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    1. LD--First time in Outer Space

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:50 PM
      Old LD from 5-9-07

      I had a lucid dream last night!

      I actually woke up this morning about an hour and a half before I had to get up. I thought back and was frustrated when I couldn’t remember a single dream. I wasn’t feeling very tired, but I made myself go back to sleep so I could squeeze out just one dream. I usually can do that, even if it is just a short dream—and that’s all I wanted—just something that I could write down in my dream journal. It didn’t even matter to me at that time if it were lucid or not.

      I did go back to sleep. And I did dream. I even had a lucid dream. The problem was that it was a very long complex dream. When I woke up, I thought, “Oh my gosh…how am I going to be able to figure that all out.

      So I started by writing down all the things I remembered doing in the dream, lucid or not. Then I tried to sort them into the “before I became lucid”, “while I was lucid” and “after I was lucid” parts.

      Then—I sorted through each section and put it together the way I best remembered and the way it seemed to make the most sense. And I actually think I did a pretty accurate job considering how mixed up I felt when I first awakened.

      So after all that, here is the dream:


      It started non-lucid. I was following Jeff. He was walking toward the back of a building and was about to go in a side door. I remember passing a large sand castle that was by the door. I had no idea where Jeff was going, but I felt I needed to go too.

      We went into the building. I believe we were separated at this point. I remember sitting in what looked like a waiting area. I remember this boy (about 12 years old) showing me some of his drawings. I then was watching something on a TV screen.

      I’m not sure of the transition here. It may be that I was watching something on TV and then I was suddenly there. But next thing I remember was standing next to a large ferris wheel. People were climbing on it. There were ladder-like things to get to the seats.

      Suddenly the ferris wheel starts spinning. I start seeing people falling off of it to the concrete below. I felt horrified. I thought that surely it was killing them. I didn’t want to be seeing this.

      So—I decided in my mind that the people wouldn’t die. One by one, they picked themselves up off the ground and brushed themselves off and walked away. I felt much better.

      Then I remember I was climbing the ladders on the ferris wheel. I was thinking, "If I were dreaming I could climb this with just my hands." --(that is something I have always liked to do in dreams—use my upper body strength and pull myself up things without using my legs). So I start climbing the ladder with just my arms. I remember it actually felt good. I could feel my muscles working but it had the satisfation of a good stretch.

      Then it hits me—finally—that I actually am dreaming. Then I thought, “Of course I am—duh—it takes me long enough to figure this out.”

      So I did the first thing that came to mind. I started to fly. For some reason I didn’t think about doing the Tasks at all. Instead I thought about how I really wanted to make this dream into a complex story line. I wanted to make it my story. But I decided it might be easier to start with something like Star Wars. I have always wanted to have a Star Wars LD anyway.

      So as I flew I decided that I needed to be in space. And without any effort I was suddenly soaring though the stars. It was so beautiful and incredible.

      I thought about how I had always wanted to do that, and I had never been able to do it before. I had read about others doing it and wondered how they managed to do it because it seemed to be a difficult thing to do. And I was so amazed how this just happened naturally for me in this dream.

      I also thought about how everything was just too quiet. I wanted to hear a soundtrack. But I wasn’t able to get music going.

      I noticed as I flew though the stars, that the stars seemed to be more concentrated above me. It started looking more to me like a flat ceiling. But I decided not to let that bother me too much. This was my first time creating a flight through space, and it was pretty darn good.

      I realized that my next goal was to find a space ship. I really wanted to find Darth Vader and confront him. I looked below me and I now saw a white medium sized space craft. It was a dirty white with yellow and black trim. I knew Darth Vader was on that ship.

      I flew to it. I knew that it I flew into it fast enough that I would fly right through the sides and end up inside. And it did.

      Unfortunately (and this kills me), this is the part of the dream I remember the least. Something happened on that ship, but I have no memory what it was. But I do remember the dream suddenly fading.

      I was suddenly back in a house. There was a hallway with a mirror at the end in front of me. I knew I was still in the dream. I also knew that if I ran straight at the mirror, that it would transport me back to space.

      So I ran toward the mirror and was again back in space. I saw the same ship in front of me. I flew right at it. But instead of slipping back inside, I hit the outside. This time it was too solid for me to get it. I was very disappointed. Again the dream faded.

      I was back in the hallway with the mirror. I ran at the mirror again. But this time, instead of going through it I bumped right into it. The mirror was very real feeling. I touched it, and the glass felt smooth and cool.

      I decided that I would just run in to the wall. So I tried again. But I hit the wall. I thought, “No…no….now I am doubting and it’s not working. I have to believe. I have to believe…..”

      So I took a dive and tried to go through the floor. But again my head just hit the carpet. Everything felt so real and so solid. Disappointed, I stood up. I made myself float and started doing back flips and the air. It felt really good to do those.

      Suddenly I heard Jeff’s voice talking to me. I closed my eyes and then thought, “oh no, closing eyes in a lucid dream makes you wake up!”

      I open them. Jeff was standing next to me. We were back in that original building. I had fallen asleep in the chair in the waiting room.

