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    1. "End of the World" yet again…

      by , 07-07-2013 at 01:07 PM
      Morning of July 7, 2013. Sunday.

      Like many (if not most) people, I have had numerous “end of the world” dreams throughout my life since birth (one of the first ever involving an elephant shooting lava from its trunk). I would not call them all nightmares, though, as they are often filled with good feelings and only minor negative emotions in some parts.

      This dream was much the same in some parts to my wife’s dream - with no “cues” or prior expectations of any kind. This has happened to us many times even before we were married, for about twenty years now, on a regular basis.

      This dream has four main sections (and a few minor ones). In one, the first, there is a big thunderstorm late at night. I seem to be living near the White House (which is to the north about three blocks away), but it seemingly is actually a large observatory (or somehow became one - the basic domed design not changing at all). The lightning is strange and thick in the sky and mostly horizontal between clouds instead of striking the ground and sometimes has an unusual reddish tint. It seems in part to be caused by the Earth going out of orbit. When I go outside, I do notice that what had supposedly been the White House all that time was “now” an astronomical observatory or had for some reason been changed into one for “emergency” purposes. The main large telescope (primarily pointing to my left - to the west - at about a forty-five degree angle at first) seems to be under control by either a supernatural force or by the Earth going out of orbit while being somehow manipulated by very strong magnetic patterns around the region, as it is moving about uncontrollably in a strange way, which eventually causes damage to the building and later on, the entire region - and I become aware that many people near the area are killed by earthquake-like activity. I take note of the many strange clouds moving about, almost like a tornado, but not quite. Soon, though, there are no clouds, which, for some reason, means “the end” (which is rather odd, since I have often seen little or no cloud cover on certain nights - but in this case, they seem to sweep through the sky all at once in an “unnatural” way and vanish). The Earth is out of orbit, and not many days are left for humanity.

      There are also two sections (seemingly between or during the times of the main storms) which also seem to be a different day for the garden one at least. I own or at least “control” a very large amount of land in Australia, acres and acres into the distance. I have this huge area of land divided up into various rectangular plots for thousands of different plants, primarily fruits and vegetables. Some of the ones closest to where I am standing are strawberries, carrots, and celery, but there are also many plots devoted to very rare kinds of mostly edible plants. Each plot somehow has an underground computer keeping each individual garden at its optimum temperature, light, and moisture for the plant to grow as correctly and healthily as possible. (I am not sure how the “light” aspect is monitored, as it mostly seems to be under open blue sky as far as the eye can see.)

      In another part of my dream, my wife and I are going west, to live near the ocean or at least visit the (unknown and unfamiliar) area and enjoy its beauty in a very remote region while there is still time. I look out over the incredibly beautiful ocean’s surface at the many multicolored reflections. After about what seems like ten minutes or so, I mentally try to create a dinosaur-like creature, and a glassy, transparent plesiosaurus head begins to rise and form, but stays crystal-like and slightly translucent and never shows more than its head only - about ten feet away from us. Of all the “chased by dinosaur” dreams I have had in my life, I was somehow aware that I had created them at one level at the beginning foundation of my dream, even though they sometimes got a bit out of control and “too real”. In this dream, though, I seem to be doing it mostly for nostalgic purposes as I know the creature will be friendly, but due to the Earth being out of orbit, the magnetic tulpa energies are chaotic and with no sustainability, even with a six-by-four (or eight-by-six?) matrix with Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse implications. I feel a bit sad though the head does not vanish, but the creature will only exist in a "what if” state until the Earth’s very last hour, having a head only “floating” on the water (or seeming to) and not even a neck or body - or perhaps its body is there and under the ocean’s surface in an invisible form.

