• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
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      Great set of dreams and nice goal completion! But I really like how you just chilled in the bath listening to music. It sounds like something I would have done; just chill and enjoy the peace.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ooo, yeah I like those ideas! Come to think of it, I did get mixed up and go inside some pyramid at one point, although I don't think it was the Great Pyramid. There's just so much to do. In lucid dreaming, just staring at the detail of a single object can be a mind-blowing experience. Take that up to the scale of literally anything you can imagine and it's obvious why we never seem to run out of ideas for stuff to do!

      You've got some great goals ahead of you! This'll be fun stuff and great skill-building as well. Looking forward to watching it unfold!
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
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      I've also been contemplating going back to the 2013 Task of the Year items just because I really want to do them and they feel like unfinished business to me!
      Yes, the 2013 places were awesome and worth additional exploring. Imagine adding extra tasks like a temple in the jungle next to AFalls or going inside the Great Pyramid!

      What's the Scratch DILD concept?
      Oops, I missed the from scratch DILD. I decided to give this label to all those immediate after wbtb lds that should have been wild but I missed the transition. I know how picky people can be when it comes to labeling, so I wouldn't dare calling it a wild if I lost my awareness in the first 5-10 seconds, lol.

      But your question led me to think that I can start with a pre visualized scene not only with wilds and from scratch dilds, but also from the void. I guess one could call those from scratch lds too. Or get rid of the existing scene as you suggested - there may be more versions to this!
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Good goals! I have been trying a bit of focused practice like this recently, particularly with vividness, and it's a rewarding thing to pursue. I've also been contemplating going back to the 2013 Task of the Year items just because I really want to do them and they feel like unfinished business to me!

      What's the Scratch DILD concept? Is this blowing away the pre-existing DILD scenery for your chosen location?

      Looking forward to seeing your progress on these! I always like watching you knock these goals out!
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      You are exactly right, Nyx, I think it's all about getting intent and the action wrapped up together. What makes you believe something, you know?

      Because one of the issues I had early on with flight is that I'd begin drifting in random directions, getting blown by the wind, etc., I think that the pointing thing is particularly well suited for me. I can pour my focus into one spot and it seems like that tendency to drift just vanishes.

      We already know what we're capable of. (Pretty much anything!) The challenge is making ourselves utterly believe it in the moment. So far this part seems to take loads of practice!
    6. NyxCC's Avatar
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      @ CL - thanks for the kind words and all the support!

      What was your zoom task? Were you trying to use the pointing to aid in flight or going more for an insta-zoom a la Robert Waggoner? In any case, I'm sure this was just a fluke. When you get the chance to really focus your intent on that target spot, I think it's going to work perfectly for you
      I was trying the zoom move to a particular spot a la CL. You're actually quite right about this, I think I didn't attach my intent to the action. It can be quite difficult to get the hang of this sometimes. At times we happen to do a task spontaneously and all the pieces of the action plus intent, focus, etc are perfectly aligned and it's super easy. But if it's a new action it may take a while for things to click. It's interesting how we have our personal things we're good at. Some people are very successful with summoning DCs just by shouting out their names. This hasn't worked well for me so far, I suspect precisely because I don't attach intent to it. Oh, well got to keep on trying. I certainly want to learn that zoom tech some time in the future, it's so cool!

      @ Fogelbise

      Thanks a lot fogelbise! I was about to reply with another wall of text, but am happy to see you broke your dry spell. Off to your journal then.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      What an amazing series, Nyx, congratulations! You did, like, every single April task!

      Your summoning, dream control, and confidence really showed throughout the dream from the easy egg summon to the insane stuff you were doing at the end with tornados, weather, and rearranging the sky. I mean, that is the stuff people fantasize about being able to do when they lucid dream and then work so hard to master.

      What was your zoom task? Were you trying to use the pointing to aid in flight or going more for an insta-zoom a la Robert Waggoner? In any case, I'm sure this was just a fluke. When you get the chance to really focus your intent on that target spot, I think it's going to work perfectly for you.

      Great job!!
    8. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Congrats NyxCC!!! I like all of your experiments and great job with the TOTMs! I loved the warm bathtub and music part!

      I don't know entirely what is going on with me. I know that last we talked I was riding high and then I definitely slacked off in my daytime practices and have also been sleeping quite deep. I am starting to get my recall back up, but I have had my longest dry streak in the last 9 months!..10 days without a lucid dream. I also had a 2am and 1:30am bedtime Friday and Saturday night that didn't help. I had a "false" lucid about a week ago where I was in a room with a group of other people and I was trying to do telekinesis and saying to the others "see it is not working" before floating up in the air and saying oh wow, at least that is working...but not a lick of self awareness...it was as if I treated the whole affair as real life in which I can do these things...dreaming of lucid dreaming powers with no true realization that I was dreaming and I can make the TK work if I really want to. Sorry...writing another book in your DJ.
    9. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Thanks for the long and great explanation, fogelbise! I very much like the part about the journeys, it definitely resonates with me. And the awarness practices you are doing are indeed very beneficial for lding and also for helping us experience the here and now of real life with much greater intensity.

