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    1. Saturday 30th June 2012

      by , 07-06-2012 at 11:46 PM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      My Mom is moaning at me, she says I don't do anything but sing in a stupid band , my Dad now comes over to me and says "I'm sorry sweetheart but I've had to do it" I can see how upset he is. My Dad explains to me about this lottery thing, he apologises to me because he has signed me up for it but it's not with him. I say to my Dad "it's ok, don't worry about it I understand"

      Dream 2

      I'm standing outside with 2 people and we are talking about my husbands cousin "D" from Newcastle. Suddenly I realise that "D's" dead and I remember back to the last time I saw him which was at his Moms funeral ((which is true)). The girls I am with say "yeah they stabbed him then snapped his neck!" I can't believe he's been murdered and I get upset because he's a lovely bloke then I cry.
    2. Friday 29th June 2012

      by , 06-30-2012 at 01:06 AM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      My girls are in their room, it's a little different to what it is in RL but in my dream I didn't notice this.
      They have two T.V's on their walls. One of the T.V's is hanging normally but the other is hanging sideways. I go into their room to turn off the T.V's, I look for the remote and find one, I look at it and say "that's not the right one!" I now find another remote that is exactually the same as the first one I found. I examine this remote and shake my head while saying "ohhh, these ARE the right ones!"
      I now tread on a small toy that is on the floor, it looks like a small plastic horses head it felt funny when I trod on it so I keep my foot on it for a minute as I am slightly amused by this, it feels like its nibbling at my foot and I find this quite weird.
      I now go back to bed, as I'm lying in bed I hear my daughter P shout "tell her Mom to stop talking about voodoo!" . P is now in my room so I go back into the girls room with her. I see my Daughter L sitting on the bed next to my daughter S. my daughter P now says "and she's been smoking in here aswell!" I say to L "you better not have been, now get out and into your own bed!" I worry incase L has given S some of her fag.
      I now pick up a Macdonalds strawberry milkshake, I take it into my room and put it on my bedside table and climb back into bed.
      With my hand I feel the dip in my side of the mattress ((which I really have )) I lean over to my hubby's side of the bed and feel the side of the mattress there and I feel bare foam. I now push my fingers slightly into the dip on my side and pull out a small piece of foam, I now think "shit, my hubby's going to kill me!" ((for wrecking the mattress)).
      I now think about having my milkshake when suddenly my duvet is over me and something evil is trying to pull it off me .
      I now realise that I'm dreaming and I'm fully lucid. I can see this things shadow through the duvet and it now says "get out of this fucking duvet, I'm going to get you!" I shit myself. This thing has never spoke before. I can't say if it's a mans voice or a woman's voice, but I can say its nasty!
      I'm trying to fight this thing off me and push it away, it's pushing itself at my stomache really hard, this thing is really strong, it's really trying to get to me!!
      It's now biting me on my stomache through the duvet and it hurts like a bitch!!. I think to myself "it's my dream..I'll blow it away". I blow it hard and for a second it stops ((but literally only for a second)). It comes back at me hard now, it's trying to rip through the duvet to get at me. It now says "you can't stop me, I will get you!!" it's pushing hard against me again.
      I can see its shadow better now and I can see the shadows of 3 like tentacle things or legs or something like that coming out either side of this thing. I'm now thinking "what the fucks happening, this isn't just a dream, this thing is fucking real!!!"
      I can't explain it but I know this wasn't just SP or just a dream, it sounds crazy I know, but this thing is sometimes in my dreams, I can always feel its presence when it's about, it's a bad, bad feeling..but this is the first time it's ever spoke to me. I'm sure as crazy as it sounds that this is some evil fucking entity or something!!!
      I'm still trying to fight this thing off but I can't, it's far too strong compared to me. I decide to scream really loud to wake my real self up out of it.
      My god this thing was really pissed with me this time. I feel totally invaded by this thing!!!!!

      Dream 2

      I'm dreaming about something to do with mice. In the last bit of my dream a girl comes into my house with either two mice or two hamsters. She now drops them on the floor to let them go because my Mom says "you can't have them!". My Mom now gets a shoe and starts smacking things and swearing as she tries to get them.
    3. Monday 4th June 2012