      The last section has to do with the final “out of orbit” conditions. I am with an unknown man and feel myself begin to rise in the air, as Earth is losing its gravity, of which I make a verbal note to the man and shout this to some other people as they are also rising up into the air. It is not at all like the common flying or even hovering dreams for me; I am simply floating up with a sense of there really being no gravity in the building and there is also an uncommon sense of weight associated with my movements that I cannot seem to control - I am about halfway up to the high ceiling. The man and I notice a woman of about thirty. She has at least six children of all the same age with her (about six or seven years). At first they all seem to have ice skates on (but remove them) - but then they are all dancing and singing and enjoying the growing loss of gravity (we are all inside some sort of larger building, seemingly a hotel lobby or something but somehow connected to a sports arena and large casino or some such). The man seems very angry and yells at her, regarding the idea of her dancing when “it is the end of the world” as very “wrong”, perhaps even insane. He announces “The 9.8 meter per second squared constant is flying the coop as quickly as we are!” It soon dawns on me that it is the man who is crazy, because why would it matter if you were dancing as it was the end of the world anyway as at least you would “go out” happily in a sense.

      Oddly, though, the women and her children are then back on the ground as if gravity is then normal for them (but they seem mildly dejected), and then they prepare to go shopping and on to living normal lives again, as perhaps the Earth is “back in orbit” after all.
    2. Angel Doctor

      by , 03-27-2009 at 09:27 AM
      Morning of March 27, 2009. Friday.

      One dream of this date was very long and detailed but with a few uneventful sections. For the most part, I was some sort of doctor moving through time in the manner of an angelic being. While in the past in-dream, there are far more people who seem to respect me than in later eras. In one era, I heal an elderly lady with a serious illness who is close to death. The family already has an urn for cremation and looking forward to inheriting her money. In this part, I notice my reflection on the glass door in one area of the hospital. I have bright silvery eyes but the rest (including my hair, although quite shorter in my dream) looks mostly human. For some reason, I seem to be dressed like an ancient Turkish warrior but with some contemporary leisure-like additions and mostly in darker brown and tan color tones. The image included with this entry is fairly close to my in-dream appearance.

      The different hospitals and such in different time periods seem to have nothing to do with what I am wearing at different times concerning potential anachronisms. At one point I am wearing a fairly simple herringbone suit. It seems completely without logic, although each time, what I am wearing seems “divine” somehow and I feel very powerful and important in my outfits; much more “intense” and purposeful than in many similar dreams. I also have a flaming sword for defense, and at times, some sort of rod that alters energy relative to healing powers. Concerning a few people I heal, there are people worried (not the patient, but certain relatives for the most part and at least one doctor) that I am there to either kill them or take them into “another world” (perhaps Purgatory). I only help people who sincerely believe in my mission to aid them, whether or not they had previous knowledge or belief in what I was. Some seem more receptive than others, but all are willing and eventually appreciative.

      Later on, closer to the last part of my dream, some mindsets seem to think it is impossible to ever get better from an illness, even with the help of a doctor. This seems to be some sort of extreme pattern of not believing in “unseen” aspects, even medicines to some extent and oddly enough, seems to be in the future (about twenty years from now). This ironically seems to be some sort of “full circle” manifestation (and the idea that “fringe medicine” and so called fad diets and higher levels of misinformation will have more influence than ever before in human history). Another group of people believe that illness is caused by “magic”; or another mindset - that being ill is not real but a form of “being superstitious”. In this (seemingly) not-so-distant-future scene, many people (there are a variety of different fringe groups) do not even believe that a condition can be helped by medicinal aid (enforced pessimism it seems), which they see as somewhat of a hit-and-miss affair and perhaps related to the severe shortage of experienced (even qualified) doctors of the recent past. In fact, doctors are fairly rare across the whole world in this dream - many Western regions, oddly enough, do not have any doctors in the actual main cities as different time periods are entered. Medicine itself becomes said to be only “coincidental” when it does seem to work on the person. (Perhaps a person needs to use a “strong imagination” for medicine to work at all.)

      A man annoys me even though he eventually flies around with me (I fly at tremendous speeds in this dream) to watch and learn things from different time periods (only past times) although much of his doubt remains. Even though some of the healing was apparently done by some sort of divine energy, I start to talk about actual Western concepts of medicine, which people seem to have lost knowledge of in just a few years after 2020 or 2030 in many of the more civilized areas.

