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    1. A monky in the house / my brother directly under my mattress

      by , 03-11-2013 at 07:37 AM
      In a house, there where people, i don't know them, they had a monkey as a kind of pet, i liked him, he started to dance, i found that exciting, i tryd to dance with him, then i went with him for a walk, he tried finde other apes, but there where just dogs, i felt a bit sorry for him, because he had no one of his kind.... i thought mybe i can learn to communicate with him really thorough,.... the monkey, though, looked weird, he was small, like a middle sized dog and he had big foods...


      sleeping in bed, my brother slept directly under my mattress, i was a bit pissed of, because he woke up when i made a sound, i sad, that since he know, that he is actually awake for short periods, he cant sleep quit well, then he got up and wanted to start a discussion, i blocked it, and sad, that it is much to early for having an argument, so we stoped - besides that, there was also another room, and we could not figured out why he did not sleep there instead...
    2. my former girl / a jeune lady

      by , 02-21-2013 at 11:00 AM
      I walked around with rut, in a house, it appeard abandon, we found a smal room, with stairs, pritti steep, i or she wanted to look if there is something to find... / she explains to my whay it as, that we cant be together, a lot of reasons, i remember that it was something about money... and she also sad things, which i did not agree with, so i told her....


      i laying in a bed, with a jeune girl, her parents where in the other room, she wanted to make love to me, it was in the morning, i knew, i would come right away, so i wanted to kiss her, i really liked her, then her parrents called, she wanted to go away with me, but her parents didn't allow that, for me, that caused no problem, but she was a bit pissed, finally it was o.k, so i think
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. drinking some soup in a hotelroom / joining a gathering wit a wound

      by , 02-15-2013 at 12:48 PM
      I'm in a hotelroom, with christian and his girl, we order some soup, i sit on the flore, and i spill a bit of the soup over the table...

      I should join some people, they have some kind of a project, a kind of organisation, it is a bit difficult to get there, but i do it anywai... it is a big meeting house, with lots of rooms and so on... i join the new-meeting-room or so, where people get an introduction, then they ask the question, it we play with butterflies, and i look at my knee, there is a scare fresh scar on my knee, i say, that the butteflies plays sometimes with that, and then i look down on me leg, and there is a even bigger wound/scar, i sturt tu open it again, and a lot of peaces come out, with meetlike something.... a guy is there, which starts also opening my wound, it gets pritty messiy, it everything has a bit of a corn-structure... then, i think a women, said, that we should stop opening the wound...
    4. some dream slivers

      by , 02-06-2013 at 01:14 PM
      I had to write an exame, but some people distracted me with noise, some arabian people... also, the room i was in, was a bit strange, not much furniture, just some folding screens... a girl / woman was also there, she had an indian/arabic look

      i sat around, actually i eat some ice, to be exact, i eat the chocolate which was on the ice.... i thought, that that's not really good for me... then a black dog began to lick my face, because he liked the chocolate... it was o.k but i prefered that he stop
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. The nice black lady in bed / strange indigenous people showing me the way

      by , 02-05-2013 at 10:05 AM
      Inside a forest, some strange people near my, i have to go somwhere, but there is no urgency... he cant show me the way with his arms, or fingers, because he only can fight with them, it gets explained to me, that here, people are not used to have frindy conversations with outsiders, so the guy piks up a stik, which looks a bit like skeleton hand and shows me where i should go, i think he is very nice, we walk a bit together, but we do not speak with another, then there are bigger houses and stuff, he stays there, bathing in the sunlight, i think to myself, he probably does not get too much sun inside the forest, i like him in his way...


      i'm lay in bed, next to me lays a nice black lady, i dont know her, she tells me here story about her job, she has worked for a lawyer, and she only could work for people the lawyer gave his permit... so he decided to go, work by herself, but the problem was, that this lawyer did not gave her a some papper which she needet, so she had to pay 2.000 or 20.000 dollar... obviously it was no problem for her to do that, then, out of the blue starts carresing me in a very nice way, at first, i'm irritated, but then - it feels so good, nice and warm - i go along, take some cloth off, she likes it, i remember i had a shawl around my face, it thought about it... then there where other people in the room, i whispered to her, that i would like to screem, that we will fuck now, she smiled....
    6. some strange care apes and a mission / rut and our therapist / roman cleaning his praxis

