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    1. LD: Convincing stubborn DC's that this was MY lucid dream/An exercise in dream control

      by , 08-07-2012 at 06:22 PM
      I was floating in the air with Tanya, Philip, Sarah, and Kierra when I suddenly became lucid.

      I decided that I wanted to begin my dream by asking them some insightful questions. So I blurted out the first thing that came to me. I turned to Sarah and asked, "What is the best thing about me?"

      She countered back, "Well, what's the best thing about me?"

      I said, "Hey--this is my lucid dream. I get to ask the questions."

      But she decided to be difficult and not answer. So I looked to Tanya. I asked again something like, "What's something good about myself?" I looked at her with pleading eyes, because I wanted her to answer the question. She looked back at my eyes and finally answered, "You're sincere." Ok...I would be satisfied with that.

      I then asked both Kierra and Philip the same thing only to have them ask the same question Sarah did.

      I started getting frustrated. I said, "Darn it. This MY lucid dream. And I'll prove it."

      I stuck out my arm, and said, "If this weren't my lucid dream, could I make my arm glow?" And for a second I was worried because I had never tried to make my body glow before. But my dream powers cooperated and soon my arm was bright.

      I then said, with my arm still out, "If this weren't my lucid dream could I turn my hand blue. And I focused on my hand until it turned blue.

      "Or could I make my hand big?" And soon my hand was growing and strangely large.

      "Or could I make it small?" And I then strank it until is was about half normal size.

      "Or could I make it white?" I turned it a ghostly white.

      Then I decided that I had done enough. I was feeling quite satisfied with this little exercise in dream control. I needed to move on. I wanted to try to go through a mirror again since this has been giving me trouble that last few attempts.

      I found a mirror. It was cracked in a few places. I think I was in what was supposed to be my aunt's house because she was suddenly standing with my in the hallway. I decided to run at the mirror and try for the spot that had the largest unbroken area.

      I took off running only to hit the mirror. Instead on bouncing right back I kind of hung there for a moment before I rolled myself down off the mirror. I tried two more times with the same result and concluded that I would probably never get through a mirror again since I had somehow developed a mental block.

      I decided to try to fly to the moon by going outside and just flying up. I was a little surprised that my dream was lasting this long, but I didn't want to waste it. I knew from past experiences that the quicker I run from one goal to the next the more focused on the dream I was and less likely to lose lucidity.

      It was night outside. I could see so many bright stars. The night sky seemed magical. I was in a city. I had come out of a large building. I saw a bilboard in front of me. It had Mickey Mouse and was an ad for Disneyland. It made me smile. I looked around and saw several more signs all for Disneyland. It made me feel really happy about this place that I had found. I started flying upward. I suddenly heard a conversation on the ground below of a man talking to a boy about finding this certain destination. I tried to follow the conversation, but never was quite sure what they were talking about. It reminded me of the odd audio hallucinations that I sometimes hear right as I am waking up in the morning.

      And it was right after that that I suddenly was awake. And my alarm went off about 20 seconds later.
    2. LD: Asking DC questions

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:28 AM
      Old LD from 12-17-07


      I was in a place. In my dream I was thinking of it as a bar. I was hanging out there like I was waiting for someone. I remember at some point it struck me as weird that I was in a bar because I have never actually been to a bar since I don't drink. The place was mostly empty. I remember at one point I was feeling very tired and almost dizzy so i went to a back booth and put my head down and dozed for a while.

      I then woke up and walked around the bar some more. I saw my friend KB. It looked like she owned the place-- which is strange because she doens't drink either. She told me about the new booth that they put up in the back corner by the fireplace. I walked over to it and sat down. It was more like a bench. But the corner was nicely secluded and made me feel comfortable.

      I remember looking up and seeing either a picture or a window. It was a snowy scene. As I watched it I suddenly was outside in that scene. I looked around and saw that I was on a snowy roof top maybe two stories high. I was looking down at a street. The street curved around and went uphill.

      I walked a little on the roof (which was flat) and found that it was icy and slippery. I had only socks on my feet and I began to slide around. I pretended (just like a kid on a slick floor) that I was skating. I went around and around. Then I saw Jeff. I "skated" up to wehre he was.

      Then I remember seeing a van or camper. I could see people inside. One of them looked like my grandpa. I really wanted to see him. (My gandpa has been dead for many years....and none of the unususal things that happened so far had mad me lucid).

      I went into the camper and saw a group of people. The older man I could see was not my grandpa. The place was all decorated for Christmas, with a tree and someone dressed as Santa. When I went in I had walked up to a blond girl.

      At this point I became lucid. I thought, "Okay here I am with a DC. Are there any tasks that I can do that involve asking a DC a question? Yes!"

      Me: "What is the next Lucid Task of the Month?"

      Girl: "Well, your task is to play Hayes IV. You need to find the paper and then you'll get your reward."

      Me: "Hayes IV...? I've never heard of it. I don't think there is such a game."