      The man then goes on talking about how doctors are “only in movies” (as if they could not possibly exist in reality - even though I am still aware that there are doctors in some regions in this other world/time) and that I am probably flying around because of a helicopter holding me up with wires or some such - and he keeps implying that I am only making a movie even though some people are actually healed and up and about by then. I get an impression, due to a newer “science”, that only some people are able to convince themselves to walk for very long from one location to another - due to an odd concept that your legs will only keep working up until a certain total (lifetime) distance is walked (there is even some sort of weird “right leg, left leg averaging” taught in school - a main field of modern “futuristic” mathematics).

      There are even expensive little gadgets that keep track of how much you have walked since your day of birth - most people even look for programmed shortcuts (via localized GPS systems, mostly in shopping malls, in competition with each other based on claims of both price and accuracy) to get to their car or other transport, as well as the steps to the front door of their house, in the shortest amount of steps possible. (There is also a different type of energy used for transport, but I am not certain of what it is). There are a few other unusual events, but these are most of the main aspects, including a PSA on a television where a man announces something like, “Did you know that every time you take that little detour or careless extra step to the side, you may be taking a day off your life… (Music jingle: ‘Don’t wear down the bones in your little toes, keep track of each foot wherever it goes…’) Our no-nonsense GPS systems will benefit you over the other brands and make sure your legs remain in top form for all your extended walking tasks… Don’t worry about becoming jelly-legged before your time”. Cut to divided screen where one brand promo shows a full walk to the car by which the driver smiles and smokes a cigarette after sitting down behind the driver’s seat and sighing in happiness, and the other (of the split-screen promo) where the man gets halfway across the parking lot before his legs collapse and he falls over and cannot move and starts looking worried as vultures and hyenas gather round (animation superimposed on live action).

      Although the first sections of my dream seem intense and serious and more vivid than some dreams, much of the rest seems silly and somewhat annoying - with less implied purpose, though I also get an impression that I healed members of a certain family throughout time, including brothers and sisters in the same family (but half-brothers and half-sisters who may not even know of each other - my wife has younger half-brothers and possibly half-sisters who probably do not even know of her at all).
      Tags: angel, doctor, flying
    3. Flying Against the Wind

      by , 09-25-2007 at 03:25 PM
      Morning September 25, 2007. Tuesday.

      In the first part of my dream, I fly around, but sometimes in a sitting position or even sideways (as if on my side), or “swimming” very slowly in midair. I talk with an unknown woman at a bus stop as I hover in one area, but I am not sure of the overall meaning of anything she is saying, yet I pretend to understand, because she looks as if she would go from cheerful to very sad if I did not understand her. It may be something about a party, a couple names, and things I would probably not know unless I was an actual friend of hers. I get the strong impression that she is dreaming, so I figure she will wake from “her” dream when I come back from wherever it is I am going.

      I meet a (unknown) man who asks me where he is. At this point, it is some sort of business building with mostly featureless long halls. I casually explain to him that he is dreaming and show him around, and also show him some tricks one can do in the dream state. I say how you can even fly in dreams. We get to the front part of the building, but he goes off to find someone to ask for street directions instead of believing my claim that he is dreaming.

      When I fly back the other way, there is a fairly strong wind. I still manage to get through it by taking different positions (and at one point I am literally sitting in midair waiting for the wind to change slightly) and when I change my position so that I am standing but leaning a bit forward (still in midair), I start musically vocalizing Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” (with “da” intonations) in a semi-sarcastic way to the people that are walking and at bus stops.

      The unknown female is still waiting at the bus stop and says hello to me again. Later on, I am at my sister Marilyn’s house in the United States. Someone puts several both small and large envelopes through the mail slot (on the porch). The name on the envelopes (all the same) is not one I am familiar with. It is seemingly a girl’s name I do not recall. Just a little later, there are two shadows at the door. I am thinking that they are either police detectives or underground gangsters, which seems to be the same concept in-dream. I am thinking they are here to claim the envelopes (some of which seemed thicker) even though I was thinking of seeing what was in them.

