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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    Wisdom or money... how about both?

    by , 07-03-2014 at 06:22 PM (504 Views)
    Hiking up a mountain with a friend, we take a short break at a cliff that overlooks the trail head below, trying to spot the others that were coming with us. I hear them below, just a few paces into the woods, but they seem to be taking a really long time to move anywhere.

    A truck pulls up right next to the trail head, and two people get out of it. They seem to know that there is some sort of wisdom within this mountain, and they want to use it to win the lottery. From my position on the mountain, I know that I can give them the winning numbers, but I believe that giving them wisdom would be much better in the long run. I step out of view so they cannot see me to demand the numbers. I start to summon the wisdom of the mountain to give to them, and as I do so, my friend who is with me tells them the winning lottery numbers at the same time. Now they have both! I guess that's okay too.

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