      Girl, ignoring my response: "You need to play Hayes IV and find the paper."

      Me, laughing a little: "I don't think it's a real game."

      Girl : "The only reason I'm telling you this is because I knew you'd ask."

      I was kind of surprised by that response. "Really...what's your name?"

      Girl: "Kristen."

      At that point I decided to wake up so I could wirte down this conversation.

      I was surprised to see that the night was still very early-- 12:52. I had gone to bed after 11:00, so it was an unusually early time of night for me to LD
    3. Task of the Month--Valentine's Day, Questions, Eating Cookies

      by , 12-06-2011 at 07:44 PM
      Old LD from 2-14-07

      Wow...I just did another Task of the Month. And how appropriate, considering it is Valentine's Day.

      I had gotten to sleep in, and I had been awake for a bit, but decided that today would be a good chance to do a WBTB. I wanted to get the Task done, and I thought that since it was Valentine's Day I might have extra inspiration to get the Task completed.

      The dream started with me looking over a balcony of an apartment in which I supposedly lived. There were lots of people below in the yard or road or whatever was below the balcony. I remember thinking that something was not quite right with this. And I suddenly realized that I was dreaming.

      I looked back down. I had to find someone to ask to be my Valentine. I saw some teenage boys from the neighborhood. At first I was reluctant, but then said to myself, "It doesn't matter--this is my dream--no one will know that I asked them to be my Valentine in a dream."

      So I glided down the the ground level. And went up to M and asked him to be my Valentine. He looked at me like he thought I might be playing some sort of trick on him. He squinted his eyes a little and said, "Are you serious?"

      Then my dream faded.

      But I ended up back in the apartment and was still lucid. This time I recognized it as my friend E's apartment (of course it was not his either in real life). His family was there along with some family friends. They had been making cookies with sprinkles, but were now cleaning up.

      I wanted to try the Task again, to see if I could get a better answer.

      I asked E's sister. She said, "Sure, why not."

      Then I asked a blond girl, "Will you be my Valentine?"

      She said, "Yeah, because I owe you." I looked at her somewhat confused.

      She said, "The meeting tonight......I'll be getting you your pin and uniform."

      At first I felt slightly alarmed, then thought "There is no meeting. This is just my dream. How funny that my brain would come up with that."

      Then I asked another girl that was about 15. (There were only girls in the room--no guys.)

      She said that she couldn't be my Valentine because she was already a sister.

      I asked her why she couldn't be both. And then she went on about not being able to drive herself anywhere and how she was a burden on others because of that. It didn't actually make a lot of sense. But I let her go on.

      Then a guy in his late 20's walked in with a little girl about two years old on his shoulders. I walked up to him to ask, but at the last minute I asked the little girl instead. She couldn't talk so I didn't expect an answer. But I just talked to her like you do to a toddler. "Hi...you are just so cute...hey, do you want to be my Valentine? That would be fun, huh? And, see, you are wearing hearts on your dress. You are already all dressed up for Valentine's Day."

      At that point I figued I'd asked enough people...an interesting variety...and had gotten an interesting variety of answers.

      I thought, "What else can I ask them?" I thought back to the Task in November where we were supposed to ask people of we were dreaming. I decided to do that again.

      So I started with the blond girl whose meeting I was supposed to attend that night. I asked her if I was dreaming and she nodded and said yes.

      I went down the line and everyone was saying yes. Finally the last girl I got to I asked, "But how do you know I am dreaming?" I really wanted to know what she would say.

      She said, " Because this all sounds like it is being recorded in a studio." (I was not expecting that answer). And the funny thing is as she said that sentence, her voice started sounding all echo-y and unnatural.

      Then the dream faded again.

      BUt I ended up back in the apartmant again. This time it was empty. I looked at the table that still had lots of sprinkles left on it fron the cookies they were making.

      I suddenly had an idea inspired by my mom.

      In real life my mom and I started eating a raw vegan diet about 6 weeks ago. A few weeks ago she told me about a dream she had where she was eating pork, and then became lucid (her first lucid dream--and it was just from listening to me talk about it). She then thought, "Well, since this is just a dream, I might as well finish eating this pork" Since it was tasting so good.... .

      So looked around the apartment. I saw some cookie dough and put it in my mouth. It didn't taste as good as I had wished. I remembered that in real life I had been craving peanutbutter cookies with chocolate chips.

      I opened the fridge. And sure enough, on a plate all made up nice and with plastic wrap over it was a large batch of that kind of cookie. I took one and ate it and was incredibly thankful that my dream taste buds were fully working in this dream.

      I started to take another, then paused, momentarily feeling guilty for taking the cookies that E's mom had put away. It was obvious that they were supposed to be a gift for someone.

      I then had to remind myself that this was still my dream--that's why I was getting to eat these in the first place. That no one with ever miss these cookies.

      So I spent the next five minutes (or so it seemed) just eating one cookie after another