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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. False memory; Saving someone

      , 01-04-2019 at 06:19 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      This was about a week ago. Very nice, long, detailed dream, with lots of background info in the dream.

      I'm on a quiet street on a hill, in an old, established neighborhood with small houses and lots of trees and greens. Someone is suppose to be driving me to or from there, but there is a delay. I'm suddenly overcome with memories and realization, that the house I'm looking at, is the first house I have lived in after arriving to this country. I know the street name, I recognize the backyard with some small wooden platform serving as a patio. I recognize the tall trees around it. I know that the staircase leading from the front door is a curvy one, going down into the house. I don't want to visit the room I used to live in, because a ghost lives there. As I'm looking around, I'm remembering more and more details. After I wake up, I know this was all a false memory.

      We go down the hill to the coast. Shore is a bit rocky, but there are a lot of people playing in the ocean. A small inflatable boat overturns and we wait for people to swim up, but they never show up. I'm scared to jump in the water, which is kinda choppy. But everybody stepped back, so I dive in. I want to swim under the water to the people under the overturned boat, but I surface and swim like that instead. I yell at a passing by canoe to stop and help, but they don't. I fully expect to just flip the boat upside down and see the people there in the air pocket. But my dream ends soon after I get a good feeling from saving them, but before I actually get to them. I know they are safe.
      Tags: ocean, saving, water
    2. Happy in Iceland

      , 12-13-2018 at 04:27 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I just arrived to Iceland airport. On the global map, I feel like I'm between Europe and Greenland.

      I have a bit of time before my plane leaves, so I ask around, how to get outside. I have seen some beautiful nature pictures on some brochures and I want to see that. I see people walking with luggage, so I follow them, while keep asking about getting outside. Suddenly we are out, when it turns out that the path to another airport gate leads through outdoors. I say "see, exactly like this outside". As I look around at fresh show on the ground. Everything is white and beautiful, as we walk on a path in show, with trees lining the pathway. It's sunny and beautiful.

      I come to a wooden path over a small brook forming a small lake. I look at it and I'm overcome with joy. So incredibly happy, that I see beautiful nature just like in the brochure. Almost as happy as when I realize in a dream that I'm dreaming or flying.

      Somewhere there I also find a gift shop.
    3. DILD, WILD; Video Game; Earthquake

      , 10-03-2018 at 04:43 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Still sleeping about 8 hrs almost every night.

      Had a short DILD 2-3 days ago. Just counted my fingers and realized. That's it, lol.

      A WILD, I took 3x300 Alpha GPC at 2 am, woke up at 4:30 from a WILD. I saw myself walking between 2 parked trucks, or maybe tight store aisles. I realized I'm dreaming and I'm suddenly there. Later, I'm telling someone that I had a lucid.

      Last night:


      Like a video game. We have to get someplace. There are couple of possible paths we can take. All over water and some islands, and coral near the surface, so we could walk on it. Tropical waters in some places, cold, muddy, with ice on them in other. Was interesting.


      Female leaves with her daughter to a new house. I stay behind with a man to finish packing. I leave in a truck, an 2 houses away from the old house, I feel the car shaking. First it's a long gentle wavy motion, getting stronger, then weaker and stronger again. It ends with 2 sharp jolts. I see a map of so cal in my mind, and I know this was the big one. 7.5. The woman returned and so did I.

      Interesting dreams, kinda liked them.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. map of surviving world

      , 08-27-2018 at 03:13 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I feel like on a map, I'm on the western part of it. I see some floods and rising water. Not too worried.

      Then I see a very detailed, full color map of western united states. California ends by Oxnard. Everything south of it is non-existent. Then I see a map of my first country in Europe. It ends by D.S. But looking at the map now, DS is parallel with my town, while in a dream, DS was more north. So my town didn't survive.

      I was also looking at surrounding towns, which I got a recall of now, while looking at a map IWL.

      In a second dream, I was at my mom's place.
      Tags: apocalypse, water
    5. Yellow flowers

      , 08-25-2018 at 03:25 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I retold my dream to myself in the morning, not having time to record it. Later I forgot that I even had a dream, let alone what it would have been about. I just saw some flowers online and the dream just popped back in full glory.

