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    Thread: Dream System Idea.. yea..

    1. #1
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      Dream System Idea.. yea..

      So I just wanted to say.. this was an idea I had and uhh yea tell me what you think of it thought I share it with everyone.. It's also very, very long.. But I think its interesting at least

      So the idea is in my dream to create a sort of dream system. Like a virtual reality game. Because I figure anyways that, that is sort of what a lucid dream is like. Anyway essentially what I first thought of was something like having a tablet where I could control the whole dream with something like a textfile that was on it. So basically like I'm the admin to the dream system. So whatever changes I make to the textfile and save automatically apply to the dream world. For instance I write something down like -all skies will be purple, then I save that, in theory all the skies should be purple.
      So basically what I was going for here was something logical that made sense to me. Because I feel that is the real key to it, it has to make sense to me. Because if I don't believe it or understand it, how is it supposed to work? That's what I've always thought about lucid dreaming, that being the key to them is belief. So like how some people feel pain and others don't my theory has always been that it's simply because one person thinks they will and the other person thinks they won't. Although there are instances in my lucid dreaming experience where my beliefs fail. But that's not the point.
      So back to the idea itself. I thought why should I be hindered by something that I would have to physically carry around with me in the dream all the time? So then I thought about something like panels or a heads up display that I could just open in front of me, again, like it's a virtual reality game. Then in these menus I could use it like the computer I need to save the text file. So then, I thought well why stop there? I could make a function where a text box opens and whatever I type in spawns, like the game Scribblenauts. And I could have multiple menus with different features for like editing terrain or a person or whatever. Even one that I type in a known location and it will teleport me there.
      So the idea behind it was that in a dream where I might think something is impossible let's just take for example flying or even something more advanced like time dilation. Why should it be impossible for me to do those things if the system gives me the power to do it. So essentially it's like I'm not in control the system is. It might seem a little complex but to me this all makes perfect, perfect sense. But I guess I'm very technology oriented.
      So then the problem came of how am I going to even employ all these ideas. Yea that's probably what you're thinking right about now to. And I've come up with a few different possible solutions.. First I can just naturally do it based off my belief, I just go into a lucid the next time I have one and BAM I can open up my menus. So, then I thought ok ok that's all well and good but what if that doesn't work?! So, I could start with something physical like a tablet or whatever computer doesn't matter. And then just write in my little file on there that I have the power to open my menus. So ok what if I can't even do that? Well then I decided that and I know this might sound a bit crazy.. but I would write up a sort of program in real life on my computer and essentially what I write would be the program I'm trying to apply to my dream. So what I write that makes sense to me in real life, will in my dream essentially be a programming language that I can deploy to create my whole system. And then once I'm in dream I have to find a way to access this file and apply it to my world.. And so like I've said this really all comes down to if I believe I can do it or not.
      Right so then lastly I was thinking that I could even progress it to the point of like it being an interactive system where I give it voice commands and it gives replies. For instance I say edit terrain to mountains. And a voice responds back saying something like "editing" or "complete". Alright so then it turns out BOOM that was not lastly. More ideas. I thought what if I could get it so these features would carry over dream to dream. I could even set up triggers to let me know that I'm in dream likes it's some real computer programming. So I just set some trigger like ok when I enter a dream a person walks up and tells me some secret pass-phrase.. or whatever.
      Alright so then I thought yea yea that'd be awesome if it does carry over dream to dream. But what if it doesn't? So I got to thinking that I could treat it all like a save file. The whole thing is a system and essentially a program right. So it should be able to be saved. So then after I make changes and save them it creates a file in my menus and I load it whenever I become lucid in future dreams. So even now I just had the idea that maybe if my other ideas don't work for deploying this what if I actual write the text file in dream and deploy instead of trying to access it in real life.
      It's kind of hard to describe what exactly I'm thinking but, it's like my brain will be the framework for the program you know it'll be the code. I wouldn't actually have to write anything. If it made sense to my brain than it could be a function in my program.
      Now I'll just make a list of where I got my inspirations from so no one says I stole ideas..
      The game- Scribblenauts
      The movie- Extraction
      The anime- Sword Art Online
      And also partially the anime- Fairy Tail
      And some general just being on computers a lot..
      I know this might all sound a bit crazy but I THINK IT WILL WORK! So, it could take me a lot of time before I can actual get this all to work but, I mean, I have a lot of time.. So yea I don't know if you read this feel free to give me your thoughts on it.. Like additions to it, what you thinking I'm doing wrong or just in general how you feel about.. Also keep in mind that I edited this a bit down.. Yea it was longer.. So I might have left some stuff out.
      Buhl and CanisLucidus like this.

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      well, well sorry for double posting.. but i tried to edit in my spaces in the text and apparently my edits dont work..

    3. #3
      Baaaaadum.... baaa...dum. Buhl's Avatar
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      I REALLY like the idea, and if you really believe it to be possible, i bet it will.

      However, in regards to the "save files", i am not sure that could be possible, atleast not down the minute details.
      But much like flying with some form of aid, this could very well aid in general dream control!

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      Yea I'm not really going for minute details. It's more like I would want to save something like the sky being some absurd color so that I know whenever the sky is that color that I'm in a dream.. Or other broader details like that..

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      It is hard to save things like that to normal dreams (non LDs)

      Hyu however found a way to make a persistent realm, (when DJs are up go there and switch whatever username to hyu instead) it is a lot different, but it has a few close things. like persistence.

