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    Hopeless Wanderings

    "Hold me fast, 'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
    I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under"

    lucids(new style)
    lucids(old style)

    Completed 2015 Lucid Goals:
    [X] fly
    [X] walk through walls
    [X] ask a DC the meaning of life
    [X] visit space

    Completed 2016 Lucid Goals:

    [x] summon someone(summoned M)
    [x] get an answer(kind of, but want to try again)

    2018 Dream Goals:

    [x] reach 200 entries
    [ ] reach 50 dream entries for the year(CURRENT COUNT: 9)
    [ ] Meet M again
    [ ] ANSWERS
    [ ] Meet someone dead IRL
    [X] Be ES
    [ ] Have 10 lucids(CURRENT COUNT: 8)
    [ ] Memorize a good chunk of a song playing in my dream and write it down
    [X] fly(why not I guess)
    [ ] build something(like a mini-world, house, bridge, etc)

    Current re-occuring dream themes: being in high school or college

    Total LD Count(only counting the ones recorded here): 67

    Happy dreaming!

    1. Rape, Shopping

      by , 06-20-2011 at 06:04 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      So.. I was really unsure about posting this just because it's sort of.. intense. But I decided that it's just a dream and I've posted so many other not-so-pleasant dreams on here so I guess I'll post this one.

      This is my third(I think) dream about a rapist but the first one that involves.. me.

      I was in my house when some guy around my age barged in and started chasing after me. I tried to find a place to hide but he chaded me down and found me right away.
      Spoiler for a bit graphic:
      Afterwards, he acted like nothing had happened and so did I because I wanted him to trust that I wouldn't tell anyone so that he would leave. Unfortunately, he was too smart to leave right away. I tried to get away again but he would chase me down right away. So I just tried to be calm and casual and then he saw the hot tub in my backyard. I asked him if he wanted to go in it and he said yes. I told him I didn't feel like going in and that I would just stay in the house. I promised him that I wouldn't call or say anything to anyone or try to get away, and he actually believed it. He thought we were 'pals' then. So he went out to the hot tub and I quickly locked all the doors so he couldn't get back in. I ran to a room to find somewhere to hide but decided I was safe enough to stay where I was and call for help. I called 911 and told them everything. Then someone else was there with me, maybe a neighbor or something, and the guy was trying to get back in the door as the neighbor or someone blocked it. I was terrified that he would get back in so I held the door shut until one of my parents, my dad I think, came home. I told him what happened and we got in his car and sat there until the cops showed up. It seemed to take forever for them to arrive, but when they did come there was around six of them. I finally felt safe again..

      I had another dream about shopping for a birthday gift for my friend and I went to mayfair mall with one of my other friends to shop. I had a gift card to Victoria's Secret, which happened to be just a small makeup stand in a Khols, instead of a whole store. I had no idea what to get and my friend was helping me pick stuff out but I didn't really want to buy any of it. Then she just sort of ignored me and walked off to shop for some clothes and I followed her. I went to try something on so I sat in a waiting area with some other people from my school. They were laughing a little at me, I think because I was dressed in a hoodie and jeans while everyone else was dressed all fancy and 'cool'. I laughed to myself then and thought, "Yea well atleast I don't have to go shopping all the time and spend 1,000$ a month on clothes." I was happy the way I was.