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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. Yay for Recall and Semi Lucidity.

      by , 10-27-2010 at 03:09 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Sandwich wtf

      I'm making something like a pita sandwich... I'm putting sushi in it. I fold the pita part encasing the sushi stuff and... the pita is shaped like a cross, each end is another place you can stuff other things in. but then it occurs to me that I could dream inside one of those pockets and have an entirely fun dream of my own in there.... WTF?!?!?!!?

      More food and WTF

      I was in a place with a few people. Asuka and maybe my brother. We had chopsticks and were eating a pile of... sushi? but later the pile turned into a large ceramic thing that we were painting. I remember painting on a midnight blue and accidentally brushed into a part with wet black paint. I just decided to mix them together.

      At my house

      I briefly remember hanging out with some guy in my inner world house. not sure what we did, but later I was getting into bed and heard the guy looking for a place to sleep.


      A hypnagogic flash of staring at my hand that was holding a smoke.

      open mic fail

      I go with the new guy to some restaurant/bar. We enter the place and I see a stage with a bunch of mics and amps. Asuka is a pretty Korean waitress, she smiles at me. I go up to the stage and unpack my guitar, I find a place to plug in, and i set one of the mics to the amp I am plugged into. The owner comes up to me and says that I can't mic the amp because my playing style sucks and no one wants to hear it.

      I get pissed off and make a giant speech about how I have confidence in myself and that I know people like what I have to play. I've been to open mics before and people really liked it. some people clap at my silly speech and I pack up and leave the place a bit flustered. As I'm walking down the street i feel someone's finger touch my collar bone part on my right shoulder, and she digs her finger under the collar bone which makes me stop. I look behind me and see Asuka (don't realize it's her.). She's smiling but I give her a short look in pain and raise my right hand to my shoulder and pushing her finger out. 'I'm sorry," she says. I wake up fast.

      Cutting my astral chords.

      (private entry)

      vex wtf

      I'm seeing a barrage of images of parts of a person's face. I can tell by how the person isn't smiling and the eyes are closed that it's Vex. I focus harder to see the face and I want to know if it's the same face I've recognized from dreams. In one image her eyes are closed but then they look really weird and finally open. I recognize the face completely and feel that I know this person as Vex. I see her face slide by a few more times.

      Mortal Mist Classroom

      Raven came over and we started looking at my computer. We were both non lucid, we knew there was a goal, but we didn't remember what it was. so instead we were just browsing the lucid dreaming forums that we frequent. Her jaw drops and a smile goes across her face. She's pointing at the mortal mist forum and says to me. "Haley just started a dream journal at Mortal Mist!"

      i'm like: Orly? and she's like: yeah rly. I then feel myself get pulled into the computer screen and find myself in a college classroom representation of the MM forum! I walk up the aisle of desks over to the dream journal section and see a bunch of people sitting at their deks and writing. I spot a japanese girl with a mushroomead haircut... The Waking life version of Asuka! what's she doing there?

      Then I see haley get up from a desk and she looks at me. I become lucid and realize i seem to get lucid a lot when I see Haley in a dream. That's why she shows up... it has nothing to do with me or her, it's her energy and for some reason it makes me lucid! I forget all that and walk up to her, she seems to have been expecting me.

      We walk to the top of the classroom and enter "my office". We enter a small computer area. I tell her "sorry about the creepy dream stuff," and she says it's ok. Then she asks me how I am supposed to help her with her Psychology assignment. I walk over to a desk with two of my computers and sit down. I say to her "is this assignment for deaming or waking?" she says both but she isn't sure. Now she's a taller man with a thin face, he has light brown hair pulled into a ponytail. He/She now sits at a computer desk with a smaller single computer. i am thinking. "This is a dream and she wants me to do her homework? is she serious?"

      I try to make my computer work but the mouse is just weird. The thing looks like Apple tried to make a calculator but failed... so in a last fail effort they made their failure of a calculator into a computer mouse. I was trying to find out how to use this thing to make the computer work so that I could help Haley... but I woke up.