      So, I'm walking on a stone shore of some kind of a water reservoir. The stone is flat, dark grey to black. It's man-made. Water is on my left, looks long and rectangular shaped. Its surface is few feet below the lip of the stone wall reservoir.

      The water is full of flowers. Beautiful, yellow flowers on rather short stalks. Chrisantemum/daisy looking. They are all in pots, and pots are all arranged in a neat grid, all in a larger flat container. There is thousands of them.

      I look away and next time I look, all the flowers are now under the water, in same position. They are covered by thousands of petals of different color. I think it was red. It was so interesting, neat, organized, no clue of the purpose of it.

      Little later on, someone, maybe me, needs to get to the end of this stoney walkway still by that same body of water. It's all icy and slippery. I'm thinking I should take a car because on foot it will take too long. Then I see a kid on home fashioned skies, made out of 2 skateboards with the wheel side turned up, and flat side was the part he was sliding on.
      Tags: water
    6. Zombies

      , 08-05-2018 at 02:18 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Former classmate says she is going for a stroll with another person. I ask if I can go with them, because all I have been doing last few days is just watching TV and being mad at myself for not going outside.

      So we go and I'm standing on a bank of a river in my hometown. It's really muddy, carrying lots of downed trees and branches and going super fast. I comment on it and watch it for a while. My friend decides to go for a swim and with a few backstrokes, she gets close to the middle where the current is very fast. I yell that to her, but too late, she is getting swept.

      Next thing I see, is two bodies bobbing up next to her, biting her and dragging her down. She comes up few more times with more bodies around her. Finally she gets to the shore, I grab her hand and pull her out.

      We start running and a zombie is chasing us. We get to the house and I'm about to slam the door in zombies face, when I realize she is closer than I thought and she bites me in my left shoulder.

      We get to the main room. Everybody is calm, and more zombies are coming in, but they are all acting human. We have an option to clean the wounds by burning them or something else. I chose burning, so I grab matches, light them and I touch them to the wounds on this main zombie. He is showing me all the tiny scratches. Someone is burning my wounds.

      DREAM 2
      Some candy has gone missing at my workplace which doesn't look like my real world work. Trying to find out who did it, then it turns out it was one of the guys.
      Tags: river, water, zombies
    7. Lava; Telescope; Puerto Rico

      , 08-03-2018 at 03:33 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Day before yesterday DREAM

      This was very cool, very long, detailed and it had a beginning, middle and the end.

      I'm in a low flying airplane. Coming in for a landing. Pilot finds a dirt road out in the hills and lands on it. We are rolling on the ground, up the slight hill, hoping to come to a stop without hitting anything. Then we turn left, parallel to the hill and I think we are going to turn down hill now and roll down and crash. But no, we come to a stop. I'm thinking pilot turned the plane like that so we can take off easier.

      We walk on the grassy hill to a restaurant. Look around and we decide to have lunch, then go back to the plane and continue. I know we are somewhere far, but have no idea where. I look for signs, anything that would say the name of the place. Someone says Puerto Rico. I'm happy.

      My best friend M from childhood decide to skip lunch and go look around. We are in Puerto Rico and we want to see the ocean. I look to the left, and from the top of the hill I see blue of the ocean. I say "aaaand there it is". We head down on a winding dirt path and end up by a bay. She wants to go in the hotel to look around. So we walk through the hotel, but I keep telling her that we are gonna get caught, because we are not guests there. She eats from a buffet and she wants to use the pool. But I urge her not to and we just walk around. It's a huge hotel, with pools, hallways, place outside that's in a shade, beach is rocky with clear ocean water.

      I keep telling her we should head back, so we don't miss the plane leaving. Suddenly there is a voice on a PA system about intruders. We gotta run. We are dodging security guys through doors. As we are leaving the complex, I see another bay. It's possible to walk-skip on large rocks mostly hidden under the water, only the tops are showing. So you can go like that deep into the ocean. My perspective changes and now I'm looking at the bay from the ocean, not from the beach. Someone is showing a map and explaining, how the ocean bottom suddenly drops into great depth just where the skipping rocks end.

      DREAMS last night

      Someone is showing me and my dad a new type of a telescope. It's small, but it should be really good. Looking at all the controls.