      A lot of people have things like a pouch that has all your dream items that you ever put in it there. So this is kind of the same thing. Every time you become lucid you could pull out the control panel or something.

      I really like the idea. One thing you might want (I don't know why, I thought that this would be cool ) is to put it in a secure location so that only you can get to it, this makes it to where in your mind some random DC won't wander around and mess it up. So have a sort of adventure and try and find it in a secure location and any time you want to change a setting (like sky or something) you have to go there to change it. This adventure might help keep it permanent. When you are there you should grab a remote for changing small things on the go. You don't want time dilated in every dream, but when you do, you press "slow" This only works when you touch it.
      So... go on an adventure like in Inception^^^

      AH!!! I really love this idea. You are awesome.

      P.S. I feel pain in dreams because I believe it makes them more realistic. By choice and belief. Sometimes it hurts, but I believe that it makes it better.

      P.P.S. If this doesn't make sense I will rewrite. I am in a hurry right now.

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      So big things need to be changed by going to location, that saves them. Small things are at the touch of a button^^^

    7. #7
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      Thank you BrandonBoss for taking the time to read it. And so let's see here I do like your idea of putting it in a secure location, but I have already accounted for DC's thinking their funny and messing with things. So what I've done and while this might sound a bit crazy, I'll explain it after saying what it is, I've essentially written up the code of the program to what makes sense to me in real life. Now let me explain my thought process here.. I figured that if I already had all the rules established in waking life for this "dream system" then it'd be that much easier once in dream to just get it going. (Although I don't plan to post the whole code thing, its more like just the rules and what is expected after I make certain requests and etc.) So, I've also decided it's going to be a mostly verbal system. I'll make a request and the system will respond back with a voice that says completed once the change is made. So anyways, anyways, I'll also have what I've started calling "menus" that come up with the swipe of my hand and they are essentially just interactive holograms with all the same features that I could use with my verbal commands. I don't know if this all makes sense, I kind of think some people are going to think I'm crazy, but oh well. And also, this is all assuming I'm going to be able to get everything to work.

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      Well, not everything works like you would expect in LDs. but you probably know that since you have... more than one.

      But I am a fan of the "Anything that you want to happen in dreams can happen" idea. It might be hard, but don't give up if it fails! Think of Einstein! OH! Some people say he was an LDer, him and Tesla.

      Some people like to limit "anything" to one dream. I do not believe it is so. Someone on here said that every time he dreamed he dreamed that he was in the "Plain of existence" from Simpsons (I am probably getting this wrong, so don't hate ).
      I think that we are in control, but it is a hard thing to control completely consciously.

      I think that you can get it in all dreams, but I think you should start by getting it in all LDs and then try and move it over.

      I feel like we have to think of things like this when we are not dreaming.
      "It is easy to have an epiphany in dreams, though you might not remember your name."

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      Yea I hear what you're saying.. And I definitely will never give up on this idea, the implications are just too great to me haha. And that's what I'm going to do definitely is start with it in lucid dreams then try to have it transition to every dream. I'm imagining that this whole thing is going to take me a lot of time. But, I have my entire life to perfect it.. And I'm planning on it being like a real computer program with regards to the fact that I'll keep improving on the 'system' overtime. But my hope is one day to have it function in every dream..

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      So it will be a real computer code right? That is awesome.

      That is good. I believe that every good LDer has certain things that they do each time they are lucid. Something that makes it entirely their own. Your system could work for many, but each one would look different depending on what people interpret it to.

      Also. I think that the best thing to do is always have fun doing it. I enjoy non LDs like crazy, so it helps me stay positive about LDing. You should enjoy working on your system.

      I am more of an adventurer sort than most on here. For instance, when I am next lucid instead of making a bag to store all dream items that stays on my side at all times so I can always have whatever I want with an easy summon. I am going to begin a quest to create it. Might take me a few tries, but I believe that it will mean more to me if I do it this way. I do not know why I am this way. Prolly too much reading.

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      Well its not going to be a real computer code exactly.. I wrote it like one with all the functions and whatnot.. but its not written in an actual programming language its written in what I'm thinking will function as a programming language in my dream. And as a result everything in the system will work properly. I had to do this so that everything seemed logical and had reasons for happening.. I'm not very creative when it comes to things that are just imagination I guess.. I would post my whole 'code' but its uhh.. pretty long.. well probably not longer than my original post.. but I just feel it wouldn't make as much sense to someone else as it would to me..

      And I do also think other could use my system too but they would have to write their own rules and functions so that its tailored to them.. That's one of the reasons I shared this was so that maybe it would inspire someone else to do it.

      And I see how quests could be pretty fun in lucid dreaming.. Although I really am more impulsive I kind of just do whatever when I feel like it.. So this way too I feel like I'll have a lot more structure in my lucid dreams..

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      Yeah, one of the reasons I love LDing, is that there is no wrong thing to do in an LD. I have heard a few people say that they were bored in their lucid dreams, but I think that they need professional help.

      Yeah, code doesn't really help me. I am a beginner coder, and I haven't decided if I am going to pursue anything more than what I can do (graphing calculator, very simple).

      Dreams: Tailored to perfection

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      Yeah I'm not really a coder or anything I mean I used to do some programming in java, but I just like all the logic that it makes. It's all very organized and easy to understand.

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