      Updated 10-27-2010 at 03:33 AM by 6012

    2. a few fragments.

      by , 10-26-2010 at 05:13 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kaomea 1

      A brief fragment of rescuing kaomea from a prison cell. little details remembered.

      Kaomea 2

      Kaomea was ungrateful with my help, was yelling and taunting me about something.... can't remember what.

      Asuka haley

      A brief dream where i went to looking for haley to make sure she was healed properly. I spotted asuka in her when she smiled at me. Still not sure why asuka does that.

      Soul relations

      My guides explain that Asuka has become my soul keeper which means she will be able to let me know when the right woman comes along for me. Kaomea, Though not a soul mate, is called a soul lover. Soul lovers heal one another's souls. However because of recent events my guides tell me to say "no" to her.

      Updated 10-26-2010 at 05:16 AM by 6012

      Tags: asuka, haley, kaomea
    3. Deep Dream

      by , 10-25-2010 at 01:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Craziness (abridged)

      I'm with kaomea in the healing glen. We are talking about stuff and making a connection... I think. Raven flies through a portal and we begin healing spells. We pull out asuka from her who is also infected, and then loads of dream demons start flying out of her dream body. Lonewolf's head appears from a portal, He is a wolf man. He gobbles up most of the dream demons and laughs and then disapears back. We pull out one more dream body from Kaomea... Haley?

      Haley is a witch with bat wings, she's also infected with dark energy. She flies through a portal and I follow. We fly through loads of portals and dreamscapes, her form keeps changing from bat to a dark butterfly. She's singing nursery rhymes in a creepy voice... We enter a final portal and then the dream explodes.

      In one dream haley is a little girl sitting in a corner and singing to herself... there's loud banging all around her. She cries but when I approach she has a demonic look like the girl from the ring. i open a portal and shoot and astral tentacle from my hand and drag her through the portal to the healing cave.

      In another dream She goes to a place that looks like heaven. Her bf jaaz is sitting on a cloud with a guitar and rapping beatles lyrics. He sees her and blows a tornado at her. While she's caught I shoot a tentacle and drag her through the portal.

      In yet another dream we are at a party where her bf's band is playing. She starts ripping heads off al the fans and telling jaaz that his music sucks. I swing through a portal like spiderman, grab her with a tentacle and go back to the cave.

      there were other scenarios, but i can't recall them all.

      I arrive back in the healing glen. Raven is still there healing Asuka/kaomea. she says "wow that was fast. you only left a split second ago..." Raven has cat eyes and licks her chops with a cat toungue.

      "are you ok raven?" i ask.

      "yeah... I think you're from an alternate dimension."

      "oh, well heal this girl because I'm going to wake up soon and try to forget this whole mess."

      "okay," the alternate raven says and she smiles.
      Tags: asuka, haley, kaomea, raven
    4. darn

      by , 10-24-2010 at 04:03 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      didn't sleep too well last night so I had only a couple short dreams.


      I was in my brother's car and he was driving me (this was my other guide) down some winding road on a hill.

      Temporary lodgings

      Apperently my guides took me to a shack place in the woods. We had all my stuff in there and i had to stay with them for a few nights so that I didn't distract Asuka from becoming my soul keeper? (honestly, i have no idea what that means.)

      Later on I had to pack things up to go. I remember finding some weird kung fu slippers and trying them on, and then I put them in some shoes that clamped onto the slippers. I remember becoming attached to the place there and wanting to keep it.

      Kaomea chat

      Dreamed I was chatting to kaomea and talkinga bout the whole thing. She kept saying meaningful things but the sentences kept jumbling together. and then the only sentence that read clear was "...It's a Poo poo trap!" I woke up laughing.


      I was back in my inner world and was watching asuka walk down the stairs. she looked like a ghost so I woke up shocked...
      Tags: asuka, driving, kaomea
    5. more non lucid dreams...

      by , 10-24-2010 at 03:29 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Sex dream... but it was interesting to note, the "hole" I was screwing turned into a portal and led me into an alternate sex dream... so yeah, figure that one out.

      Asuka is a computer nerd.

      fragment of going into a room where Asuka was ignoring me because she was on the computer and looking at something.


