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    1. Wednesday 16th May 2012

      by , 05-20-2012 at 11:43 PM
      Last Nights Dream

      In my dream I'm in a house and this house is mine ((different to my RL one)) I'm lying on my front on the floor doing something, there is another man with me but I'm not sure who. This man with me now says "look it's Joel" I look and it's Joel, the lead singer of ROOMIE ((a great group on youtube and a good facebook friend)) I'm flabbergasted and can't believe that he's here!, I hold his face with my hands and say "oh my god it's you...it's really you!!" I'm over the moon and we just sit in the front room and hug. Joel tells me all about what he's been doing and I feel so proud that he's here. I decide to go out the front with him and show him off to everyone . We are now standing on the front garden and everyone comes over to say hello. A big flashy red car now pulls up and Joel says "I have to go now but here's my mobile number" I take it and I'm really excited that he's given it to me. Joel kisses me goodbye and I hug him tight not wanting him to go. I say "will you come again?" and Joel says "yeah!, it'll be a usual thing now".
    2. 19th October 2011

      by , 11-10-2011 at 10:11 PM
      I am standing in a room and I realise I am dreaming, I think " cool, Ill meet Joel" ((a singer from a group called Roomie on youtube lol)) I look at my clothes and they are a bit scruffy, I then see Joel's picture on a newspaper that some bloke is reading and I say to the bloke "I'm going to meet him" I grab my sleeves and try to rip them off but I can't I then think "it's a dream of course I can rip them off if I want to" then just like magic I rip them off very easily. I changed my skirt by pointing at it but I then had a longer black skirt on underneath so I decided to just play it easy and take it off by hand ((lol)) joel then walks through the doorway and i think "ummm...yummy yummy I got him" lmao....we both went into another room and I was at my mom and dads house, it was different to how it is in real life. I looked for joel but he had gone. I can see my mom, I go up to her and say "i'm dreaming, this is all just a dream" my mom is looking a little red faced and stressed out. I could feel spirits following me and thought "I'll have to see what they want, ill have to speak with them. I stayed with my mom for a short while and then i went close up to her ear and whispered "it's a dream" it echoed and she moved away from me, i said "was that too loud?" she didnt answer mem i now say to her "i have to go upstairs now to see my nan and grandad futrill" ((im thinking they will be there now because i have thought they will be)) I want to speak with them while I am dreaming. I begin to walk upstairs , i enter the doors which lead around the upstairs, i then enter the last one which lead me into the kitchen downstairs, i think "typical dream, it's leading me all the way round!" I shut the door and think "it's quite cool how my imagination can build all this" I reach out and touch things to stabilise my dream. I come to a room and see my dad in there he is sitting on a chair and is worrying, he says "i need to know where he has gone" I go up to him and say "dad it's just a dream, calm down!", he begins to worry more and starts crying so i try to calm him down. I am still just going with the flow of my dream, I visit different rooms and places and all the time i'm lucid. I'm just enjoying looking around my dream world while i'm absorbing every detail )
      Tags: dad, home, joel, mom