      They turn out to be a landlord from years back (in Australia), and oddly, Forrest Tucker (who died in 1986), in his persona from the original “Ghost Busters” television show from the 1970s. They are both dressed exactly the same, in 1940s gangster-style suits, but with extra-tall hats. The landlord (who lost his property to the bank to some sort of apparently legal “funny business” against him) asks if I still have the key to one of his properties. I do (false memory) and go and get it for him. Forrest adds to the concern by telling me to hurry, as it seems the landlord must go in and get something that belongs to him before the new owners get back (in real life, he had lost all he owned that was at the property as well).

      After that, there is something about drinking a bottle of whiskey with my wife Zsuzsanna. I find a bottle of whiskey and a couple other types of drinks in the house. (Neither of us ever bought alcohol in our life other than me buying shots of brandy at a tavern once a week when I lived in America when cashing my paychecks at the Red Lantern for less than a year.) I pretend to be drunk, somewhat similar to the style Foster Brooks (note “Foster” and “Forrest” have the same letters), but not as extreme. I actually seemed to have gotten the bottles from Foster Brooks in some sort of birthday celebration, which is not for a couple months yet. I do not contemplate the obvious confusion of Forrest Tucker with Foster Brooks until after I am awake.

      Looking up information on Foster Brooks, I see that he died on the twentieth of December, which is my birthday - something I do not remember focusing on before at any time.

      Updated 03-14-2017 at 04:09 PM by 1390

    4. Evading weapons with symbols

      by , 02-27-2001 at 09:54 AM
      Morning of February 27, 2001. Tuesday.

      This was a strange vivid dream of someone (unknown male) attacking me with large knives and unusual-looking seemingly ancient axes, with symbols on their surfaces, somewhat like stylized adzes. I go into the backyard of our present home (to distract him from engaging dangerously with my family in any way). He pursues, but I fly into the air fairly high with little effort. A thrown weapon then misses me. I then use some sort of in-dream “magic” by waving my hand and focusing my thoughts. This causes him to clumsily rise in the air under my control and move to a different location - and I then “release” him from his position in midair and he falls onto the hard tin roof of the house next-door and (apparently in-dream) dies.
      Tags: fight, flying, weapons
    5. The Final Escape

      by , 11-06-1992 at 01:27 PM
      Night of November 6, 1992. Friday.

      This dream first came in 1992 (before I even met my wife), but there have been other versions, including one in 2008 which I posted on my old journal. Here are the basics.

      It all starts in a perfectly innocent manner. My wife and I are dining in public in a small restaurant in what seems to be a rural area. There are not many residential houses around and much of the region seems like an isolated farming community. There are small lists of rules and guidelines everywhere (even on trees - which is somewhat of an eyesore in an otherwise enjoyable natural landscape) that give details on what a human being is allowed to do or not do by some sort of pseudo-morality of likely a single person in the region (who probably owns the most land and properties). It includes what people should eat and not eat (even what shape - for example, diagonally sliced sandwiches are not allowed because it implies “sneaking” from corner to corner as the “devil” does). Time passes and we apparently do something “wrong” although I am not sure what it is. Perhaps it is something to do with how our bodies are positioned at the table or being too close together in public (which I think is actually the case implied here). At any rate, I find myself with the power to become invisible and also send my wife (by some sort of magic) to a safer location as more and more people seem offended for no apparent reason. When I become invisible, it seems to work for a short time in evading them, but then they note my footprints and are able to follow me for a time.

      For some reason, I get the impression that these people have “evil” in their hearts (while pretending others are “evil” by not following their rules in diet and routine) and are only pretending to live as a Utopian community. They chase me around (even though I am invisible) watching where I leave my footprints. However, I find myself with the ability to walk without leaving footprints and for some time, they are baffled. However, they then start dropping nets and putting up temporary barbed-wire fences everywhere they can. I run into a barbed-wire fence and drag it along behind me and they point and give chase.