      I'm on some weird ship above earth. I'm fighting some cyborg guy... and a clone of him, and thena brown clone of him? I don't know. There was lots of floating around in this fight with anti grav stuff. Much like the one fight from inception. I wish I'd remembered more details on this one.


      first I was walking into some house. I found a guy there and asked him for a ride. I was in toronto or something, and he said "sure". I was with some woman (asuka?) and we were all handed pamphlettes. We got into a taxi drive by the guy.

      Then later We wound up someplace with Haley. Asuka merged with haley and then started taunting me on my current lack of sex life. I remember walking away feeling pretty down on myself.


      A dream about some strange dogs and having them bite my arms.


      I was in a strange place with some people. I flew there and I landed. I told the people that I could fly like superman. They were like ORLY? and then I jumped up but only floated. I began making a buzzing sound with my mouth and then I started to fly better. They seemed pretty impressed.


      I just remember hanging around a bunch of guys, and at one point I asked someone for a smoke and they gave it to me.
      Tags: asuka, flying, haley, sex
    6. some dreams

      by , 10-23-2010 at 04:30 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Raven what?

      I was with Raven and kaomea somewhere. We were telling Raven how me and kaomea would be nowhere without having Raven as a friend or something.

      Vex Kitten is smitten

      Some vague dream where Vex Kitten had a crush on me. LOL. I said, "You had your chance ha!"

      Royal Family WTF and lucid

      I was riding a bike in some rich neighborhood when I spotted The Queen of England, Prince Charles and the giant teacup guy from Alice In Wonderland. I sat down nonchalontly and asked the queen if she has ever actually eaten at a picnic table like this before. She said she usually doesn't sink so low. I said the only reason she's eating here is because the houses look super rich, If you want a real picnic go to a more poor looking playground and eat there.

      FA, Get out of bed and RC. I'm in some room that I recognize. Everything is made of brown paneling. I go to a door and think "Asuka" I open it but it leads to a short 3 ft hallway with another door. I start calling for Asuka aloud over and over. I try then next door but it appears to be locked, but somehow i manage to open it. I come to a living room yelling "Asuka, asuka." but no one seems to be in the house and the dream fades quick.

      After I read kaomea's dream I realize this was probably the time that they were together looking for something.
      Tags: asuka, kaomea, lucid, queen
    7. lots of fragments.

      by , 10-22-2010 at 02:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kaomea 1

      Something about me and Asuka doing something funny and silly in a dream for kaomea. Can't remember what it was except for the fact that Kaomea was very pleased.

      Kaomea 2

      I wasin bed or something. and Kaomea changed into a big black woman. and tens he said "There, Now it's easier for me to move around with you." doesn't leave much to the imagination does it?

      Fuckin drunks

      i'm walkin in a town somewhere and some kids hand me a bottle of Captain Morgan. They start yelling "Chug." I think I hate getting drunk so I take a swig just to shut them up. I keep walking.


      I remember being with Jaas and Haley at some water slides. When I was going down one I was afraid of crashing so I held my hands on the sides to slow me down. didn't work I went super fast anyway. It was fun.


      i'm walking around in some house while Playing som dude's gibson guitar. I was only supposed to play it for a few minutes but i kept playing for longer.

      Walking around town.

      another dream of walking around in a familiar dream town. Remember going to some bar for a meal and karaoke. Someone was suggesting that I check out the other bar which had better karaoke. This was a really long dream.. but i guess most of the other details are lost since it was really boring.
    8. A few more dreams.

      by , 10-20-2010 at 02:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A very low recalled dream where Manuel and his DD are teaching me something. Can't remember what it was but i know my dream self always remembers these things. i may find myself using them in later dreams.

      Long WTF dream

      Started out.... I was in my inner world house... but seeing it as I did the very first time that I tried to visit my inner world. I was in the kitchen and there were asian twin males that looked like rednecks. I was folding strange sandwiches for them. I gave them the sandwiches but they didn't like them.

