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    Thread: Tell me about your reading habits

    1. #26
      Dream-o-naut Oneirophilia's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2014
      It really takes a lot for me to start a book. I get bored with a book extremely easily. In high school, I'm pretty sure the total number of pages I read for an assigned book was about... eh, maybe 20 pages? That's throughout all four years. However, I'd read my own books. Hardly, but I would. There was The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd that I would read all the time. I started the Slayer Series, but I lost interest in those for some reason. I also read Storm Thief, which was actually so good that I cried. It's a really simple and low-lexile book, but it was fantastic. Anyway, I think that was the last book I fully read through, and that was about...eh, three years ago? I really suck at reading books .-. My lexile for reading is really low, but I've been told so many times that I'm a fantastic writer. I love writing, and I have so many ideas. It's just strange that I'm not really interested in reading, but I love to write. Maybe it's because I can write about things that actually, truly interest me? Probably.
      But yeah, I don't read a lot, and I probably should read a little more .-.
      I'm in the process of trying to start Anne Rice's Taltos. I got to page 6. That was three days ago. .-.

    2. #27
      Until the Very End
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      Jun 2012
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      When I was young I probably read more than I do now, but then I found a particular series that was so ridiculously good that I couldn't find anything that topped it . . . and stopped reading for awhile. Now I'm back, and I always have a book on me (or at the very least downloaded fanfiction on my phone), but I don't go to this local library. This one sucks.
      ~ until the very end

    3. #28
      got the madman blues
      Join Date
      Mar 2014
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      9 3/4
      between the real world and the dream world
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      i like to read fantasy and science fiction. i rarely read books anymore though. my favorite books are Narnia, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.

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