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    19th October 2011

    by , 11-10-2011 at 10:11 PM (408 Views)
    I am standing in a room and I realise I am dreaming, I think " cool, Ill meet Joel" ((a singer from a group called Roomie on youtube lol)) I look at my clothes and they are a bit scruffy, I then see Joel's picture on a newspaper that some bloke is reading and I say to the bloke "I'm going to meet him" I grab my sleeves and try to rip them off but I can't I then think "it's a dream of course I can rip them off if I want to" then just like magic I rip them off very easily. I changed my skirt by pointing at it but I then had a longer black skirt on underneath so I decided to just play it easy and take it off by hand ((lol)) joel then walks through the doorway and i think "ummm...yummy yummy I got him" lmao....we both went into another room and I was at my mom and dads house, it was different to how it is in real life. I looked for joel but he had gone. I can see my mom, I go up to her and say "i'm dreaming, this is all just a dream" my mom is looking a little red faced and stressed out. I could feel spirits following me and thought "I'll have to see what they want, ill have to speak with them. I stayed with my mom for a short while and then i went close up to her ear and whispered "it's a dream" it echoed and she moved away from me, i said "was that too loud?" she didnt answer mem i now say to her "i have to go upstairs now to see my nan and grandad futrill" ((im thinking they will be there now because i have thought they will be)) I want to speak with them while I am dreaming. I begin to walk upstairs , i enter the doors which lead around the upstairs, i then enter the last one which lead me into the kitchen downstairs, i think "typical dream, it's leading me all the way round!" I shut the door and think "it's quite cool how my imagination can build all this" I reach out and touch things to stabilise my dream. I come to a room and see my dad in there he is sitting on a chair and is worrying, he says "i need to know where he has gone" I go up to him and say "dad it's just a dream, calm down!", he begins to worry more and starts crying so i try to calm him down. I am still just going with the flow of my dream, I visit different rooms and places and all the time i'm lucid. I'm just enjoying looking around my dream world while i'm absorbing every detail )

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    Tags: dad, home, joel, mom