      Then I remember being in a living room and watching TV. i was watching a show about Asuka? I think. and me and the people in the living room were jamming out songs. I wanted to play the songs with them live... but they said no.

      we took off somewhere and wound up in some inside parking lot. I heard music from a band playing in the distance and then I saw a bulletproof sheild in front of the band. I saw bullet marks on it. to my left was plastic poly hanging around. I really wanted to get to the band but the people I was with wanted to go elsewhere.

      We walked through some doors and wound up in a theater. I was walking down a very long hallway and was going in and out of different theaters. One was a typical movie theater. but in another that i walked in there was it was shaped all weird. I was walking along the aisle and suddenly there was some anti gravity force. Me and some woman (asuka?) were running over the anti grav parts and having fun floating from one side of the room to the other. My memory ends here.


      Asuka is pulling me down a hallway and saying that kaomea is outside and pounding on the sheild waiting to be let in.


      Kaomea is saying something to me like "I can't believe I Just called you neevok again. What's wrong with me?"


      Very vague memeroy of me lying in bed with Raven and Kaomea over me. They were doing a healing thing on me. Kaomea was asking what the bug on my chest was doing? Raven said it was feeding me negative energy. They kept talking about the bug.
    9. some wacky dreams.

      by , 10-19-2010 at 03:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      something about Chris Highestridge at first, but no details recalled. But I remember being in a starfox video game. The graphics were like the super nintendo version.

      It was a space level and there were gigantic ships I was flying through. I would blow them up and stuff, then they would explode all around me. But in some parts only parts of the ships blew up, and it seemed to take forever the part of ship to blow up.

      My dad goes black and never goes back

      Had a dream that I was standing in a room when my dad walked in. He had black skin and was kind of fat. He looked a lot like the black dude from the family guy. There was another dark guy with him (data) They were talking to me about something. But I couldn't remember.

      Kaomea's Inner world

      Remember being in a bed with Kaomea. Her hand was on my chest again where my heart was beating. This time I was doing the same thing as her. We were talking about ???? She made an important decision that made us both happy. Can't remember, but we kissed with the intent of that decision in mind, and when we did.... we both turned into light and I woke up from the dream.

      Strange WTF.

      first I remember walking along side a school with a fence. I remember being in this place before when I was with a group of people hiding from a zombie apocalypse. I remembered that we all got killed, then it occured to me that we shouldn't have given up so easily. I mean don't zombies die after a few weeks of eating nothing? Don't all the bugs get at them and eat them eventually?

      With that in mind I walked around the school fence and turned the corner of the building. A black yappy dog (Asuka!)came out of nowhere and I decided to follow the dog.

      We went back the way I came and then oticed that on the other side of the fence, that elderly people were gathering at a hall. I saw them getting out of cars and stuff. I followed Asuka down some steps and through a door.

      Asuka was in her normal form now, but she was behind me so I only felt her presence. I was in a mall of some sort and a bunch of boxes of books were floating in the air. Some man was trying to get them to stop floating. I jumped up and smacked the boxes down. I noticed that the man was Mike W. from my childhood. He said he worked for the book man and set up a book man table in the hallway of the mall. I remember heping him set up the table. He started saying that he came here to alberta to help celebrate Thelma's birthday or something. Then he started reading from a card.


      I logged into Lonewolf's Private dream forum and saw that he had moved "The Nagual Manuel" thread over there so that no outsiders could read the thread.
    10. A few funny dreams.

      by , 10-15-2010 at 01:51 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I'm in the woods on quite a number of trails. I come across a Cannibal, He is all dirty and has matted brown hair. He is eating off of some dead person. I suddenly have a picture album of him at the scene. I then run into my cousin Kari, she says she is on her way to meet this cannibal. I tell her that he will eat and kill her, but she doesn't believe me even when I show her the picture album.

      Interpretation: This dream forsee that my cousin will have a disease that will eat away at her, maybe cancer or a flesh eating disease. Even if I show her this dream and warning she will probably refuse to accept it.