      Soon, though, I then have the ability to pass through solid objects and simply go wherever I want with no threat of capture. I watch the people run around pointing in random directions (never at me anymore) and fights ensue amongst themselves based on “rules” regarding how to capture and deal with someone evading their rules. This seems so ironic I start laughing and my sides actually begin to “hurt” or more like “tickle” and I almost give myself away.

      I notice more houses than before. More people are called in to deal with me, the “devil” in their midst. They start shooting cannons of powder and such and throwing grenades into random locations. Every now and then, they accidentally kill one of their own group. They also start doing a revisionist history of what my wife and I were supposedly involved in while in the restaurant (which is now a landmark due to the inhuman “creatures” having been there), all completely fabricated by the town gossips. They gather around campfires telling stories of the “boogeyman” who still haunts their town. Eventually, the cannons going off all the time start to annoy me and I decide that I might just as well leave the region altogether. I then have the power to hover and fly about.

      Eventually, I come to a bridge which is now no longer wooden but concrete and two-lane and covered with barbed-wire fencing and diagonally striped red and white guardhouses. I look back and notice the whole area now looks more like domed cities from “Logan’s Run” and very futuristic. Futuristic “jets” and other flying military craft are speeding across the sky and shooting at each other and many crash into residential buildings below with one explosion after another. The death toll (around 10,000) is shown on a large football-scoreboard-like structure. Apparently, all this destruction and war is going on just to find out where I am. I stand on the bridge watching. I then fly away high into the sky (as a ball of blue light) leaving them to obliterate themselves…

      Updated 06-15-2015 at 12:58 PM by 1390 (Enhancement)

    6. The Flying Book

      by , 12-21-1979 at 06:21 PM
      Morning of December 21, 1969. Sunday.

      In my dream, I am in the playground of West Elementary School (which I attended in real life at the time). I find myself with a book, which may be “Our World Today: Europe and Europe Overseas”, which is what I had been thinking about prior to sleep. (This was a very old textbook, for a higher grade, of which had not been used by the school in years and of which my teacher gave me after I read the word “banana” when it was hyphenated to the next line. I was thankful, but saw her act as a bit peculiar.) Later in my dream, I sense that it is a book of fairy tales or perhaps the Holy Bible (though it is not thick enough to be the Holy Bible). (This association was prescient, as I received a Holy Bible as a birthday gift from a friend of my mother’s, which arrived a couple days after my birthday. Otherwise, there is an influence from an episode of “The Jackie Gleason Show” seen prior to sleep, where he, as the Poor Soul, was whisked away to fairlyand.)

      After I hold the book for a time, while sitting on the concrete bench in the northwest corner of the playground, it pulls me into the air. I feel vaguely dizzy and experience an atypical flight, which is a sustained awareness of liminal space (although I am only semi-lucid). I go high into the sky and then swoop to the ground a few times while holding onto the book.

      Eventually, at least three classmates are hanging on in a ladder-like form, that is, each additional student hanging onto the ankles of the one above them. Toby is one of them as well as Tina, and then Bobby. At one point, I notice it seems to be just before sunrise, although there is enough daylight to discern some detail. Eventually, I deliberately fly up, and out of the dream state in the manner of which I had exited many dreams. In this case, I had tried to hold onto the book in order to wake up with it, but I woke while gripping my pillow.

      When I was very young, I occasionally had an absurd notion of pulling items out of my dreams, primarily books and coins, though only while still in the dream state and only in partial lucidity.