      by , 02-03-2013 at 09:47 AM
      In a care, a big one, for some kind of expedition, with heavy bumper bars... im sitting inside, with some other guys and the care is inside a big cage or something and inside this cage is another cage with some big, very human like apes. one comes out, a child of a big one, and i'm outside, i trie to stay calm, i know, or i believe, that they can get quite agressive and i really dont wont to mess with them. after some time, the mother ape, or father comes out, we stay cool with each other, then the parrent, tells me something, and he greats me with heil hitler, and walks away... / im in the same care, its parked on a ascending street, i'm on the passenger seat, i want to start the care, but its difficult, i get into the driver seat, start again and its working but i roll somewhow backwars, its difficult for me to pull the breacks, but i do it somehow.. i think


      rut and i are in a bed with a therapist, rut sets herself up, and apparently has something to say to, she tells her storry beside the therapist, it seems, it is something important, something falls up from her, and we are good again with each other, she wants to go into the sunlight, then we lay toughether in bed, kissing each other in a very nice way, beeing in liking each other


      im in the the practice of roman, two younger girls sitting there, talking about there hairstyl.. and that they want to drim trim them, i recomend romans skill but they seem not so sure, i don't know if i should advertise him or not, because actually i don't care to much if they cut there hair with roman or not, just making suggestions... then roman comes, and he starts hoover the room..
    7. Some Skiing and watering the plants

      by , 02-02-2013 at 07:51 AM
      Somewhere i had to ski, but just with one ski, so i was riding down the hill/mountain with one leg, partial it was easy but on some spots it got really difficult not to crash, but i did it, i didn't hurt myself. rosi was there and we spoke about my skiing....

      in some kind of a garden, there where 3 or four plants in plantpots... i had to water them, with an electric water pump, it was not that easy, because the hose was not long enought, so i had had to shoot the water to some of the plants and i could not see exactly, how much water the plants needed...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. A journy, the hairs of my mothers pussy

      by , 01-06-2013 at 02:11 AM
      We where taking a trip with the car, Me, S and W - we stoped, to get somesthing, S got some food? and it took a while, i waited with W, as he came back, he told us, that now he will go to the tolet to fap. i thought to myself, if this takes another hour or so, i better not go with them.


      My Mom and I where comparing pubic hair...
    9. Some construction work, a crashed bike, and ruts birthday dinner

      by , 01-05-2013 at 01:17 AM
      I were near some house construction, on a hill, as i went down, someone gave me a stone, in the shape of a square, i should get that stone down... there was also a river, and i tried to use it do carry the stone farther down, it was not so easy, i met some people....


      going down a hill, i meet a girl, which had a crash with her bike, at first, i thought, her bike was completely destroyd, but then i saw, that i looked much worst, than i thought. just one thing pusseld me: the brakes where not to be found, so i figuerd, that they might be lost some other place higher up the hill...


      I met rut, we went so some sort of dinner, and when we came, she wanted to sit in the middle, because the outer seats where not good, as we sat there, someone told me, that it was her birthday party/dinner, i was a bit ashamed, because i didn't remember her birthday, but it on the other side, it was not that uncomfortable...


      i wrote something on facebook, it was not quet rady written, but it got online immediately i got some likes for it, i wondered about that
    10. Some old friends / a house with child screems / the milkbare

      by , 12-29-2012 at 10:08 AM
      I'm in a house, don't know what i was doing, then an old friend of minde comes - manuel - he tells me, that he just left the hospital, he underwent some surgery with his arms, some bones where transfered from one arme to the other, as he came in, we embraced each other by hugs, it was nice, i thought if it is too much embrace but i figured that its good.
      he told me, that he now moves into a flet i got. i was happy for him. then we went to get some food, and they ordered knödel, i usually do not eat something with animalstuff inside, but i thought, well, this time a take a small portion. we ate, than they wontet do drink some beer or so, but i was not to interested.


      some street, i went, a house was nearby, i think i heard some child screaming, but it was not clear, then i met rut, she asked me, if i to had heard the screams, i confirmed, and we desidet, to do something against it, by going to the house and see what was happening.


      a girl/women, told me that a friend of her wonted something, she wonted to get some breast milk, i thought i have asolution, and showed her some porn genre, in that, all the women had breast mild, and they gave the men there milk, some during sexual action, some without, they had also some special clothing, with a certain style, there where old man and jung ones.... my thoughts about that genre where ambivalent...
    11. Some dream pieces

      by , 12-27-2012 at 10:14 AM
      I'm in a city, dont know where, maybe in southamerica, i'm inside a car, on the backseat, a man is drivin and besid him sits a woman, i have to get out of the car, but they cant stop - i sie the inside of a buss, the driver has to go trhough a small curve, and a girl shows him, with her fingers, hom much space he has to turn, and the girl uses a women in a car to spot the space, which she cant see properly, because of that buss, we cant stop, so i have to jump out of the car while driving, i get out, but i forgot my rucksack, so i jump back, the driver holds now the hand of the woman next to him, i go out again....