      Guitar queero

      I'm in some place where I see an asian guy playing a guitar. There are guitars behind him so i inspect them and pick one up. At first it is a full six string guitar. But when I play it, it turns intoa guitar hero guitar. I can still play it and make music with it however... LOL

      Kaomea visits

      I had a dream that she visited me suddenly in waking life. I told her that her coming is absolutely crazy. The is in agreement with that and laughs. We are supposed to go out somewhere but All I find are bagy and torn pairs of pants. I yell at my brother for mixing my laundry with his (again). Kaomea returns from shopping with three pairs of pants. The dream diverges.

      In one dream the pairs of pants fit me. In the other dream the pants are baggy and torn and are for her to wear so that we both can go out looking stupid together.

      Dog WTF

      Asuka and Kaomea merge and turn into a small dog that is multi colored. The dog surprises me in the backyard and licks my face. Then it tries to stick it's tongue in my mouth. i laugh and say That I can't make out with a dog... LOL
    11. still bad luck staying lucid.

      by , 10-11-2010 at 09:39 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      yeah and WTF is with no comments when my recall goes back up?


      Fighting like a video Game

      I am being led by the hand somewhere. I can't see but i notice the sensation of passing through a doorway and into a hall. My perspective switched to third person view and I see the dream like a 2d video game from the mid nineties. Kaomea, is leading me into a room. I am bounded and blindfolded. She pulls out a hammer and is about to knock me around, she has a dark aura which means she is infected with dark energy. Asuka flies through a portal and manifests DCs, in between me and Kaomea, since i have 3rd person view I play my "guy" with a video game controller.

      I see my self jump up like a spinning top and bounce of all the heads of the Dcs. when I hit them an animated wave flies from them just like In a video game. I kille them all, land and fall over and roll around. On the side I can see Asuka struggling to stop Kaomea from hurting me. But somehow during the struggle Asuka gets infected with the dark energy.

      Missing time

      Semi lucid

      Fa, I decide to gooutside in the middle of the night for a smoke. I have the sense that I am dreaming so I try to fly. i manage to float in the air a bit and then drop. I forget my lucidity and fly to a store to get a midnight drink.

      House wtf.

      I travel to Ontario to see my family there but instead enter my inner world house. I walk around and the place is filled with people. I see Dan and tell him i have the money to pay him back from years ago.

      I decide to go downstairs. The house is huge and impressive. I know I've never seen it before and yet I recognize the place. I look around and find every room from memory is there. I go into the living room area of the basement. There are lots of people seated at a table. The all are sitting at computer consoles. I wait to use one, but then everyone gets up and makes the consoles disappear.

      I go upstairs and havea smoke outside. I go back in and still realize I have the butt in my hand. I go into the kitchen to look for a garbage can but I can't find any.I find Asuka in the kitchen baking cookies. But she looks worn out. It's like those over exaggerated commercial of smokers when their face gets wrinkly. I ask her where the garbage can is. she says she doesn't care anymore about leaving garbage around, just eat a cookie and things will be fine. I shrug and go downstairs. I see a pile of ashes on a part of the ground.

      I sit down on a couch Next to Kao mea, several other people are on the couch as well. We are watching some movie.

      Fa, and I'm on the couch, the lights are out and everyone's asleep. Kaomea is falling asleep and leaning on me. I begin whispering things in her ear but have no idea what i am saying. She starts leaning too heavily on me and pretty soon I feel like she is crushing me. a wave of panic hits me and I try to push her off,but i notice my hand is in her hair. (apperently i was running my hands through her hair earlier). I try to get my hand out but my hand is caught in her hair. I don't want ot hurt her and start screaming. She wakes up and screams as well and I wake up.


      Asuka was healed earlier and me and Raven go after kaomea to heal her as well. she's by a large pool, and jumps in. She turnes into a mermaid and says. "I love swimming naked with men who's souls are old." At first my heart stops but then I realize she was giving me a back-handed compliment because I am the soul of a sage. I jump in after her.

      some weird creepy mermen are luring her into a water abyss. They start making her say mean things to me. I lose control and I begin to battle her. Raven is with us now trying to stop me. She reminds my I am supposed to fight the creepy mermen.

      missing time

      back at the house.

