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    1. The White Kangaroo

      by , 09-13-1977 at 03:13 PM
      Night of September 13, 1977. Tuesday.

      In real life, my father had come home from his work rather early and came into my room to give me a book. “She told me to give this to you,” he said. Who did he mean? Jenny? Likely not. My father would not have directed any attention to the concept of ghosts at that point, especially “fresh” ghosts, ghosts only about a month old. “I found it in the window seat,” he said. He said it was the only thing on the property. Anywhere. It was a children’s book about a white kangaroo. I did not ask him who “she” was or who he thought the book had belonged to. He went back to work, riding there on his bicycle, a considerable distance (I had no idea why he felt the need to do this), working for a dollar an hour when everyone else was earning five or more. For his age, his stamina was incredible, including when he rode a bicycle across the United States, twice, in his seventies.

      Even though I was sixteen and the book was obviously for a much younger age group, I kept it for awhile, though it did not make the journey to Wisconsin with me. Looking over my dream journals at the time, I discovered two older dreams about a “cataroo”, both on September 13th, one in 1973, the other in 1974. As the “cataroo” (upper half of cat, back half of kangaroo) rescued me in one dream, this “white kangaroo” business seemed benevolent and somehow reassuring. Still, it was an intriguing “coincidence”. This was before I came to learn how to trace precise synchronicity-based layers over the years that seemed “drawn” to a particular date for whatever reason. I came to think that it could possibly “explain” some aspects of precognition, but still did not explain “non-local mind” or remote viewing. After all, many people know that Christmas will arrive on the 25th of December. How difficult is that? Apparently too difficult a concept for the majority.

      In my dream, I think of my father exploring the mostly empty recesses of either ruined lives or those who could not settle down and for whatever reason had to move on. (“You stay out of my piccalilli farrago!” What? No exploration allowed? Did curiosity ever actually kill a cat?) Each and every person left behind one thing. Only one item. Perhaps one “clue” to use as a “key” for whatever purpose. Not all dreams are like this of course, but those that remain with certain persistent residual feelings and seeming links that others would never see even if they studied something for centuries.

      At this point in my life (age sixteen, in September of 1977), I saw the world, for the most part, as jealous, murderous, and completely insane - and with very good reason. Those who were not insane were innocent and refused to do a single thing against the dominant problematic aggressors. Whoever you interacted with could easily be “removed”. Even after countless warnings and direct signs, no one listened.

      My dream girl aka “imaginary girlfriend” as best friend Toby called her (though he did have honest interest in my dream work, unlike some) noted the white kangaroo book. She told me she would “hold one for me” when I was to make contact with her in the “real” world (whatever that is) years from then. She said her human form would not necessarily realize this. Her angelic goddess essence would always be present…somewhere. It seems funny to hear a dream character talking about their “human form”. It was not that I would ever need “confirmation”. The “clues” I knew of were already virtually endless. If I had started to write every miraculous “coincidence” that came directly to me, I would never stop writing.

      The voices of truth cannot be silenced. People can lie. People can pretend. People deny that love exists. People deny that anything beyond mundane human life exists (and thus even their “dreams” are mundane and linear). Some people seem to enjoy denying the universe itself. Perhaps they even deny the existence of life itself.
      lucid , memorable
    2. The Cataroo Rescued Me

      by , 09-13-1974 at 09:57 AM
      Morning of September 13, 1974. Friday.

      The so-called “cataroo” in this dream is quite different in appearance than the first personal version (and vision) of this fictional creature. In this dream, it mostly looks like a kangaroo with a cat’s head while in the first dream about this fantasy hybrid creature, it had the entire upper half of a cat and the bottom half of an implied miniature kangaroo but only cat-sized overall. The fact that the last version was the most kangaroo-like implies my path getting closer to my Australian wife-to-be.

      In the dream, I am in an unknown and mostly undefined location (somewhat like an isolated movie set in the middle of a void), though it seems to be present at another level of perspective (superimposed in locational memory but with no known or discernible features around the central area) just west of my Cubitis home. There is a castle, possibly abandoned as I see no other people in the dream, which has a large moat around it.

      Somehow, I fall into the moat, which turns out to be mostly of darker-colored quicksand. (This is a partial “replay” of a real-life event where I got stuck in a deeper muddy hole in the far backyard area when messing around one afternoon and my father had to pull me up and out.)

      Eventually, a “cataroo” approaches and pulls me out and then seems “happy”. There is not that much interaction as I mostly follow it around the castle grounds until the dream loses cohesion. Unlike the first cataroo dream, this one is about kangaroo size and mostly remains upright.

      Here we see (as usual with me) an entire stratum of precognitive Source-based perspective and synchronicity.

      This was on my wife’s sixth birthday prior to knowing she (additionally in reference to the “mystery girl”) even existed - and she is Australian… (kangaroo link) as well as having been a cat breeder and going to cat shows when we first made contact (cat link) - thus the cataroo obviously symbolize my wife in a precognitive sense (although the first cataroo dream was even more precisely precognitive in a visual sense). This was also on a Friday the 13th as was my wife’s birthday.

