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    Hopeless Wanderings

    "Hold me fast, 'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
    I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under"

    lucids(new style)
    lucids(old style)

    Completed 2015 Lucid Goals:
    [X] fly
    [X] walk through walls
    [X] ask a DC the meaning of life
    [X] visit space

    Completed 2016 Lucid Goals:

    [x] summon someone(summoned M)
    [x] get an answer(kind of, but want to try again)

    2018 Dream Goals:

    [x] reach 200 entries
    [ ] reach 50 dream entries for the year(CURRENT COUNT: 9)
    [ ] Meet M again
    [ ] ANSWERS
    [ ] Meet someone dead IRL
    [X] Be ES
    [ ] Have 10 lucids(CURRENT COUNT: 8)
    [ ] Memorize a good chunk of a song playing in my dream and write it down
    [X] fly(why not I guess)
    [ ] build something(like a mini-world, house, bridge, etc)

    Current re-occuring dream themes: being in high school or college

    Total LD Count(only counting the ones recorded here): 67

    Happy dreaming!

    1. I Need To Stop Taking Melatonin

      by , 11-06-2015 at 07:22 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Seriously, Melatonin fucks with your dreams. It's been causing me to have such strange dreams that are constantly changing.

      I took one the other day too and had a dream that instead of carving a pumpkin I was carving a cat.

      I took one last night:

      I was watching the news on TV and the guy had just reported some sad news about a suicide(s) and he was telling viewers to call 1-800-PURPOSE if they felt suicidal. When I woke up, I was surprised that it was actually a valid number, although when I looked it up I think it's actually an electronics company number or something.

      I looked down at my hands and had more fingers than normal. I was outside my house I think, but it was jungle-like and covered in grass. I was more excited than usual so I was losing it. I focused on grass, then spun, which helped. I looked around for someone to bite(for the task of the month) but there was no one. I got too excited and woke in a FA and tried to write down my dream in a Sticky Note on my computer but it was all gibberish.

      I've been having such short LDs lately, I really need to work on stabilization. But I have been having them every 2-4 nights, which is an improvement.

      I was with Brittany and was watching an old home movie recording of her dresser when she was little. "You should save this! It shows the clothes you wore when you were younger." Then, we were IN the home movie, looking through her dresser. I found clothes in there that were actually mine, so I took them back. I realized the sun was setting soon and we were now in a tropical paradise so I wanted to go outside and watch it. So we went outside onto the beach. It was a beautiful sight, a colorful sunset, a red moon on the left of the skyline, and another white moon on the right. I had my feet in the water and noticed outlines of something in the sand under the water. "What are those?" I asked. "Turtles." My sister pulls one out and it's this frog-like turtle creature. She keeps pulling them out and she pulls out a small alligator, then a large alligator, which makes me step away. A trainer appears and prepares to do tricks with the alligator..
    2. Flying Through A Cotten Candy Colored Universe

      by , 10-15-2015 at 10:14 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Oh hey long time no dream post.. I've had so many memorable dreams I've wanted to record but been too lazy to record them. Now finally..

      I "woke up" in my bedroom. I took a pill(that I had stopped taking in RL) and then started feeling extremely dizzy. I went into the bathroom and checked the mirror and saw bumps on my cheeks. I checked my body and it had spread all over. My whole body was red and covered in bumps. I realized that it was a rash from the pill that I took. I considered going to the hospital because it was so bad but figured it would clear up as soon as the med wore off. I went to the kitchen and let the dog out and noticed there was snow on the ground. "Already?!?" I thought(it's the middle of October) but I kinda liked it.

      I "woke up" in my bed again, and still felt kinda weird so I looked down at my hands. They were pretty normal but I just knew that I was dreaming. I went to the living room and tried to summon A. It wasn't working(I've tried to summon this person many times before) but then a pair of hands with latex gloves appeared in the corner. It was dark so I couldn't see who they belonged to. I "woke up" but was still dreaming. I decided to try to fall back asleep(I didn't realize that I actually still was asleep) and I kinda started spinning in circles, which brought me to my second lucid.

