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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    Ball in the Air Game

    by , 10-16-2014 at 03:12 PM (493 Views)
    Playing a game of "keep the balloon ball in the air" with a couple girls, we volley it around the living room for a bit, trying to hit it as few times as possible as we pass it between us, and keep it off the ground.

    I fall down as I dive for it, managing to keep it off the ground. They are amused by this. One of them is really shy and goes to the top of the stairs. The ball is slowly settling toward the floor. I use telekinesis to bring the ball directly to my hand, hold it there for a few moments, then send it against gravity up to the shy girl.

    They are both really surprised by this, and ask how I did it. I try to hide the fact that it was telekinesis and tell them it was just static electricity. The non-shy girl tells me to do it again. I tell her I probably shouldn't show off in public.

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