      by , 06-19-2012 at 10:18 PM
      Dream 1

      We are outside by a big Market, we are standing by a tunnel. There is a big crowd around us and all the people are pushing past trying to cause mayhem this way 2 men that want to grab my youngest J can grab her without me noticing and take her from me. My hubby and my other Daughters are with me. One man says something, my hubby replies sarcastically "yeah mate" the other man now says something and my hubby says "come on then!!" but the 2 men carry on through the crowd and they go into the tunnel. Me, my hubby and my eldest L need to try and catch the men and other baddies. L is in a room with my hubby and my hubby ties L to a chair as bait for them. I do the same but I have to sit on some sort of stapler and cover it up with flowers. Myself and L are both in seperate rooms but I can see L. I'm feeling really depressed and I'm making flowers up. My hubby tries to talk to me but I don't talk back, he's being really nice to me but I'm feeling so depressed and won't respond. ((Dream Skip))
      My hubby takes us somewhere in the car and my Mom & Dad pull up beside us. I get out the car and run to my Dad, I hug him tight & cry. ((Dream Skip))
      We are now back in the rooms. L is on the chair in one room and I am in the room next to her. I try and sit on the stapler to hide it ((it's our weapon )) I put flowers over it aswell but the flowers suddenly catch on fire, I move them and they are ok again. I look at where I'm sitting and realise that I'm actually sitting on our big silver bin. I put the flowers back over the stapler again, and again they set on fire, I move them and they are ok again. I think to myself "the metal bin must be too hot for them!" there is lots of smoke about from the fire and I'm trying to waft it away. My hubby comes in and says "where's all this smoke come from?" I'm scared incase he goes mad because I burnt the flowers but he's not angry he's just nice to me. My hubby pouts for a kiss and says something funny and I almost smile.

      Dream 2

      I'm in a house and there is a man trying to kill me. Someone now says that the House is Haunted and I think it's his fault. The House now shakes and everything moves, I say "ohh my god look at the floor, it's wrecked!" the floor is all cracked and split. I am now sitting in a car inside the house, the bloke driving rams it into the wall of the House. Everyone gets out of the car but they have to lift me out. I pretend to be dead but a girl says "look, she's alive" so after a few minutes I pretend to come round. I get up and rub my eyes, I see the mans keys hanging from a hook high up on the wall so I fly up to them and hover above him and I tease him with his keys . I now see an opportunity to kill him so I get close behind him and snap his neck. I'm so angry with him that I pick him up ((he's now turned into a small doll)) and I squeeze the dolls head untill his eyes pop out!!! ((Dream Skip))
      I am in a hallway and there is water everywhere, it's a market place but in the isles full of water people are paddling and swimming, the water is quite deep. My hubby is in the water next to me, he dives under and I quickly move away from him, I'm scared he might pull me under. I go to the sweet stall and look at all the sweets, I look for the old TCP flavoured bubble gum that I used to love as a child, after a short search I see some. I now see my Mom & Dad in a camper van, my Dad asks what I'm up to but I don't answer and just wander off.
    4. Sunday 20th May 2012

      by , 05-21-2012 at 12:21 AM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      I'm on the phone to my Mom. I'm telling her that my Brother and Sister have lost the plot and I say "see I told you I was the black sheep didn't I" ((I do feel like I am in RL)) my Mom says "why are they being like this with you?" I say "I don't know!" and I'm crying hysterically.

      Dream 2

      Me and my hubby are shopping for stuff. We go into a wallpaper shop and there is a radiator in there the same as the one I have in my home in this dream. This radiator hangs higher on the wall. The radiator is made of silver metal and there are 3 poles the size of my arm going across and there is a slight gap between each pole. Attached to the sides are poles about the length of my leg. The second pole across has a hole in the middle as the design. We have to find wallpaper to cover these poles, and I like the wallpaper that is on the radiator in th shop, one is a blueish grey leopard print design and the other is a pinkish colour ((dream skip))
      Me and my hubby are in the car in the car-park and are about to leave. The 2 owners are now on the car-park aswell and they are lifting weights . My hubby is in the drivers seat and is getting really angry because the key won't start the car, the car is just moving very slowly and nearly hits some other cars infront of us but stops before it does. I look at the gap that were in and think "how can we fit in this gap it's too slim, the car is too wide to fit in here!" I say to my hubby "shout them blokes and they'll help us" my hubby shouts them and then I wake-up.
    5. Friday 11th May 2012

      by , 05-12-2012 at 07:04 PM
      Last Nights Dream

      I'm in a room in a house, my Mom and a few other people are here. I have had a baby girl and she is very dark skinned like a Jamaican, my Mom is also dark skinned the same. I say to my Mom "she's just like you look" I hold the baby up to her then I say "she's got your skin colour" ((lol, I didn't realise their skin colour was wrong)) I look at my baby girl and say "it's amazing you know, I ve had a hysterectomy but can still have babies!!)) D
    6. 27th March 2012