      In this dream within a dream, I already knew I was dreaming and didn't have to test it, so I got out of bed again and went back to the living room, which was dark and painted red. I focused on things to stabilize, like a label from a can, which helped. I tried again to summon A but had no luck, so I jumped in the air and started to fly. I was still in the house so I went outside and jumped again and flew(swam) up above the clounds. I started to come down but them decided to go even further up. I zoomed up and up, into space and throughout the universe, watching everything get smaller and smaller as some kind of majestic, movie-soundtrack-like music played. I saw galaxies and big planets in bright candy colors against the backdrop of cotten candy pink space. Afterwards, I retured back to Earth but was still above the clouds. I was going to try to go to a roller boogie next but woke up.
    3. False Awakenings and Lucids

      by , 01-01-2015 at 07:47 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      On the first day of New Years my Dream Guide gave to me: 1 dream, 2 dream fragments, 4 False Awakenings, 2 short lucids, and a partrige in a pear tree. (Just kidding about the last one).

      I hardly EVER have false awakenings. This is probably only about my 3rd time having them in all my time practicing lucid dreaming(which is about 7 years). I would always browse the forums and wonder why there were so many threads related to that. Well now I know..

      I was with my sister and we were in the car listening to music on my laptop. We got to a store and I left my laptop in the car with the music still playing and the windows down(What a stupid thing to do) and I didn't lock the car. Then we went inside the store and a few minutes later I realized that I probably should have locked the car. So I went back out side, and sure enough the car is gone. I get out my phone and call 911. I was actually kind of happy that it got stolen because my car is a piece of crap and so is my laptop and I wanted to get a new one.

      -fragment about getting Aubrey for secret santa and trying to figure out what to get her

      -fragment about getting a galaxy bath bomb for christmas and being very happy about it

      -False awakening in which my mom was by my bed telling me something

      -False awakening where there was an officer at my bed and I thought he was probably there to talk about my stolen car(from previous dream) but it was super fuzzy, then I "woke up"

      -I had another false awakening and
      I knew I was dreaming because everything was fuzzy. I looked at my hands to stabilize and then got out of bed and walked down the hallway, but everything became so fuzzy that I couldn't see.

      -So I "woke up" AGAIN and it didn't feel like real life so I looked at my hands, and sure enough I was still dreaming. This time I could see clearly. I got out of bed again and walked to my living room. It was like somebody had turned the saturation up because everything was so colorful and sharp. I was going to try my goal of flying to space but instead was like, "fuck it, I'm going to have sex."(which I've never done lucid). So I went outside and looked for a guy. There were so many women walking down the street. One of them was dressed like Snooki and was wearing pants and a purple bra and had huge boobs. Finally, I saw a man. He was really good looking. He started walking towards me and he began to take his shirt off but then
      I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Lucid-The Meaning of Life/Heaven

      by , 01-01-2015 at 01:18 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Happy New Years Eve!

      I haven't written down my dreams in a few days because I've been up north with TPLSGM and just haven't been bothered to. But while I was up there, I had this lucid.
      Oh and I'm finally changing my lucid color so it's not the lime-green text anymore.

      I was starting to wake up so that's when I knew I was dreaming. I was in a room that looked similar to the cabin. Dani was sitting at the kitchen table. I stared at the texture of the table to stabilize. I decided to try one of my goals. "What's the meaning of life?" I asked her. She stared at me with a blank expression and said, "uhhhhhh.... I don't know."

      My next goal was to either summon a dead person or fly to space. I thought it would be too hard to fly to space so I decided to try to summon Robin Williams. So I closed my eyes, thought hard about him, and when I opened them, a lady appeared and we were in a room full of gold. There were gold vases and things on shelves around the room, and I thought maybe I was in heaven. The lady was wearing a white dress with gold detail and black hair, like a goddess. She kind of reminded me of Katy Perry in one of her music videos. There was also another lady who looked similar. The lady by me said, "This is the Lord's prayer room" or something like that. It seemed like I wasn't allowed to see Robin Williams. She began to escort me out. I peered into a room that had children singing church songs.

      I think I could have stayed lucid longer, but I woke up anyway and had a false awakening in which I grabbed a pen and notebook to write down this dream. I think this might have been my first false awakening ever.

      I woke up with the theme song from the tv series Lost playing in my head.

      Updated 01-02-2015 at 04:37 AM by 23237
