was really and truly a guy, because I knew eventually the dream would end and I'd be female again, no consequences. But I feel like I got a pretty decent glimpse of what you guys go through. And the dream mind kinda seemed to simulate what it's like when all the blood leaves the brain, I think. Like, I reached this moment of point-of-no-return, even when my intentions were honorable at the start. I still feel and remember it so clearly.

      This is a fun as shit experiment, I'm gonna keep at it. Thanks for reading and commenting and supporting you guys!
    5. PennyRoyal's Avatar
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      First mistake: I didn't even ask her name.
      Rookie mistake, you hate to see it. jk, jk. I expect you're not well versed in the art of picking up women, don't be too hard on yourself. haha

      Really awesome that you were able to transform right in front of the mirror.
      Updated 06-26-2013 at 11:02 PM by PennyRoyal
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Outstanding work with this one, Ophelia! Great dream control throughout this whole deal. Did you take inventory of all your dream control feats? A self-transformation right in the mirror while you watched, summoning/production of a specific dream character (or close enough), not going completely nuts when interacting romantically with an attractive DC, at least for a while... really really good stuff! (And you are of course total pro with ignoring clingy blankets. )

      Emotion and impulse control is just very, very difficult business in dreams, even lucid ones. There are a bunch of neurological reasons I won't blabber about for this, but a situation like this one is a huge test of willpower.
    7. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Haha. I replied to it. You gotta unveil them. I mean, I get Xanous and CL.
    8. Sibyline's Avatar
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      And thanks for writing.

      She bears a passing resemblace to Denise Richards.

      Oh, I have to do a little advertising for my DJ. You (sort of) got a namecheck in my dream this morning. Check it out.
    9. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Actually, the blanket/sheets/pillow thing has been something that's gradually gotten better and better over the past year or so when I made up my mind to invent the "just ignore it and it will go away" method.

      And you are 100% correct about the emotions and instinct stuff in dreams. All I could feel was aching desire, and literally NOTHING else. I'll still give it a shot next time.

      And I don't know the actress's name. I couldn't find her on google, so I just found a pic that resembled her the most. Thanks for reading
    10. Sibyline's Avatar
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      Nice! Don't be too hard on yourself, the way emotions are often magnified in dreams, it can be all but impossible not to give in to one's baser instincts.

      You got the mirror task, and even more importantly - you got the blanket-tangle issue sorted! Well done! Was it the podcast that did it for you? Because that really stuck in my mind, the thing about just looking at where you want to go, and that seems to be what you did in this dream.

      What's the name of the actress, BTW?
    11. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      That's so cool! I've done that before a few times, and I know some other WILDers who do the same thing. Sometimes it's seamless, and sometimes, like you say, I lose awareness for a bit while the dream forms, then getting lucid. It's almost like, a part of the brain is still in real time, and remembers. it's great, ain't it?
    12. blockdude78's Avatar
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      (note: This is happening to me more and more lately. Instead of WILDing seamlessly from awake to lucid dream, I'm losing my awareness for a few seconds, while the dream forms itself, then I quickly realize that I was just falling asleep in my bed a few seconds ago. No vibrations or HH that I'm aware of. Just a super quick DILD. No complaints.) This is how all my lucid dreams start. I always wake up and go to bed. In my dream I realize I just woke up and beck back to bed. Its awesome.
    13. Sibyline's Avatar
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      Those ear candles are a hoax anyway. But funny conversation! I can see why you doubted your reality.

      There seems to be a trend of DCs just not being too impressed with stripping DV'ers. Ungrateful bastards!
    14. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Very cool and long dream! Congrats on getting naked and blanket free.

      Oh look, once Ophelia's done with this, I'm going to teach everyone how to smoke pot!"
      Lol! Your subcon comes up with very funny stuff. And you went through the mirror too? This passing through things stuff is so exciting!

      Talk about RCs - bf left the window open few days ago and half the room got rain flooded, including the bed, lots of mags, thankfully my retro journal from 2004 got spared, but this was so much like a FA, I had to RC several times.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      LOL. So he's the cautious sort.

      It's hilarious how much of a DC he was acting like there.
    16. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Thanks for reading. I have to tell you what Danny said this morning that really made me question reality. He sat on the edge of the bed, and I told him about the dream. Then I mentioned how I felt like I was getting a wax buildup in one ear. And he said "Oh I wish we had those wax candles that you burn in your ear and it pulls out the wax." (this exists) I said "Nah it's ok, I'll just take a hot shower then use q-tips, that usually works." Then he said "You know, I bet you don't even need the wax candle, I bet you could just roll up a piece of wax paper, stick it in your ear and light it." He was DEAD serious too. Me: Then he said "I bet it's not even wax, you could just use regular paper." And I said "Ok STOP. Are you kidding me? I gotta still be dreaming." And I RCed.

      Unless I'm still dreaming now (and all that happened 4 hours ago), then my Danny actually had this conversation with me. Stick paper in your ear and light it?!?! So nuts.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Awesome!! I was hoping we'd both get lucid after all of that podcasting! No luck with lucidity over here but I'm super glad that you were representing for the both of us.

      You handled those sticking blankets like a pro. I'm glad you remembered to stay cool. All too often I forget to follow the advice I give other people. =P You defended our credibility well. And nice job summoning that barn! That's how you teleport.

      Great memory, too, reaching all the way back to the note you'd left yourself as well as more recent stuff like TotM. (Congratulations, BTW!)

      he sat on my bed and was talking a bunch of weird crazy shit to me. I had to RC, but nope that was the real Danny.
    18. gab's Avatar
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      Very nice!
      I very patiently waited a few moments before slowly getting out of bed
      Things like these make me pause every time. So friggin trippy.
    19. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Wouldn't mind a non-ld or ld with Rusell Crowe either.
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, nice work remembering the contents of your freebie list even in an NLD! Nothing wrong with your prospective memory. I had to look up Kevin Durand, and yeah, I remember this guy. That's that huge dude, pardon me, hunk of burning love and muscle from "Lost".

      Grats on the WILD! That summoning sounds cool. You've still got... 3 mornings of dreaming to pull it off! I'm not giving up on my advanced wings either, not until the calendar tells me otherwise.
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