      I go back into the house I was in earlier and find it overun with Dcs. i enter some cafeteria and get my food. I sit down at a table and some guy takes my plate and spits on it. He laughs. I tell him I'll leave him alone for now, but should he ever do that again i'll make him drink my piss in a pixie cup.

      He stands up and is 10 ft tall. He follows me into a hallway where I sit and meditate. The man grabs a huge guitar case and smashes it against my back. It slightly hurts, but not really. his guitar case is broken. I scratched. my back slightly and say "Was there a slight breeze in here? someone should close a door." I stood up and he looked feaked out. I shoved him through a wall leaving a big hole.

      sometime Later I go downstairs and find a hospital like place that is sealed by a big blue door. i walk back up the steps with people in green and blue medical uniforms following me.
    12. Asuka's twinner

      by , 10-10-2010 at 03:24 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      My guides were showing me what relation I have to the woman who for now I'll call "M". Who appears to be a good candidate for the waking life version of Asuka. They show me the number 44. each four represents the four pronged nagual. We serve as an energetic unit. Again, we can combine our talents to accomplish tasks. Thought nothing is set in stone for right now. We will be given a choice later to decide for ourselves what this really means and how we may use it. for right now my future period consists of letting go of certain hangups i have from the past. This will be necessary for me if I am to continue along the path I am on.

      Box sets

      I am in my room looking at my collection of Maison ikkoku box sets. I currently have 7 box sets but the eighth is missing because That box set is currently out of print. I get closer and decide to watch an episode. But as I near the box sets they change. I pull one out and it reads "Asuka: dream chronicles the Anime series!" I put it down and notice and eighth set appears. It's the final set of the series and on the cover is an anime picture of M as a giant juggling Myself, Nomad, Raven, Shawna, Data, my dream dogs. M has an amused grin on her face.Romano is in the background as a black lab scratching fleas off himself. This is a parody picture of the cover of one of the maison ikkoku box sets.

      Stop that

      I'm at a dream version of Tracks pub. sipping a beer pondering my recent turn of events. "is this really happening... ... is the really real... ...what does this mean... ... how will it turn out exactly..." I sip some more and notice bob marley on the jukebox is singing the lyric, "...every little thing, is gonna be alright"
      "Thanks bob" I mutter. Tupac is rapping on the tv screen about how life is just a dream. Pretty soon I'm lost in my chaotic train of thoughts again. Then the numbers 333 start circling around my head, confirming my thoughts. They turn into flies and fly around my head more buzzing "333,333,333" at me.
      "ahhh buzz off." I said. I look down in my beer and see M's face in the bottle end. "what the..." I say as she purses her lips which become a portal and suck me into the bottle.

      Nomad the big bad friendly vampire

      I emerge from the portal in some dark room. There's a door slightly open so I peer through. In the next room I see M surrounded by vampires. Nomad is there too in his vampire form.
      "there's nothing to be afraid of deary!" Nomad says, "I'm a big bad, but friendly vampire." He morphs into a mexican vampire witha big mustache and fedora hat. He has shakers and salsa music begins playing. He dances around going "friendly vampire cha cha cha! Friendly vampire cha cha cha!" I giggle a bit. M is still surrounded by menacing vampires, she's stimbling around the room holding onto various objects trying to get away. Nomad uses the music as a spell and mind controls all the vampires, they all start dancing and dance right through a portal to somewhere.
      Nomad cuts his wrist, and morphs into vampire Ben Stiller. "No one makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody! except me of course!" Then nomad starts sucking on his wrist. blood is getting all over his face and he wipes his face off with his hands. "always wanted to do that in a dream".
      I can see M in the corner cowering at the site. I put my head in my palm.
      "Nomad," I roar jumping through the door as a werewolf. "What are you doing? She's terrified stop that." His eyes slowly fill with blackness, he seems slightly aware and pushes the blackness away as if on reflex.
      "Sorry," he says. I just have to know if she's the real deal.
      "Well ok, Remember when we rescued asuka from the Reptilian alien that was inhabiting Lujan? Weren't you there when walms ate the reptilian, and asuka was so grossed out that she threw up?"
      "oh yeah," Well isn't M's reaction here similar?
      "I have to know for sure!" he said morphing into a dark demon. A dark aura emerged that he could no longer contain. He ws drunk with rage.
      "All this waking life shit is killing my dreams, and now she comes along. and look at her, already in distress. AEONA!" he roared at her. "ARE YOU IN THERE? You better not being trying to lead Mosh astray again."
      "That's not Aeona." I said. "Trust me I would know." M fainted from the dream but left a silhouette of her dream body which turned cartoonish.
      "I knew it." Nomad said and walked toward M. I shot astral tentacles out of my hand which wrapped around nomad likea web. I thrased him around the room. Now he was a jaguar cub yelping. i looked into the web. He looked like and innocent jaguar cub. then a dark aura emerged from him and tried to attack me. I opened a portal to the healing glen and through the jaguar cub through.