      I said, “Jeff, you just woke me up from a lucid dream.” When I saw that he looked sorry, I added, “But I guess you had no way of knowing. It’s okay.”

      He said, “If it helps, I brought you some ice cream.” He handed me a square container that had some cookies and cream flavored ice cream in it. It was fairly melted.

      I took a few bites and was amazed at how good that tasted to me. Then I thought, “Isn’t there a reason that I’m not supposed to be eating this?” I didn’t want there to be any reasons, so I kept eating it.

      Then I thought, “It’s the sugar. I’m not supposed to be eating sugar. And that’s right—I’m Raw Vegan now! I’m really not supposed to be eating this. How could I have forgotten?”

      It then comes to me—I’m still in the dream! I never did wake up. I looked back in the bowl. All that is left is the melted ice cream at the bottom that is completely runny. I put a corner of the bowl to my mouth and drink the rest of the ice cream. I thought, “This is great. I ate all this ice cream and I didn’t mess anything up!”

      At that point I woke up for real.
    2. Lucids from 8-4-06

      by , 09-01-2011 at 08:39 PM
      The first one was earlier on in the night, and I can't remember how it started. But something didn't seem right, and I questioned my state and decided that I was dreaming.

      I wanted to do something different in my dream than just fly--like I alway do. I remembered that I wanted to look at my hands. I had read in other posts that sometimes you can make yourself have 6 fingers on your hand. I was with some people (who I can't identfy now) and I said to them, "Hey check out my hand". I lifted it up fully expecting to see six fingers. But to my surprise (and theirs) I had about ten fingers growing out of that hand. To make it weirder, on the last nuckle on each finger were two separate finger tips. So it was quite the sight to see about 20 little finger tips. I waved them around at the people I was with, telling them I was lucid dreaming, and that's why my hand was so weird.

      And then to prove my point further I reached up and grabbed a tree limb. I did several one armed pull-ups and said "I can't do that in real life. Isn't lucid dreaming cool?"

      And then I said, "But this is the best...." And I took off flying.

      I flew for a while and then realized that I didn't want to spend my whole LD flying. I wanted to complete July's Lucid Task (I hadn't read what August's was yet) I needed to find a cemetery so I could raise some one from the dead. I looked all around. I got frustrated because I knew all I had to do was to create a cemetery. Then I started worrying that I would wake up before I found one. That thought is almost always fatal to my lucid dreams. And sure enough, as soon as I thought that I woke up.To this minute I don't know if I was truly awakened or if it was a FA. But I felt myself laying in bed. I refused to open my eyes. I kept telling myself to go back to sleep and go back to the LD.

      I don't know what happened. Recall is poor. I think I went on to other dreams. BUt then at some point I remember flying again and saying"Hey-- I'm having another LD. That's twice in one night Totally cool."
      I lost lucidity at some point because I then had one of my classic reoccuring dreams. I have this 4-5 times a year. The most recent was.....the night before (I know, I never got my other dreams written up from yesterday). So not only did I LD two nights in a row. But I had one of my favorite stressful dreams. The theme: "It's Halloween And I Have Forgotten To Decorate".

      I know...it sound like a bizarre dream to have so often. But you would have to understand me and Halloween. Ever since my earliest childhood memories Halloween has been the coolest most exciting time of year. My mom always made a big deal of decorating the house. And as we grew, my sister and I have had great times making our house the coolest one around. We would go all out with music cobwebs, a graveyard, lights...and last year we had over 50 jack-o-lanterns glowing in the front yard...etc etc....

      So back to the dream....first, the one from night before last: It was Halloween. I didn't seem to remember it was until about 3:00 in the afternoon. I then remembered. At first I got very excited. I thought "Oh yeah, I can finally get out Halloween boxes out of the garage" Then I thought, "Oh wait. I have an errand to run...oh no...by the time I'm done it will be too late to decorate" And I got quite stressed out.

      Last night's dream was similar. I was frantically trying to get things out of the garage in time for the trick-or-treaters to come by. Next thing I remember I was with two guys (I don't know who they were supposed to be). We were wearing these costumes that were kind of like the Dementors from Harry Potter but white instead of black. As I walked along, I suddenly realized that I was in a dream again. I thought it would be really cool if I could just float along in the air --like the Dementors do in the movie. But I was having some trouble with dream control. I was able to get in the air a little but I kept coming down and couldn't get the effect that I wanted. And after that I lost lucidity again.


      Although the second two LDs were short, I still think it was neat that the thought to become LUCID stayed with me for the remainder of the night. This is what I have been hoping for all along. Maybe this will start the pattern for more LDs for me in the future.

      I remembered that I wanted to look at my hand like I had read about. The results were....interesting.

      I also remembered that another of my deam signs was one armed pull-ups. I love to do those. This was the first time I have done them in a LD.

      I remembered to try to find a cemetery. Although I wasn't successful, I still glad I remembered to try. To remember at all and attempt it is at least half the battle. One of these times I'll remember and be succesful.