      As I grew older, I began to understand part of the reason for this. Both books and coins more distinctly represent emergent consciousness factors (though for entirely different reasons) and both change in appearance in dreams (often into surreal nonsense) after looking at them again due to the dream state being an illusion. Reading text in a dream is possible, as I have often read in dreams, but the text typically changes when looking at it again and typically becomes unreadable gibberish when my dream self’s imaginary visual clarity increases toward waking. In the case of coins, I learned it was an attempt to stabilize my emergent consciousness, both in the concept of coins gathering (coalescence factor, because when one starts dreaming, memories begin to distort and separate so that the conscious self identity is no longer extant until the waking transition) to become whole again (such as a one-dollar bill). Additionally, the heads on coins are static (unmoving), which represents the dream self’s absence of perceptual viability and intelligence.

      This dream is mainly a result of vestibular system ambiguity, which occurs in over twenty percent of the tens of thousands of dreams I have studied and resolved since early childhood. While unconscious and entering the waking transition, being horizontal in bed is in biological conflict with the misperception of the dream self, which results in an infinite variety of features and events associated with flight, falling, and rising. Over the years, through understanding the nature of the dream state, I have learned to maintain subliminal awareness in dreams that are otherwise not viably lucid, and I often effortlessly take to the air in dreams instead of walking (though the dream self has no physical body unless it wants to). Additionally, the human ladder is redundant autosymbolism (as to flight triggered by natural vestibular system ambiguity) as it also represents leaving the dream state (climbing back to the state of consciousness).

      Resupplemented on Thursday, 8 February 2018.

      Updated 02-08-2018 at 08:08 AM by 1390

      Tags: book, flying
      lucid , dream fragment
    7. Not Tina’s Dream

      by , 12-21-1979 at 06:21 PM
      Morning of December 21, 1969. Sunday.

      I am in the high school auditorium (which was used for entertainment for students grades one to five, the elementary school being the next block over from the high school) and there is a large marionette stage of the kind where a square window opens at the front, near the top, to reveal a clown face during intermissions (while the stage was changed for the next act of the story), who talked about the events of the story. (These were excellent and detailed productions, my favorite being “Pinocchio”.)

      Although other schoolmates are present, I end up focused on Tina, who puts her hands over her eyes and says, “I’m dreaming”. My dream self not fully considering what she had said, I still end up floating in the air and slowly flying toward the stage. I notice the head at the top is more like a Greek bust. Instead of a marionette stage, I then seem to be in a television studio, with some distorted (incorrect) scenes from “The Jackie Gleason Show” of the previous night. I am somewhat wary as I do not want to draw attention or interrupt the filming of the show even though I am semi-lucid.

      I eventually learned that a stage was autosymbolism for being in the dream state, typically in semi-lucidity or apex lucidity. Flying (as well as falling or other movement) is a biological result of vestibular system ambiguity in unconsciousness. Over one in five of my dreams involve flying or flight symbols. (On a side note, the belief that falling dreams evolved out of primates naturally developing this as an alert factor based on falling out of trees, thus being possible prey, is actually pointless, since the vestibular system would naturally trigger this anyway by already extant biological design, inherent ambiguity of the same factor as flying dreams.)

      Resupplemented on Thursday, 8 February 2018.

    8. Ralph the Airplane Fixer (with Mary Canfield)

      by , 12-13-1979 at 06:13 PM
      Night of December 13, 1969. Saturday.

      Ralph the Carpenter from “Green Acres” (played by Mary Canfield) is in my room in the middle of the night. She needs to do work on my bed (obvious dream sign) but which is also a wooden airplane (flight symbol and typical autosymbolism for vestibular system correlation) that apparently flies. She apologizes for waking me after I absentmindedly look up at what sounds somewhat like hammering. The boards are at different angles including several over my head but apparently my airplane is still okay to fly. She says something about the school bus (or catching the school bus) at one point (even though it is the weekend - which I try to recall the nature of in the back of my mind) and something about my cat Snowball. Soon, I am aware my bed is flying - with not that much concern (or focus) over her probable incompetence, though that is only a very loose association as I do not feel much movement and I am seemingly still in my room in the same position. I hear a soft engine which sounds in the distance (or underneath me and not very loud) though it is somehow meant to be “my airplane” of which I am supposedly in. I am not doing anything (that is, I am not acting as a pilot) even though my “airplane” has eventually supposedly gone a far distance. I am in bed as I was, with my eyes closed wondering where I am going. There is the typical essence of indoor-outdoor ambiguity (somehow being simultaneously indoors and outdoors).