      This was also the first time I later saw “Night of the Lepus”, which aired on television on CBS (as the late movie) at 11:30 pm. The associations are that my family had a rabbit farm (both in Chipmunk Coulee in Wisconsin and in Cubitis in Florida) and that the movie references the rabbit problem in Australia (where my yet-to-be wife lived). There are also more precognitive layers associated with my surgery in 1976 detailed in other entries. There is a lesser idea of course on how kangaroos and rabbits are both “hopping animals”. (I had also watched “Cat Ballou” earlier that same evening - which seems to be a personal Source play on “cat below” in reference to Australia.)

      The in-dream association also has a link to Psalm 69:14, 69 being a visual association of Yin and Yang and the supposedly secret (Temple of Hathor) Sagittarius and Virgo union - Corona Borealis and Corona Australis - and interestingly, I never associated it as other people do; that is, immediately (and often solely) with the oral “act” - which to me is absurd - especially as I was aware of the spiritual meaning and Yin-Yang connection around age four back in 1965. I do not directly follow Christianity, but this Bible verse reads “Rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink; deliver me from those who hate me, from the deep waters”. This implies that my wife (prior to knowing the “mystery girl” was real) would, in the future, “save me from the quicksand to get to the castle”. The castle was also the location of the main spiritual “battle” between the “mystery girl” (wife-to-be) and the “other” (Susan R) - which had real-life repercussions over a lifetime of several people. Of course, the “corona” association is “crown” - which implies a castle connection as it is.

      As for number fourteen, there is a link to my personal path - but it relates solely to the recurrence of the Roman form XIV for some reason. I suspect this complementary highly recurring synchronicity (a Louis XIV musical aired this evening as well at 10:00) relates not so much to the number fourteen but to the lesser symbolic plays on eleven and twenty-two - because XI represents eleven and V is the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet. (The key patten being 6, 9, 11, 22, 66, 69, 96, 99, etc.)

      “Rescue me from the mire” was also the first line of a Bryan Adams song (sixth studio album) I heard after communicating with my wife-to-be for a time in 1992, titled “Do I Have to Say the Words?” - recorded in 1991 (the year I first made contact with my wife) and listed as having the length of 6:11, peaking at number 11 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and the second song on the CD single being “Summer Of ‘69” (live).

      Just purely out of curiosity I used the same next vowel, next consonant cycle on “Lepus” as I had originally discovered in childhood regarding my name becoming “I hug PO Virgo”. “Lepus” can make “Bufo J” which is relative to the toad - another “hopping animal” (though not that good a hopper) in the 13th row after the original “Lepus” by the same token that “Jesus” makes “Love V” in its second row.

      Finally, as I wrote in other entries, the “cataroo” was solely from an inner perspective, as this was before the Internet and before I realized that other people had contemplated this mythical hybrid, likely both before and after I had - in modern hindsight.
      Tags: cat, cataroo, kangaroo
    3. The Cataroo (long-term precognitive)

      by , 09-13-1973 at 03:13 PM
      Morning of September 13, 1973. Thursday.

      I first dreamt of the fictional animal - the “cataroo” (long before the Internet and the potential to see that others had thought of it) at this time. In this case, it has the upper half of a cat and the bottom half of a miniature kangaroo (as it is cat-sized here). It has a very special vindication for me, personally. In this first dream of the “cataroo”, it was in a wicker cat cage with a rounded top, the cage facing west, while in the northeast area of the living room, which remains semi-dark throughout my dream - the small carrying cage itself and its precise appearance as in my dream being something that I had never seen or heard of. This was very precise precognition many years ahead, as my wife had one exactly like it when we got together many years later. Also as in my dream, the door broke off eventually.

      The cage was, again, visually exact relative to my more distant future and marriage, but the rest of the precognition was a composite of other factors and facets as it often is - my wife was breeding cats at the time I went to her, and she lived in Australia (thus the cat-kangaroo mix), which I had no real-life association with at all as a boy. This is why I have always firstly looked at dreams as a literal combination of past, present, and future (even distant future) and not symbolic in an obscure or totally unrelated sense that so-called dream dictionaries try to promote.

      On a lesser note, this night was the first episode of the second season of “The Waltons” television series (the episode “The Journey”, where there is some unusually complex synchronicity, one facet relating to the December 20, 1960 comic strip “Henry”). This is only relative in that the “mystery girl” or “imaginary girlfriend” and I were intimate when it was on in my dream and with Roosevelt I making a gag of the “watching the Waltons while making love” scenario in real-life. Coincidentally (or yet more subtle precognition), a similar gag was used on an actual (sitcom I think) television show a short time later, but I cannot presently recall the name.

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 10:22 AM by 1390

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable