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    1. College Storm/Oneironaut

      by , 04-30-2013 at 04:49 PM
      I haven't recorded any dreams for a while. So I'll catch up with a few from the last couple days.

      Dream 1 (DV Member Dream):

      I was in college. It was getting really stormy. I was walking from class trying to get to my dorm. Oneironaut was there with me. He was my best friend and protector. He always made sure I got to where I was going safely. Finally we made it to my dorm. I gave him a hug and thanked him for always being there for me.

      I went into my dorm. My roommate Kierra was there with me. It started to rain really hard. We looked out the window and could see the ocean right behind the building. The waves were starting to get huge. Our dorm building was about 20 stories tall and the waves were starting to crash over the top of the building. Every time a wave hit, we huddled as it smashed against the glass. We were so afraid the window would break and we would be washed away.
    2. Possible WILD: Flying in the Rain

      by , 10-18-2012 at 01:21 PM

      I was doing a WBTB. I was laying there getting really bored and wondering if I should just let myself fall asleep.

      The next thing I know I am laying on the floor in my sister's place and I am being pulled by my feet by something unknown into the room behind me. I felt really freaked out. I tell myself that this is just part of the WILD expereince and that I should just relax and let myself fully enter the dream.

      I then felt that humming vibration. Again, I tell myself that it is just part of the WILD and that it means that things are moving along nicely.

      Then I feel myself being lifted up. That part freaked me out even more, but I made myself relax and told myself that this part of the process of entering the dream.

      I didn't let myself move for a little while because I thought it would wake me up if I accidentally moved my real arms instead of my dream arms. And I wanted to make sure I was fully my dreamself before I tried.

      I finally did and flew back out of the bedroom and out the front door of what was my mom's house. It was raining outside. I remember thinking that I had never flown in the rain before and that this would be a unique experience.

      So then I just started flying around. The rain felt very real, both nice, yet a little cold and uncomfortable.

      I was near my grandparents' house at some point. I wasn't aware of any transition. I remember swooping down through what might have been buildings, but then I think they were canyons. Because later I am flying over Lake Powell and excited about doing that.

      Anyway it wasn't my best LD, but I was really in the mood to fly again. I was telling myself that before bed--how much I really needed to fly. So I did get to do what I wanted.

      Now that I have started up again, I need to focus focus focus. SO I can accomplish many things.
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    3. Long LD--Resort, Pools, Making it Rain Flowers, Kissing

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:55 PM
      I had a super long Lucid dream again last night. So that's good. I seem to be picking up again on the lucid dreaming. It was anothe WBTB. And is one of the rarer times where I let the dream sort of take me along.

      Lucid Dream:

      The first thing I remember in the dream was being in a large body of water. I was swimming, I think. I saw two boats in front of me. I went over their wakes and enjoyed the bouncing motion. I then decided to surprise the drivers of the boats by speeding up and catchin up with them. So I did and came up right between them when they were quite close. I remember one driver (a nice looking man) looking at me in amazement. I smiled back. I decided to really surprise them by suddenly taking off into the sky.

      At some point here I was lucid, although I don't remember the exact moment.

      It took me a couple of tries, but soon I was flying up and above the boats and up into the sky. We were close to shore at this point and I could see a resort right there on the beach. I knew the boat drivers were going to the resort. I wanted them to find me again. So I decided to hang out there and wait for them.

      There were many patios and terraces. I wandered around. I passed several pools and saw some hot tubs. I wanted to get in a hot tub. I was sure that the warm water would keep me lucid, and I didn't want to lose lucidity until after I found the drivers. Each of the hot tubs I came to had people in them. Some hot tubs were small and had a couple in them. But there were at least two big hot tubs--but these were full of kids or teenagers. I finally decided to just squeeze in a hot tub. After all, these weren't real people. But each time I came to one with a couple, it just felt weird to get in. I decided that I would get into one of the big ones. I came to an upper level where I remembered there being the biggest hot tub. But it was just crowded with boys about 12-14 years old.

      Suddenly I remembered a thread I had just read that day on Dreamviews about weather, and how a lot of people have no interesting weather in dreams. I looked up toward the sky (there was a shade covering over the pools, but I could see out past it toward the ocean). I could see many grey clouds. I decided to help it rain. I asked the boys by me in the hot tub if they would like it to rain. Several said, "Sure". So I concentrated on the grey clouds and made them swirl bigger and blacker. Then I focused on making rain come down. I finally saw something come out from the clouds. It wasn't rain, though. They were flowers. A whole bunch of small black flowers. Could there be anything cooler than making it rain black flowers??

      I then decided that I would just get in a pool. Maybe the cold water would be better for lucidity. On the way down to a lower level, I kept running my hand along the iron rail posts. I felt that the bump bump bump against the side of my hand would be good for that physical sensory that keeps me in a dream.

      I came to the pool and started taking my clothes off. I knew I had my blue swim suit on under. I seemed to have on several layers of clothing and it was taking longer than I wanted to get undressed. Then Jeff was there and he started talking to me. I told him how I was trying to stay lucid. Part of me wondered if I was talking to him in real life and that he would think it was cool that was was actually lucid dreaming.

      Then I got in the pool. The water was neither hot or cold. I swam to one end. I saw a man and a little boy. The boy had sand all over his hair. He was black and the sand was covering his short hair completely. When he leaned over I saw that it ran into his face. I told him to lean over and hold still, that I would help him brush it out. I brushed and brushed, and so much sand came out...and bigger rocks too. Finally I felt that I had gotten most of it out, and the boy went back to playing with his bucket and shovel.

      I started walking around the pool area again. I saw a glass water container with ice and lemons. I got a plastic cup and turned the little spigot and filled my glass. I took a drink. I was disappointed that the ice water didn't taste cold. I turned around and saw two nice looking guys standing right by me. One was tall and had curly blond hair. The other was a little shorter and had brow hair. I took my cup of ice water and splashed it right up at the tall guy's face. He looked surprised. I said,"I've always wanted to do that." I laughed. This was a dream, but I still wasn't sure how the guy would react. He just wiped the water of his face and kept looking at me with a half smile, but confused look.

      The brown haired guy then got a glass of water. I told him, "Go ahead." I faced him expecting him to splash water on my face. Instead he splashed it on his own face. I laughed again. Then I just grabbed the guy and started kissing him serious and deep. We were suddenly very passionate. We moved as we kissed until we were in another room. I pulled away for a sec and asked, "Is this okay with you?" I didn't want him to have a girlfriend right here that would see us. He said, "This isn't a problem. I'm willing to go all the way." I was suddenly a little unsure. All I really wanted to do was kiss. More than that seemed wrong.

      Then I seemed to wake up. I thought, "Oh man, another really long lucid dream for me to try to remember. I started to back track the dream in my mind. Then I knew I had to start writing it down immediately. I didn't want to forget, and I somehow knew that I only had a matter of time before this dream slipped away. So I grabbed the closest thing to write on which was a piece of cardboard. I started writing it down. But part of me knew that this was a waste of time since this wasn't real. I knew I needed to wake up for real.

      But I don't think I woke up at this time. I went on to another dream involving my younger sister...but now I can't read my notes...and I no longer remember.