      I explain this dream type further in “Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15”.

      Updated 07-04-2018 at 03:25 PM by 1390

    9. School-Bus-Plane Over Ancient Greece

      by , 11-16-1979 at 05:16 PM
      Night of November 16, 1969. Sunday.

      Dream #: 1,063-02. Reading time: 1 min 18 sec.

      In my vivid dream, I am riding my school bus in the morning, but I soon notice that it is now an airplane. I realize this because of the unfamiliar bird’s eye views that I observe and enjoy. I am seated in the middle of the right side, closest the aisle. There is a feeling of comfort and security as I remain passive to my surroundings.

      This “airplane” continues to maintain the appearance of the inside of my school bus. The “pilot” or “bus driver” is on the left as with my school bus. He is focused and does not turn to look back at any of my classmates at any time.

      Based on my views primarily through the front windshield, we seem to be going downward at one point at about a forty-five-degree angle though there is no wariness or fear. Mostly, there are scenes of ancient Greece, including the Oracle at Delphi and the Temple of Athena Nike. The imagery causes an eerie essence as if I am traveling back in time or at least seeing images of the distant past.

      There are only a few other students on board, and I do not recall seeing anyone I know. I remain unsure who the pilot is. Though he is in a formal outfit and wearing a cap, my real-life school bus drivers never wore a uniform. (I do not recall waking from this dream, which seemed to be in the middle of the night.)

      It became typical for me to imagine that I was riding in something other than my school bus when going to school, such as an airplane, rocket, train, a machine that chopped all the trees down along the way (after seeing “The Lorax”), and so on.

      This dream was before I maintained a consistent use of “opossum” (family DiDELPHIdae) in my ceremonial identity (and eventual Internet username) and the spiritual link with dolphins (family DELPHInidae). I was surprised to find “Delphi” in both.

      Updated 02-06-2019 at 08:57 AM by 1390

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Tina Saved from Walking the Plank

      by , 05-23-1978 at 11:23 AM
      Morning of May 23, 1968. Thursday.

      Dream #: 521-2. Reading time: 35 sec.

      My dream renders a scene from “Peter Pan.” A schoolmate, Tina, is walking the plank on a pirate ship. I think the pirate captain making her do this is a teacher from our school, though he is unknown to me. He stays mostly in the background. However, when she falls (after being pushed by the tip of a sword), she does not land in the water. She had been caught and carried off to safety by a magical force, creating a mysterious mood, with me being responsible, though my direct corporeal presence is not in the scenario.

      Later, I fly around above my town on my own, mostly in the dark, over various boats and buildings, including my school.

      Rescuing Tina from falling into the water is a typical vestibular system adaptation process. As a result, rather than experiencing the falling start, I begin flying around.

      Updated 04-13-2019 at 08:26 AM by 1390

    11. Dream Interrupts Dream

      by , 11-03-1977 at 05:03 PM
      Morning of November 3, 1977. Thursday.

      This was one of the only times a dream seemed to be interrupted by a different dream in an atypical, somewhat startling fashion. I was in one dream and then another dream “broke into it” like a radio broadcast very suddenly “drowning out” another with a completely different degree of awareness.

      My second dream was much more vivid than the first (and with growing lucidity). In the first dream, I seem to be at a television studio yet not fully present (not disembodied, just not directly in the environment), the ceiling being about twelve feet high. The New Mouseketeers, all dressed in plain white clothes, seem to be involved in some sort of unlikely science-fiction movie or televised special (perhaps live) but they are also dancing on roller skates and moving past the camera several times without the camera panning in any way. When I look around, I mostly see very large white cubes, almost like steps (but too tall to use as steps and about three cubes high closest to the walls), but possibly containers. It seems fairly dark and isolated in some areas of the huge building (but not completely dark in any areas) and the otherwise featureless warehouse-like setting. Their dancing, motions, and singing (which I think the main line or title is “The World’s a Balloon”) becomes slightly annoying (almost perceived as bizarre) though they seem to be getting a bit more enthusiastic and practiced in their performance, almost frenzied in fact, but in a comedic sense.

