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I hope people don't jump at me for saying this but I think mantras for LDing are nonsense.
The original MILD technique doesn't say anything about mantra, it works completely on prospective memory and mnemonics / visualisation.
What you're doing is simply setting an intention, you don't need a mantra for this and I actually think a mantra is bad for setting a proper intention.
Take this for example:
If you need to wake up at 8am, you simply know that you need to wake up at 8am, even if you don't set an alarm, you will most likely wake up around 8am depending on the urgency. Think about all the times that you really had to get up early and you ended up waking up well before the alarm, or just do an experiment, decide that you're going to wake up at some time in the morning of your choosing but don't set an alarm for it, just know you need to wake up. Most of the time you will, it might not be 100% accurate but you'll likely wake up either right on time, before or at most an hour after (unless you're especially tired and you don't feel like it's important).
The trick is not to use a mantra and not to simply wish for it. You need two things:
1) Don't "hope"/ "wish" etc... know that you want / need to do this.
2) In the book The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep (Google it) they describe what they call "sending a wish"
They talk about sending the wish to deities and teachers but that's not necessary, a better way (in my humble opinion, sorry yogis) is sending the wish to yourself. Now, I just said previously that you don't want to "wish" so let me explain: "sending the wish" is a trick of the mind, what you're really doing is setting yourself a reminder that will come back to you at a later time.
Have you ever set an event in a calendar for yourself? It's like that. What you want is a boomerang effect, you set your intention now but the goal is for it to come back to you.
When you're setting an intention the most important thing (again, in my humble opinion) is to feel it. You can start off by saying a "mantra" but do it only once, something like "I'm going to wake up at 8am" and then capture the feeling of what you just said, afterwards just concentrate on feeling that you need to wake up at 8am. Or that you want to be very alert for a dream for the next hour or some time in the morning or whenever.
Point is don't mantra it, feel it, know it, set it, plan it, decide on it. Also don't spend an hour in bed setting your intention, trust yourself, do you think your intention will be stronger if you say it once with total conviction, or 100 times while wondering if it'll work / hoping for it?
You also want to combine this with a technique like MILD, SSILD, even WILD, or whatever you want for extra kick.