      On the shore of a lava pool. Lava is all white. People are watching how some people are dipping in the lava. Some kind of a ritual, or just display of machismo. Guy comes out, all covered in white lava, and as it cools, he kinda just rolls it off of him. There is a girl and they dip her back in a lake. I tell someone to stand back, because it can splash on us, and that's when I feel lava on me. It's really hot. I don't understand how those people don't die from it. They pull this girl out and she is in bad shape. I don't understand why are they doing this.
    8. Flying; Mexico

      , 03-23-2018 at 12:44 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm in a city. Talking to someone about flying. I see a commercial airplane high in the sky, so I tell the person I will fly to that. As I get closer, I reallize it's flying too fast and it will fly above me before I get to it. But I see more con trails and I can fly to those if I miss this airplane.

      Trying to fly to the highest building. Not much luck going fast. But trying. Hopping from one building to another. Trying to trick my dream around me by standing up on the building and pretending it's the tip of the tallest building. The dream changes and I'm standing very high up, looking down the city is far below me in the deep.


      turist attraction 3 places, long, round, long, whales are migrating swimming through them, people watching, taking pictures. I pull out my camera. Whales come through a canal into a smallish round room, they rest there, we watch them, then they fall down through a waterfall into another canal thats much lower than the room. I'm taking pictures, amazed at the majestic beauty of the animals.

      Trying to drive to north east tip of Mexico, where Caribbean waters on the left meet Pacific waters on the north. (Yes, I had the geography wrong). Talking to some locals about the drive. Then my vision zooms in and I can't believe how turbulent the waters are up north. Incredibly huge waves are crashing against each other, colors of brownish and white. It's spectacular.
    9. Post-apocalyptic world

      , 02-17-2018 at 04:12 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Had a great dream last night, but by later in the morning I forgot everything, except that it was in post-apocalyptic world.

      I remembered it all much later in the afternoon, while watching TV and seeing a dog brought back recall, even though there was no dog in the dream that I can remember.

      ...I grab something from invading soldiers, run to the cliff over the ocean and want to throw it in the water to neutralize the threat. But the water is too far from there, so I run alongside the cliff until I feel like I have to throw it, because they are catching up to me. I throw it and it would have fallen in the water, but there are some sand banks and it falls on one of those. I believe though that it's far enough and they won't find it.

      One soldier chases me across the sand dunes with some grass on them. I see a hole in the side of the dune,bit smaller than the size of a laying person. I squeeze into it and I'm watching the soldier and his shadow as he is looking for me. He stands right next to my hiding place and I just hope he won't find me.

      Before all that, someone threw a revolver into a huge pile of sand. I'm looking for it, because in this lawless world weapons are valuable. Before that, there was something about a wooden walkway in the large body of water.

      I wish I remembered more.
    10. Random WILD, random DILD

      , 01-28-2018 at 01:54 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Week days ago. I'm drifting in and out of sleep, as cats are jumping up and down from my bed. It's around 5am or later, my normal waking time.

      I'm starting to feel dreamy, s I push my head into the pillow (just by thinking it) and immediately I get a major head rush. Swushing in my head, as if water was running near by. At that moment, my cat decides to throw up and that gets me out of it. : (

      Random DILD next day or day after.
      I'm sitting in a fast city train. Like an above ground metro. On the left side, by the window. There is a large body of water on the left, when I notice some passengers standing up, looking outside on the left side, raising their hands with their phones. I stand up and crane my neck to see.

      A large, rectangular shaped space craft is crashing down. It's brownish, color of rusted metal. It's made out of all kinds of twisted metal. Almost like a Borg ship from the outside. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's so real and I sense some danger coming on. We can't stop the crash. I'm looking for my phone to take pictures, but I don't have it on me. Craft hits the water with a huge splash.

      Now we go by a huge crane that's topped over in the water. It's like a super tall dockyard crane. It's starting to lift itself up. When it does, the cabin starts to resemble metallic mouth and it starts to open and roar. Almost slow motion, looks like those three-legged walking Martian machines from the modern War of the Worlds.

      At this moment I think wait a minute, this can't be real. I look at my hands and count my fingers. I realize I'm dreaming. Get out of the window on the right side of the train and start flying. It's not easy but I'm getting higher and higher with help of some buildings which I semi-climb, fly up to.

