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    1. WILD Attempt

      by , 02-19-2015 at 05:42 PM
      Well I was awake in the night and decided to try to WILD. I laid there and counted and told myself I would lucid dream. I got to the point where you start getting the little snippets of dream voices. I had been thinking about Tom DeLonge's interview before I started the WILD, so at some point at the latter end of my counting when I am feeling like I am transitioning I start hearing Tom's voice. I can't understand what he is saying. He was just chattering along as if to someone in the next room. I have the brief thought that his voice was like the chattering he told about in his interview. The other thought was "Cool, maybe this means Tom will be here when I fully enter my lucid dream."

      I also remember seeing little ripples of light move across my vision from left to right like little waves lapping the shore.

      But, unfortunately, that was the end. I didn't stay conscious enough to enter my dream in a lucid state. And I faded away to non-lucid dreams.

      But it wasn't a complete waste of time. It had been a while since I had attempted to WILD, and I can say that I successfully made it to the hypnogogia stage. I really need to do this more often.

      Quote from Tom's interview:

      I woke up right around three a.m. My whole body felt like it had static electricity, and I open my eyes and the fire is still going, and there's a conversation going on outside the tent. It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they're at our campsite, they're not here to hurt us, they're talking about shit, but I can't make out what they're saying. But they're working on something. Then I close my eyes and wake up, and the fire is out and I have about three hours of lost time.

      I get everyone up first thing in the morning and go, "Did anybody hear all the chatter last night? I couldn't move my body, I was stuck there. I couldn't hear anything." And one of the guys I was with goes, "Yes! They were all around our tent, they were talking. I told you!" And the other guy slept right through it. He had no idea what we were talking about. [laughs] It sounded like English, but you couldn't make out any words. You knew you weren't threatened, you couldn't move your body, but you were very aware of the conversation going on for a period of time.

      PAPERMAG: Blink-182 Co-Founder Tom DeLonge Goes Deep on UFOs, Government Coverups and Why Aliens are Bigger than Jesus
    2. Three WILDs (with hypnogogia)

      by , 12-31-2011 at 05:46 AM
      From 9-23-07

      First of all, I woke up at 5:00, then went back to sleep at 6:00...and then slept in til 9:30...haha. I know that having a really lazy morning helped me do this.

      First WILD...

      I was laying in my right side in bed and not really planning to WILD. I was starting to slip into sleep. I started to picture myself looking out of the window. I realized that I was still awake yet I was seeing the window. I was totally aware of my body still in bed still.

      It was then I started to feel the vibrations. It was strong and somewhat uneven, like sitting on a motorcyle. At the same time I started hearing a high pitched whistle.

      I remembered my last experience while WILDing where the sound was so loud that it freaked me out. This was not that loud. I also remembered seeing that scary face last time. This time I already had an image of my window in front of me...so I saw no other HI.

      I decided to try to completely enter this dream now. I looked out the window and then flew out of it. I was extremely high. I saw snow on the ground. I wanted to try to attempt the Task of the month for October (early). But I still was too aware of my body laying in my bed. I drifted back awake.

      Second WILD....

      I decided to relax and try again. Again I heard that whistle and felt the vibrations. I saw the window again. But I couldn't enter the dream this time.

      Third WILD...

      I laid in bed for a while. I wasn't really trying at this point. But I realized I was feeling the vibrations again with the whistle.

      I was in a parking lot with Nick and Wyatt and Natacha. I realized that I had actually entered the dream. I felt totally in the dream this time and wasn't overly aware of my body still in bed. I decided to go and give next month's Task a try. I was outside and in a city. I felt it would be easier to start with the basic task.

      And I guess I will have to wait and share the rest of this later because the Tasks aren't officially out yet for all to see.

      So anyway I felt really good about everything when I woke up.


      Here is the Task part:

      Third WILD...

      I laid in bed for a while. I wasn't really trying at this point. But I realized I was feeling the vibrations again with the whistle. Then suddenly:

      I was in a parking lot with friends. I was conscious that I was dreaming. I remembered the Find and enter the Haunted House Task and set out to find a haunted house. I was flying at this point. I was in a city that reminded me of Salt Lake City. I could see houses on a hill. I looked for one that looked old and possibly abandoned.

      I finally found one that looked the part. I got closer and landed by the front door. At that moment I realized that there were Halloween decorations on the house. A family that I know (the Solomons) came up to the door all dressed in costumes.

      I suddenly felt a little angry. They were going to mess it up for me. I didn't want this house to be a regular house, just decorated.

      I had the urge to enter the house before anyone could open the door. I was afraid if someone came to the door and passed out candy to the kids I would look past and see everything normal inside.

      So I walked right through the door leaving the kids outside. (This is kind of a big deal for me since the last few times I tried to go through things I failed).