      I sighed and noticed a beer bottle in my hand. I went to take a sip. M, who was still there, Shot a spider silk from her hand and snatched the botle away from me.
      "STOP THAT" she yelled. She was angry, her background changed to a garden at night time with gargoyles. She grew 20ft tall and towered over me. She was like a dark witch.
      "OMG," I said, "It's her shadow self."

      M's shadow self

      She had a large baton shaped like a tennis racket in her hand. "HUHUHUHUHUHUH!" she roared. I was just staring. "Now listen here mister! You're going to cut that drinking shit out right here and now. My waking self has spent years living with alcoholism. Don't bug her about that too much, don't overwhelm her with too much negativity."
      "o. ok." I said meekly.
      "Sick and tired of that shit. GOT IT" She raise the racket above her head like she was going to smush me, she had a sick grin that was evil and loving... she was drunk with power and pissed off. Asuka emerged froma portal.
      "I told that damn Walms to leave the snake alone... grr. and where did you run off to... WTF?" She said as she saw M staring down at both of us. "Is that who I think it is?" asuka asked. I managed to nod. "Don't worry, i'll handle it." Asuka winked and then licked my face. She flew into M and merged with her. M roared and shrunk back down to normal. Asuka then de-merged from M.
      "You found her!" asuka then said to me and M. "Well it's about time. My poor Mosh hasn't had any action from anybody in the entire year I've known him. That's three and a half years my time, do you have any idea what I went through?"
      M just stared and said . "I'm serious, cut the drinking out."
      "Right stupid." Asuka. "I've been trying to tell you for months about that but you just didn't listen."
      "I tried," i said, "I kept asking but it just wasn't getting through."
      "We'll smarten up and cut it out." asuka said. both her and M summoned tennis rackets with no nets and put them over my head. Asuka stopped. but M was having trouble getting the racket off. it was stuck onmy head. I felt my head being crushed i began to struggle. M seemed to find it amusing. Asuka dematerialized the tennis racket and flatly told M, "Be careful when doing that. He's very sensitive to mean jokes like that."
      "yeah," I said trying to orient myself into the dream better. "I used to think asuka hated me with jokes like that."
      "Mochi doesn't mind the odd fun joke. But I've learned not to overdo it aftera year or so. That would cause him accidental nightmares, and quite a few times got mad at me when he woke up. Being silly is fine, just don't overdo it in dreams." Asuka then hugged me. I felt disoriented.
      "I need a vending machine." I said for some reason and then woke up.

      Updated 10-10-2010 at 03:26 AM by 6012

    13. finally some alright dreams.

      by , 10-08-2010 at 04:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Hard to separate these dreams

      Yeah... Started somewhere in a house, may have been mine. I was in a room getting out of bed, and then a white yappy dog came and bit my arm. I was almost lucid and just decided the dog was a messenger so I thought I should not fight the dog. The Dog read my intent and It started dragging me by the arm. I complied and followed the dog as it grew larger. I followed it up some steps and then into a room.