      The train and the crash was so incredibly realistic. Thank you, subC!!!
      Tags: flying, ocean, water
    11. Rocky Lake, Texas/Libya

      , 01-14-2018 at 06:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm standing ankle deep in a beautiful, alien looking lake. It's warm, so shallow, that water looks white. I zoom in on many sailboats and speedboats, and people swimming and having fun. I'm talking to someone, when I decide to walk further in to the lake to see bigger part of it. I can see the distant shores.

      The lake is white, very tranquil and inviting. The low hills surrounding the lake are very rocky. Huge boulders, nicely shaped by wind and water. Some are standing and balancing on other huge boulders. Makes you wonder how they don't fall over. The colors are a bit washed out by the distance, but I can make out colors of deep reds, yellows and, well, desert like colors. Oh, I have a feeling we are in Texas. We went there for a wedding. But then when we talk about coming there again later, we realize it's not gonna be that easy, because this could also by Libya.

      I love dreams with water, beautiful vistas. And this was one of them. Thank you, subC!
      Tags: libya, texas, water
    12. Shark; Water; Bad guys

      , 11-14-2017 at 07:04 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Two days ago I was standing on a wooden platform just inches above water. I was watching a huge fish swim below me. The more I looked, more I saw it and it turned out to be a great white shark. Mostly I only see big black fish with white spots, like behind a dirty glass. We were going to swim and play in the water, so we watched for it to stay away and we picked a spot where we thought it wont go to.

      Standing on a low seawall. Looking at a clear water with pebbles on the bottom. Only a few inches deep, getting a bit deeper a few steps further in. Someone jumps in and I realize the water is cold, But I love water and it looks so inviting. Plus the pebbles and sea shells are intriguing and with great pleasure, I jump in feet first. We are all fully dressed and I know I will be wet up to my knees, but I don't mind one bit. I keep looking into water for sea shells and I'm happy.

      [I have noticed something interesting about my dreams, but mostly about lucid dreams. Sometimes I can't see far. (Sometimes yes, with binocular vision, or without it). But it can happen, that I only see my immediate surroundings. Rest is like black walls. As if I was on the set and that's the only place. Behind it is just walls and something else, but not the dream scene.]

      Last night:
      I was walking up the street in my home town, from direction of my high school. As I got to the intersection, it was blocked off with some kind of a checkpoint with ropes blocking the way. Bad guys were standing there. I was with others and we were not gonna have it. I got an automatic rifle, went behind the bad guys and started killing them.
    13. Frozen ocean

      , 04-02-2017 at 01:09 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm visiting with parents of people I used to work with. My brother and his family is there too, and my parents. My mom is picking out what we gonna make for dinner, while my brother went out with my nephew to look at the frozen ocean. I spotted that when I was looking out the window and I was amazed that the shore was frozen, with ice waves sculpted as if the waves were still in motion. I was going with them, but returned for my phone so I can take pictures.
    14. Beautiful water; Murders

      , 02-19-2017 at 02:05 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed around 8:30 pm - 4:30am

      DREAM 1
      I'm somewhere outdoors. There is a strange looking swimming pool, with slanted, concrete sides, with grass growing from between the slabs.

      A kidnapper arranged 6 or 9 tied up girls in the slopes, with spaces between them. They are soon unconscious and slip into water. I know he doesn't want them to die, so even when I see them with mouth submerged, I somehow know or hope that they are gonna be ok.

      Now I'm standing in some other pool. It has beautiful turquoise water with gentle waves. I put my head at water level and all I can see is this gorgeous water. I tell myself I'll have to take a picture of this so I remember it and I can dream about it.

      Later I'm in a big city bus. Have a feeling it's NY. I tell the black woman bus driver about the girls in the pool. Then she whispers them to another passenger who is getting off, so they can alert the police.

      Some kids in the back of the bus are cold, so I find some blanket and a comforter and give it to them.
      Tags: bus, water
    15. Airplane falling down

      , 02-04-2017 at 03:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      I'm standing on a large white, mediterranean style patio, overlooking ocean. We are about 100 feet up in the air. The distand shoreline can be seen directly ahead of us.

      I hear a large jet above and it's engines give sound like the thrust was reversed. I look up and say "don't fall". The large BA/TWA jet makes a turn back to the land and starts falling down fast in a tight spiral. It makes a huge splash. I look down at the water and expect to see some large waves and sure enough, they come and hit the wall on the right.
      Tags: airplane, ocean, water
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