      by , 04-13-2012 at 01:47 AM
      Last nights dream

      I am in the swimming baths but I don't go into the water. I meet a woman in there, this woman used to be a man and still looks like a man but has had a sex change, I am a man in my dream and I have sex with this man/woman. We have sex in the changing rooms and by the pool and everywhere we can lol.
      We are now lying by the side of the pool, I hook my hand over the side of the pool and a man suddenly comes towards my hand while he is swimming with his noisy mat, it startled me and sounded like a very noisy engine, we decide to move and go and have sex somewhere else. ((dream skip))
      I am at my moms house, I see my Dad and he looks sad, he says "I'm going to bed" and I give him a kiss and a hug goodnight. I am with the he/she again and we go into the other room. I see things moving about and realise there are ghosts in here. I am sitting on the sofa with the he/she and the ghosts keep touching me and my hair. I rub 2 dummies into my hair lol ((babies dummies)). I have a horrible scared feeling go through me, I'm really scared and the ghosts do the same frantics to the he/she that I am with. We both get up and rush off into the other room, I bump into my Mom and she is pissed up, she says "I'm going to bed" and I whisper to her "I'll help you up and tell you about something" she says "ok".
      We stumble upstairs and I see my kids all going to sleep on different beds. I tell my Mom the girls are going to sleep and my Mom then goes to bed. I go back to the room with the ghosts in and the ghosts start scaring me again and I get an awfull feeling again. My hubby suddenly comes and says "I've got you an ice-cream" I say "what kind?" he says "a feast" I say "I don't like them" he then calls the ice-cream man on the phone who then comes back and lets me choose another one and I choose a mint one and it's huge but very cheap for the size of it.
      Me and the he/she now go back into the ghostly room and the ghosts are scaring us again, I say "come on...let's go and tell my Mom" we go up to her room and when we go in I see my Mom lying on her front in bed and she is talking to someone on the phone, her new boyfriend is on top of her having sex with her, I think to myself "ohhh my god, this is too much...this is fuckin weird!!!!" I think about my Dad being in the room above them and feel sick to my stomache about all of this, I can't get my head round it all. ((dream skip))
      I am now in the car with my Moms boyfriend ((not sure why)) I decide to roll myself a fag and I realise that I have rolled loads of filter tips instead of the baccy, I laugh and say "sorry" and tip all the filter tips onto the seat. The filter tips have now all changed into matches and they set alight, we go round the corner by my house now and I try to blow them out and eventually manage to. Another car now goes round the corner just infront of us, the car is on fire and suddenly explodes and I shit myself, I then see that my sister-in-laws house is on fire. A fire engine comes towards us and it's also on fire, it's glowing orange with the flames, we swerve as we try not to hit it and we spin. We are now stuck on the path on the corner, another fire engine comes towards us, this is very scary and it's also on fire, it hits my side of the car and I feel the heat and the burn off it, I think "ohh god, it's my time to die" the most horrific feeling rushes through me, a feeling of doom and death. I shout to my Moms boyfriend "pull me over to your side" I'm in slow motion so can't get over to him to escape the fire. He pulls me over and I am now safe. I'm scared and we get out of the car, everywhere and everything is on fire. I now wake up and I'm sweating, my heart is pounding and I'm absolutely shitting myself lol.
    7. 19th October 2011

      by , 11-10-2011 at 10:11 PM
      I am standing in a room and I realise I am dreaming, I think " cool, Ill meet Joel" ((a singer from a group called Roomie on youtube lol)) I look at my clothes and they are a bit scruffy, I then see Joel's picture on a newspaper that some bloke is reading and I say to the bloke "I'm going to meet him" I grab my sleeves and try to rip them off but I can't I then think "it's a dream of course I can rip them off if I want to" then just like magic I rip them off very easily. I changed my skirt by pointing at it but I then had a longer black skirt on underneath so I decided to just play it easy and take it off by hand ((lol)) joel then walks through the doorway and i think "ummm...yummy yummy I got him" lmao....we both went into another room and I was at my mom and dads house, it was different to how it is in real life. I looked for joel but he had gone. I can see my mom, I go up to her and say "i'm dreaming, this is all just a dream" my mom is looking a little red faced and stressed out. I could feel spirits following me and thought "I'll have to see what they want, ill have to speak with them. I stayed with my mom for a short while and then i went close up to her ear and whispered "it's a dream" it echoed and she moved away from me, i said "was that too loud?" she didnt answer mem i now say to her "i have to go upstairs now to see my nan and grandad futrill" ((im thinking they will be there now because i have thought they will be)) I want to speak with them while I am dreaming. I begin to walk upstairs , i enter the doors which lead around the upstairs, i then enter the last one which lead me into the kitchen downstairs, i think "typical dream, it's leading me all the way round!" I shut the door and think "it's quite cool how my imagination can build all this" I reach out and touch things to stabilise my dream. I come to a room and see my dad in there he is sitting on a chair and is worrying, he says "i need to know where he has gone" I go up to him and say "dad it's just a dream, calm down!", he begins to worry more and starts crying so i try to calm him down. I am still just going with the flow of my dream, I visit different rooms and places and all the time i'm lucid. I'm just enjoying looking around my dream world while i'm absorbing every detail )
      Tags: dad, home, joel, mom
    8. 13th August 2011