      It was kind of dark and eerie inside. "Good!" I thought. It was going to be haunted after all. Sure enough, as soon as I thought that, I heard spooky organ music start playing. I flew up the stairs. The rooms looked unlived in. The furiture was covered with old white sheets. I could see spiderwebs.

      I flew though hallways and into various rooms. I noticed the music changed, and it sounded recorded. I even found a speaker in one corner. "But it's still scary music." I thought.

      I flew down the stairs to the basement. I found it decorated with a large tree made out of what looked like wrought iron. I thought it really fit the mood of the haunted house. On the wall were some large ghosts made out of a glittery purple felt. But the lighting was low and it looked very classy.

      Finally I sank down to the floor, and said aloud, "Okay...are there any real ghosts here...?"

      As soon as I said that I had this creepy feeling. I looked around. I felt like I was being watched.

      But at that point I woke up.
    3. WILD--Grandma, Mirror, Spiders, Etc.

      by , 12-07-2011 at 12:17 AM
      Old Dream from 2-16-07

      I can't believe it--I had another long WILD. I started the 61 point thing. Somewhere I have a gap in my conscious. I do remember I thought I was transistioning into my LD.

      I remember hearing people talking (Teresa and someone else) and I remember seeing the dream world, but I was still aware of the talking (Which wasn't actually there , but I thought that meant I was still half awake.)

      I also was aware of my body. I am not sure if this was real either. But I seemd to feel my physical body laying in bed while I was trying to go into the dream world.

      Eventually, I felt like I was completely into the dream world. I am not sure whether to count this as a WILD or not.

      I remember flying for a while down some narrow streets. (fuzzy here)

      I then remember being indoors, and I saw my grandma who in real life is not alive any more. I wanted to ask her if she would predict my future. But something seemed wrong about asking her that, for some reason. So instead I decided to ask her how she was doing....how life was in the Spirit World. She was purposefully being vague. She would answer with little "Hmm's..." and "mmm's...." like she wanted me to answer my own questions. I did realize that I would have done that anyway if she had answered.

      At one point I reached out and touched my grandma's arm. It felt soft and wrinkled like an elderly person's arm would.

      The next thing I remember doing is looking for a mirror. I remembered CB's experience with the mirror and wanted to try that too.

      I walked into a hallway and there was a mirror at the end of the hall. I walked to it and looked at myself. I looked pretty much the same. My eye makeup was slightly smeared under my eyes, but otherwise I looked normal. Then I tried to make myself change. And sure enough my face started twisting and changing before my eyes. I got myself looking quite deformed and ugly. I smiled and noticed that I had several black teeth.

      I then looked at my hands. My fingernails were very short and dirty, but otherwise my hands looked like normal hands.

      I floated down some stairs and decided to do push-ups at the bottom. They were completely effortless. I was wishing I could do them this easlily in real life.

      I then went outside. I was between houses on a little walkway. Along the walkway were stones. I decided it would be fun to look under the rocks to see what bugs I would find in my dream. Would there be any? Would they look like real bugs or would my mind create something completely unnatural?

      So I lifted one of the rocks. Under it were several of the spiders with white bodies and red legs. They looked very normal.

      Under the next rock were a bunch a small black beetles. Under the third were pill bugs. I thought that there were more there than probably would be normally.

      Then on the edge of the rock that I was still lifting up, I saw some black legs around one of the sides. I dropped the rock, and out into a web scurried a medium sized black widow. I thought, "There's my black widow....they always seem to show up".

      Then I went to a playground. I saw some kids playing on a tall rocket shaped climber. I flew over to a little boy that looked about 7 and asked him if he knew how I could fly. He laughed and said, "I don't know."

      I landed on the ground and saw a new kid walk into the playground area. I went up to him. He looked more like a nine year old. I told him, "I'll bet you can pick me up." He looked like he didn't believe me. I decided to have more fun. I picked up a little girl that looked about four and then had him pick both of us up. He could do it because I had made us both float. That was kind of fun.

      Then I was flying again trying to gain speed. I saw two jets go by and decided to try to follow them. I kept up for a short time, then lost them.

      I then tried to fly high. But every time I got to a certain height, the scenery below would start to white out. It was like my mind couldn't create all the detail for that much earth below me. I felt a little frustrated. I tried several times, but the same thing happened.

      Sometime in here I had a false awakning. I woke up in an apartment that I believed was mine. My first thought was, "I need to write down my LD before it fades. " So I pulled out an envelope and wrote all the parts I could remember on the envelope.

      Then I walked outside. All the area below the apartment had flooded. Thank goodness I was on the second floor. But then I saw some of my friends. They had an apartment on the bottom floor. They told me that their place was flooded. I felt bad for them. I then noticed that Tami had lost a lot of weight and looked really great.

      Then I woke up for real.

      My dream had lasted a full hour.