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    Thread: I can't sleep when i try to MILD

    1. #1
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      Question I can't sleep when i try to MILD

      Hello dear people, recently i've been trying to MILD but when i try to recall my mantra and try
      to visualize, i get insomnia, and i end up sleeping without doing any technique and i really feel bad for that :/
      anyone know why this is happening?

    2. #2
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      First I would say: Try not to go to bed with a negative emotion. If you feel you failed, chances are you will fail. If things don't work out as you like, try telling yourself that it is ok. The best thing you can do at that point is go to sleep and have a good night rest. Just leave it be.

      Secondly, don't put too much faith in the technique. It's not the technique that get's you lucid, it's you. The technique's only help you a bit a long. Even if you don't fall asleep while reciting mantra's or whatever technique you are doing, you still have the intention to Lucid Dream. Just that can be enough to have a Lucid Dream. So even if it doesn't work out the way you'd thought, just let it be and believe that you will have a Lucid Dream anyway.

      I know I tried using mantra's and I fail at them. I still got some LD's from just the intention though

      That's my 2 cents as a rookie
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      Don't give up on mantras just yet. I would recommend that you do your mantra and visuals for 10 minutes, and then get in a comfy position and go to sleep as quickly as possible. Part of learning to LD is learning how to fall asleep, so it takes practice to get it right.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by Iriba View Post
      Hello dear people, recently i've been trying to MILD but when i try to recall my mantra and try
      to visualize, i get insomnia, and i end up sleeping without doing any technique and i really feel bad for that :/
      anyone know why this is happening?
      For some (me included), visualizations are rather stimulating. When I first started doing MILD I had very long back-to-sleep times. The trick is to do the visualisations with a "quiet mind," and as Sensei says, to do them only for a short while then head for sleep. It can be really hard to "fall asleep doing MILD" despite what LaBerge writes about doing it that way.

      Don't stress about not sleeping, though, anxiety is a real insomnia booster. Also, don't "try to sleep," just relax mentally and physically more and more and if you need more sleep nature will take its course and you'll sleep.
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    5. #5
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      Sometimes is not only the MILD that gives me insomnia but
      also random thoughts that come on my mind. i try to get them out
      but another thought come in. So i end up turning my mind "black"
      without thinking on anything and just let my body relax along with my mind.
      But thanks for the advices, i'll see what i can do :p

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