      Suddenly, there is a clearer awareness of mood and location that jumps like a needle on a record and I am in a different dream flying over Key West almost as if I had been plucked from one dream (of a completely different level of clarity and awareness) and put into another. Even the depth perception seems quite different and somewhat enhanced. A very long bridge stretches out over the ocean as I watch the cars move over it as I fly along. It is extremely vivid though the ocean is a deep purple. Everything else looks normal including the sky. Dreams do have a tendency to jump from scene to scene in some cases, but this was actually like a different type of experience, like actually “changing channels” and a quite different mental awareness at the same time.

      Updated 07-04-2017 at 04:19 AM by 1390

    12. Phasing from a Taxi (Myoclonal Modulation) (Gold Series)

      by , 09-22-1974 at 03:22 PM
      Morning of September 22, 1974. Sunday.

      Dream #: 2,834-02. Reading time (optimized): 1 min.

      My dream self becomes aware of imaginary kinaesthesia (as a result of vestibular system ambiguity during sleep atonia) before the illusion of riding in a vehicle begins to compensate for my status of being in REM sleep. (There is no “interpretation” in this as it is how my dream originates.)

      I am riding in the back seat of a taxi on Highway 17 in Florida in the late morning. It is going south to Arcadia instead of north to my home in Cubitis.

      The driver is an elderly black male (who had driven the taxi I had taken in real life a few days previously except that it was to ride home from school).

      The overpass crumbles and collapses when the vehicle is at the highest point, and the taxi plummets.

      However, as a result of being aware I am in the dream state, I simultaneously phase through the roof of the taxi and fly above the scene without concern. As I look at the setting below, the overpass has become rubble. The landscape seems miniaturized, and the taxi is now the size of a Matchbox Car. This viewpoint is not a result of flying high above the scene, as the distance is seemingly minimal.

      PRECOGNITIVE: Despite this dream resulting from the usual sleep atonia to myoclonus compensation, they dynamited this overpass on October 25, 1988, in real life, and removed the rubble. (Construction began in 1937. See the image if available.) I left Cubitis in 1978 to live in Wisconsin.

      Updated 08-11-2020 at 11:15 AM by 1390

    13. The Buzzard that Would Be King

      by , 06-26-1971 at 12:26 PM
      Saturday, 26 June 1971. 1,650-M2. 48 second read.

      I soar through the blue sky alongside an American black vulture, but I am unwary.

      He flies on my left until he dives. I expect him to attack the townspeople below. (There is a vague association with Shakespeare’s “King Lear.”)

      The mood becomes cheerful. The “palace” far below appears to be the DeSoto County Courthouse. I hear people cheering and see a ticker-tape parade.

      I see people carry the vulture down the building’s outer steps in a palanquin, as he immediately becomes their king. “Pomp and Circumstance” (“Graduation March Song”) plays.

      I zoom in. From the left, I see the vulture sitting inside the palanquin. The bird has knees like a human instead of bird legs and wears a crown.

      I rise into the blue sky as I wake up laughing aloud.

      Note: People called vultures “buzzards” when I lived in Florida, thus my original title.

      My dream begins with the physiological influence of vestibular-motor sensations (from REM atonia). It changes from spontaneous vestibular-motor responses to controlled and more defined.

      The vulture’s flying and diving transitions to his non-flight (becoming more human-like) and descending a staircase.

      A crown appears with increased dream state awareness. It reveals higher metacognitive management of the dream state.

      Updated 04-19-2022 at 04:02 AM by 1390

      lucid , memorable
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