      Great to talk to you guys, as always!
    10. fogelbise's Avatar
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      That means a lot coming from you CL. You and NyxCC and your feedback and info exchanges have been an important part of my progress as well!!
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Great comment, fogelbise, and an excellent explanation of IMO one of the most effective ways to become consistently lucid. You've done a good job of internalizing what works, I think. I'm not surprised that your results are so good!
    12. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Yes, I think there are some nice lucidity side effects. Unless there's too much stress and my sleep schedule is falling apart, there's a good chance I'd catch more lds like this - although the awareness is still not as high as with wbtbs. Working on getting more lds with pre bed work too.
      Agreed on the typical awareness difference without wbtb. Though it does feel like validation for all of the work put in when it happens without wbtb.

      I think you are getting pretty frequent lds, so you might want to share your strategy too.
      As far as sharing my strategy, this may sound corny but, I think that it comes down to "journeys." There is my journey to understand what is really helping me to lucid dream. There is my journey of relatively steady practice for the last 13 months (with some short periods of waning practice but never stopping completely and not really waning for more than a week or so). And then there is my overall journey from childhood to now with a huge decades long gap where I paid almost no attention to dreams at all. I had some LDs as a child and I think that helps me now - not really with induction - but with dream control and knowing that things like flying doesn't have to be hard if you don't believe it to be. That is one advantage of not going into something with any pre-conceived negative notions I guess.

      My relatively steady practice has been evolving over these 13 months but has almost always been towards Sageous' brand of self-awareness work with RCs and RRCs. I think the shift to really understanding that I should really stop and look around in wonder when doing these "check-ins" was one of my first epiphanies. Another was being able to visualize "seeing myself" from various vantages. And more recently a kind of odd stepped-up realization of the fact that "I am he who is aware." If you get a kind of paradigm shift when really looking around in wonder (i.e. while your fingers are around your mouth like a man stroking his mustache/beard thus putting your fingers and hand into view or peripherally seeing your body below while looking out at the world) it can give you an idea of what I mean. The competition made me focus my efforts better and put in some more work on my dream signs, pre-bed focus and wbtbs, but those ramped up practices are currently slacking off and I can see the difference. Sorry so long!
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
      Heh, wow, I'm glad that I didn't just try to guess the title. Good luck in your future lucid ninja battles!
    14. NyxCC's Avatar
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      @ fogelbise

      Thanks! That is interesting. I think you are quite successful with dream incubation! I'm still impressed with your Scarlett change as well. She might visit you again soon!

      @ CL

      The battle effects are pretty cool, you can play single battle or online or you can go with the storyline, which is a quest plus battles. The full name is Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. I got it on steam but be warned it requires a joystick for decent battle. The game is also available for Xbox.
    15. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Guys, sorry for the latish reply.

      @ Fogelbise

      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise
      I feel like that is slowly starting to happen for me...hopeful at least. I am guessing you have had that ability for a while!
      Yes, I think there are some nice lucidity side effects. Unless there's too much stress and my sleep schedule is falling apart, there's a good chance I'd catch more lds like this - although the awareness is still not as high as with wbtbs. Working on getting more lds with pre bed work too.

      I think you are getting pretty frequent lds, so you might want to share your strategy too.

      @ CL

      Quote Originally Posted by CL
      There are just so many ways to go about it! If only I could remember them when it counts!
      Thanks for the explanation. I know! We do have so many options, but we rarely remember to try all the awesome things we had in mind.
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, this is awesome! I've never heard of this series but you're making me very interested!

      So this was a Naruto game? Do you happen to know the title of the version you've got? A quick google seemed to turn up an intimidating array of games based on this series!
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Do you mean you worked irl like MILD/DS association building exercise?
      Right, that's pretty much the way I approached it. I'd use a MILD mantra before bed and then in the daytime I kept thinking about lucid dreaming every time I looked at her. But it got sort of exhausting after a while. Plus, she generally thinks that LD is pretty pointless, so she's not a 100% natural fit for a Dream Guide type DC.

      You're right, that was my first experience with the zoom tech as well! It's a great way to move around. I generally just focus on the spot that I want to go, centering all of my attention on it. And then I'm typically just... there! Lately I've found that adding the addition of pointing at the spot kind of helps, too. There are just so many ways to go about it! If only I could remember them when it counts!
    18. fogelbise's Avatar
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      That is cool that you got game elements into 3 different dreams so quickly! That bodes well for incubation efforts! I had a long NLD last night that seemed to have maybe 30-40% influence from that evening's events after drinking with friends and late to bed which surprised me.
    19. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Focus on sleep and still getting lucid! I feel like that is slowly starting to happen for me...hopeful at least. I am guessing you have had that ability for a while!
    20. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Fantastic job NyxCC!!! Great length and stability!!!
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