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    more non lucid dreams...

    by , 10-24-2010 at 03:29 AM (555 Views)

    Sex dream... but it was interesting to note, the "hole" I was screwing turned into a portal and led me into an alternate sex dream... so yeah, figure that one out.

    Asuka is a computer nerd.

    fragment of going into a room where Asuka was ignoring me because she was on the computer and looking at something.


    I'm on some weird ship above earth. I'm fighting some cyborg guy... and a clone of him, and thena brown clone of him? I don't know. There was lots of floating around in this fight with anti grav stuff. Much like the one fight from inception. I wish I'd remembered more details on this one.


    first I was walking into some house. I found a guy there and asked him for a ride. I was in toronto or something, and he said "sure". I was with some woman (asuka?) and we were all handed pamphlettes. We got into a taxi drive by the guy.

    Then later We wound up someplace with Haley. Asuka merged with haley and then started taunting me on my current lack of sex life. I remember walking away feeling pretty down on myself.


    A dream about some strange dogs and having them bite my arms.


    I was in a strange place with some people. I flew there and I landed. I told the people that I could fly like superman. They were like ORLY? and then I jumped up but only floated. I began making a buzzing sound with my mouth and then I started to fly better. They seemed pretty impressed.


    I just remember hanging around a bunch of guys, and at one point I asked someone for a smoke and they gave it to me.

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    Tags: asuka, flying, haley, sex


    1. Raven Knight's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by MoSh
      Sex dream... but it was interesting to note, the "hole" I was screwing turned into a portal and led me into an alternate sex dream... so yeah, figure that one out.
      WTF??? o.O

      Quote Originally Posted by MoSh
      Then later We wound up someplace with Haley. Asuka merged with haley and then started taunting me on my current lack of sex life. I remember walking away feeling pretty down on myself.