      by , 08-16-2011 at 01:42 AM
      I am in the house with the girls ((J & S)) Agirl they know called Amber comes and calls for them..after a few minutes S comes in and says "Ambers hurting J, you've got to come quickly!" I rush outside and get to the park where they have been playing. I walk over to J, she is by the swings, I ask "whats Amber been doing to you?" she says "it's ok, I hurt myself", it seems like she is covering it all up, S then says "Amber grabbed her and smashed her into the wall" I see that everything is ok and leave. ((Dream Skip)) I'm back in the house and again S runs in and tells me about Amber being nasty, I've now had enough and go back to the park. I see Amber, I go over to her and speak to her. As I am speaking to J and Amber..Ambers mom and nan comes over, Ambers nan was on a push bike and pulled up beside us. Ambers nan looks at Ambers mom and says "I've only just got here and she's talking to her" ((lol)), I decide to bring my kids in because they aren't safe with kids like that!!

      Dream 2

      I wake up in real life, I feel my head bang and hear the "swooshing" noise of SP, I decide to move my arm because I'm not atall comfortable, the noise goes for a few seconds but then comes back, Unfortunatley it only lasted for about a minute this time, it just slowly went again, ahh well, it'll be back lol!!

      I go back to sleep, I am in bed in my old street ((i am actually on the street in bed)) My Dad is sitting next to me in a chair. A girl called Leah is walking down the street, I see her and say to my Dad "That girls vulgar, you should hear the language from her, she's disgusting", she walks past my bed and I pretend to be asleep, I move my arm to my face so she can't see that i'm awake, I don't want her to speak to me. All of a sudden she walks past and quite loudly she is saying "Angie bastard, horrible cow, fuck her" , I look to my Dad and say "see what I mean" She then comes back up the street ((I used to live on this street when I was a kid)) She passes me as I'm talking about her and she keeps looking at me, I say something and Dad says "say that again, you sounded just like someone famous" I do and he says "you didn't sound much like him then"

      Dream 3

      I am living with my Mom and Dad in my old house. I get a phone call from ASDA, they want me to go in and work on the self scans ((I dont work at ASDA)) lol....I say to my Mom "can you please call them for me and tell them I can't go in?" she says "yes ok" and she gets straight on the phone, she says "they still want you to go in", I say "I can't go in like this", I then pull down my trousers and show my Mom my ass ((LMAO)) I have stiches in both ass cheeks, I have a cross of stiches on each cheek, I also have stiches going from 1 cheek to another, they are very tight and bleeding and weeping quite alot, the pain I can feel is immense!!!!!!!. My Mom says "those stiches are far too tight, they are bleeding really bad". As I have my ass out showing my Mom my stiches my Dad happens to walk past and I'm really, really embarrassed ((lol))
    9. 25th July 2011

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:51 PM
      Dream 1

      My Niece had to roll the dice, she got the most points, she is now the best person to help me take care of the baby Sparrows that I am looking after ((and in RL I am)) I am panicking about anyone else touching them but I am ok with my Niece.

      Dream 2

      My Daughter has got the dead bird out of the bucket, I shout at her for touching it, I take it off her and throw it to the floor. The bird then smacks it's beak together and begins to breathe, I go back to the bird and pick it up by the foot, it still has rigamortis. The bird shakes and comes alive properly and flies onto me. I am shouting to my Mom and Dad " look, look, the bird is alive, it's amazing, do you believ it" Mom says "ohh yeah" I say "can you really see it?" Mom says "no". I can see the Bird agin now, it is sitting on a fence panel and it's see through like a ghost. I say "Dad can you see the bird, i'm holding it in my hand" he says "no I can't" I then say "I'ts a ghost then and I can see it's spirit" I'm really happy and just watch it fly around happily, the bird sqwarks and fly's around , it looks beautifull. ((A big bird was found dead on my garden the day I found the 2 baby sparrows))
      Tags: bird, dad, fly., garden, mom, spirit