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    1. Uncursed

      by , 09-11-2015 at 03:11 PM
      Morning of September 11, 2015. Friday.

      In my dream, I had been making love to Zsuzsanna in a semi-lucid state and suddenly feel a bit more perceptive than usual in such a situation. She looks beautiful and goddess-like. I tell her that I “brought her here” as an experiment and for her to look around the setting (even though she has already been present in many dreams about Cubitis as well as La Crosse). Outside, I see a beautiful garden and layout. There are unrealistically large coleus blumei everywhere (instead of all the huge prickly pears and ugly caterpillar-infested red canna lilies that were eventually practically everywhere in reality prior to my family’s move back to Wisconsin), some in large plant pots placed in perfect lines along the shed and parts of the backyard. The beauty of the imagery is astounding.

      There is a strange “division” of time. Even though I am my present self on one level, “my” house is otherwise empty (other than my own manipulation of the setting and “preserving” of how it was before) and supposedly in the distant past. Lisa’s old house immediately to the south, however, is still technically “cursed” and empty, and the outside covered with several layers of mold and old vines, parts of the front porch blocked up with concrete blocks (and mostly as it presently looks now in real life). I want to look in the house, but my wife does not like the idea. However, my motive is pure and to confirm that the house is in complete ruin and unfit for a human being to even be within several feet of. I do not even care that people apparently cannot enter and leave with their sanity intact. I feel good about the idea of an empty ruined house covered with mold and vines next to “my” in-dream home. It makes me feel alive and happy and with an enhanced sense of privacy.

      Somehow though, we end up in town. I seem to be on my own for a time. I do not recognize anyone (even though they are around my age or older). I am in what seems to be a small store. An older male is seated on a chair near the entrance. Even though I do not know anyone in the immediate setting, I ask him if he remembers me. He has no idea who I am. I tell him that I will travel back into the past, meet him and be his friend for a few months, and then come back to the present and ask him if he remembers me then. He seems to agree to this odd concept and arrangement, but it still does not work. He then does not even remember what I had asked him the first time around (before I went to the past). I become annoyed and leave.

      I eventually find myself in a tavern. There are quite a few people sitting on bar stools. One of them looks like a very old version of Lisa, perhaps about seventy (which makes no sense as she is younger than me). Her parents look like young teenage versions of themselves even though they are still her “real” parents. Her “mother” says that she has to come home and her “father” does not even want to look at her, though just tells her to come back home while even blocking his face with his right arm for a short time. Not many want to look, apparently, because her face is extraordinarily distorted. I notice that her mouth looks quite bizarre, her teeth two times longer than they should be and metallic as well as being at various random angles. I do not question either the “impossible mouth” or the teenage parents of a very old lady (even though I had been semi-lucid at the beginning of my dream).

      Eventually, I am distracted by the behavior of the “parents”, and decide to heal a few people in the area. I go outside and see the same male I had talked with earlier. From here, miniature clouds of soft blue fire float and waver upward into the air from my hands and this is supposed to be “restoring” elements of the town and people somehow. The male seems to become a bit younger (or at least healthier in overall appearance) and more cheerful.

      Updated 06-18-2018 at 05:33 PM by 1390

    2. Losing Teeth…or Keys…

      by , 01-01-2000 at 07:01 AM
      Morning of January 1, 2000. Saturday.

      I seem to be losing some teeth at first but that is not the case. Loose keys from the computer keyboard had somehow been in my mouth but I am not sure of how many (and I do not question how they would be there in the first place, though perhaps I had been blowing them dry after washing them as I had in real life recently and they somehow flew up into my mouth). Logic dictates that the individual keys would be too large to be mistaken for teeth in real life for the most part. In the last part of my dream, I am unsure whether any actual teeth of mine had come out, though it seems possible.

      This is slightly different than my usual losing teeth dreams, which I have had a few times per month since childhood. Trying to infer to me that losing teeth in dreams has any meaning relevant to waking life (other than in cases of literal prescience or concerns about a trip to the dentist) will be meant with a blank stare.

      Losing teeth in a dream is not much different than the falling mechanism in physical hypnopompia, which also has no meaning other than the biological shifting of consciousness. How difficult can it be to understand something so obvious? The unconscious self cannot speak through the physical body, and so when undue attention is incidentally focused on a mouth that is not even there (other than by illusion), naturally the fictional teeth would “fall out” (or be perceived as doing such).

      To further prove this, consider what has happened in this dream. Typing on a computer keyboard and speaking are both related to communication. The sleeping physical body cannot talk or communicate coherently in unconsciousness. It is also common to not be able to type correctly on a computer keyboard in a dream, which is also unrelated to waking life. It is simply because the dream self does not have neural access to critical thinking skills or defined time orientation.

      Updated 08-16-2017 at 07:25 PM by 1390