      I felt the room belonged to meggy faye, and then the dog was a woman (asuka). She was indicating something in the closet. I went into meggy's closet and on the board above the hangers I found a heart shaped cheesecake. I wasn't sure whether I should take it. Asuka said I should grab it quick before Meggy comes back. so I grabbed it and ran back downstairs and into my room with Asuka. She had a matching cheescake and we both ate ours very happily.

      Around town WTF

      I was at some AA gathering in Chilliwack. I had to leave the club to find someone. so I walked down the street and found a flat where this Old Timer lived. He had glasses and seemed nice. He was donating a couch or something to the Club so I grabbed it from him and took it to the AA club place. Everyone thanked me for bringing it there. I remember Thelma being there. Then we all played music or something and I left.

      wound up in some car. I was being driven to the house with the young woman. (didn't realize it was asuka at the time. We got on top of a hill with some houses and noticed a bunc of mini Pine trees floating above the car. Became lucid, got out of the car. I suddenly remembered being lucid before this time, but can't recall what happened it. Pondering this I was walking into the house and it was full of DCs, they were dancing adnt ried to get me to dance with them. But I wanted to find my Inner world to see Asuka (not realizing I was already there). so I left the house intending to wind up in my inenr world. then everything started going black. I looked at my hand and looked at it. The dream just fell apart.

      FA, I was getting Sleep paralysis. I was focusing on just getting into another dream lucid. I didn't realize I was already in a dream and could have just got up and walked around.

      False awakening

      Fa, I'm in the same room with the young woman, (Asuka). She's watching a TV show that features my guitar playing in the ending credits. She seems happy my music made it somewhere. I want to be a lone with her, but a bunch of DC's in blue jerseys come in the room and teleport me outside, and start talking to me. I get mad at them for teleporting me away. They apologize and leave. Can't remember what happened after.

      Dogs can talk

      At least in dreams they do. I was walking in someones backyard and ran into two dogs. One was romano. He said something about me wanting me to clean the fleas out of his doghouse or something. I said "ok" and followed him. The other dog kept trying to play with me and was getting in my way to help Romano. I pet him anyway and say, "Hey let me do my chore first then we play". But I woke up before i could help the other dog.


      Had a dream where I was trying to fly. I jumped up but couldn't float for long, So I turned the dream upside down and wound up falling into the sky.... I couldn't fly, but I could do that at least. Nomad is right when saying the more outlandish things are easier to do in dreams instead of simple things. I think doing simple mediocre things in dreams is actually a good discipline.

      Brown entities.

      I found Bonnie W. the best psychic in the universe, in the park. She said she was gonna help me with a problem. She kept saying there were brown entities around me or something. I asked her to clarify what she meant by brown Entities. "keep them away from me". she said and then she changed into a pre - historic bird and flew away.


      something about hanging out with my friend gary from chilliwack.
    14. might as well type some dreams

      by , 10-05-2010 at 02:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      I remember going into our room and finding that she was lying down on the bed. I remember talking to her about something but I can't remember what.


      Some hypnagogic stuff a bout seeing my hand and then a lit smoke.

      X Men

      I was watching something about X men. and then later i was walking around someplace and the X men appeared to me in cartoon form. I was amazed at seeing them!


      I had some long dream (can't remember every detail). I was with a woman at some weird school/marketplace. First we were with my brother and he had cuts on his arm. They looked like scars and puncture holes. I asked if they were self inflicted? He laughed it off but basically he said yes.

      Later I'm walking around with the woman in the market and she says she was fired recently from the market. I say oh really? I've always liked the variety in that farmer's market. We walke around a bit more but I can't remember what happened after.
    15. A couple of dreams

      by , 10-01-2010 at 04:23 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Forgotten fragment where i may have been doing kung fu.


      I briefly remember holding asuka because she was upset. Probably because my sudden change of living conditions or where I'll may end up because of it.


      I'm in some room witha few guys and we are watching Bjork on a tv screen. First we watch a music video of her. There are mountains in the background and she's moving fast through them and singing. Then they go into a "making of" segment. First segment is video graphics, and then there's a section on other actors, then the music itself and other things. People are asking me what I think. I am fairly bored with it and can't seem to pay attention to it.
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