      with S, walking around, we are in a park, it's not very clear, someone comes toward us, and says that he could work as gardener, i'm thinking to myself, that he means picking up the dogshit, because in that city, with all the polution no plant will prosper, but i start to doubt it and think maybe he means it. so S startsworking with the garden and i wont to help him, but first, the man shows us, the border to the neighbor, where we shall not work, but the neighbor wants our tools, and its kind of funny that he wants something but wont give us something, as i start working, i see, that i'm wounded on my finger, the skin is going down between my nail and the finger below... i get earth soil on my bare flash and i think to myself, i should not work otherwise i may get infected.... i go and show someone the wound...


      Inside a flat, W is there, he wants to take a bath and asks if it is a problem, i tell him, that if i have a problem or if i want something i will thell him and that there is no need for asking me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. driving the car without a licence

      by , 12-26-2012 at 09:56 AM
      I'm at our old flet, someone is comming or something like that, and i should get something from the grocery story around the corner. for some reason, i figure that i should get that item with the car from my mother although i do not have a driving licence. i get into the car and it's hard to drive, i'm not sure how to use the car right. i nearly have an accident, and then, at the grocery store i have to park in a parking spot for disabled people, because i cant get into the other one, then another car gets out of his parking space.... as i decide to driv back, i drive right into a one way street, and of course in the wrong direction, some car drivs towards me, but we do not hace an accident.... a police man gets me, i sit with him somewhere and we have to wait for something, he starts to get into my mouth with his fingers, and he tries to pull a tooth out, which is not a real tooth but one which was made, i say to him, that he should not do that, and that it's quit unpleasant, and he stops it.


      We (S and I) are walking somewher in croatia, i a city, probably zagreb, around, two guys are behind us and as we walk, i pick up some stones and i think to myself, hopefully the guys behind us dont think, that i'm afraid of them, or i want to attack them, after a while, they start to by a bit stupid, they start to through stones toward us, but it's not an havy attack, and i trie to calm them down, and i do it with my lingua skills, i say some sentences in hrvatski and it works, they are a bit stagger a bit and let lose of us...
    13. My former girl and a new shop

      by , 12-17-2012 at 09:29 AM
      I went into a house, there i had a flet. my ex comes, to see me, we are quite nice to each other, she asks some questions, and it goes on, then some friends of mine appear, and we sit in a room outside my flat, but within the staircase, we sit there for a while, then i remember that rut is probably still in my flat, i return, hoping that she still waits and she does, i think i apologize to her, and then we lay down in my bed, in that moment i love her deeply, i'm happy to be with her and i like the idea of beeing intimate with her. oh, and i remember that she wore tight jeans, in which her ass, looked beautiful.


      Within a shop, i shop for some items, and i'm thinking about stealing some of them, as i stand close to the cash register, i see a employee touching an apparatus and i seems to me, that this thing has something to do with catching thieves, so i retrieve from putting those things into my pockets, and pay everithing, as i stand by the cash register the employees start talking to each other about a new intranet, and i hear them talk about social reforms, and about data which can be hidden within this intranet without the noticing of the company. finally i see, that these people would not do anything about my steeling, because they seem very nice to me, as i leave the shop, they all stand by the door goodbye to me
    14. Going of into the jungle

      by , 12-16-2012 at 12:32 PM
      For some reason, i went into the junge, to meet or stay with a teacher, in the dream it was my yoga teacher, i went there with a friend, or he was maybe already there when i arrived. the house was a nice wood structure, tinkered together. I should get some wood, for the fire, but i somehow had the wrong shoes on, and i had no otheres to wear, so i thought i go without shoes, but they told me, that may be not such a good idea, the natives themselves do not go without shoes.... so i thought about borrowing some old sport shoes.
      Then the teacher went a bit of to get some prophesy. and i got some chocolate, which i was not sure if i like it or not...
    15. Having my house restructured

      by , 12-12-2012 at 12:18 PM
      I'm in a house, which needs to be renovated. Some guys, three of them, do that job. they say, that the whole electrical system should be remade, and for that, they have to take down the clay coverage. But instead of paying a guy to do that job, they will hire someone, which can do that than. And then i notice, that the whole roof truss is loos, i can move it from side to side, and the house bends with it, all the doors get skew, and i realize, that the wood arbor, which connects the house with the truss, is broken, the worker say, that they have to fix that as well, and i'm thinking about the best ways i can immagine to do that.
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