Mantras really help while doing deild. I always use this mantra: 'I will wake up during the night, I will not move and I'm going to keep my eyes closed.' I've repeated that mantra over a thousand times in my head and it really works. |
Has anybody found practicing mantras before falling asleep helpful to attain lucid dreaming? If so, what would you say to yourself? I'm sure the words should be different for everyone, but I'm just curious. |
Mantras really help while doing deild. I always use this mantra: 'I will wake up during the night, I will not move and I'm going to keep my eyes closed.' I've repeated that mantra over a thousand times in my head and it really works. |
DILD: 9 | MILD: - | DEILD: - | WILD: 2OBE: 3 | AP: -
I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.
Have you been able to achieve deild without using an alarm? Maybe I will try this tonight! |
I visualize a sort of manta. I visualize a billboard that reads ' You are Dreaming' . |
Mantras are one of the most powerful tools we have for lucid dreaming! I would keep it simple. Here are two very basic ones that work well. 1)I am Dreaming 2)This is a Dream. |
I often do. I don't have a specific mantra, though; I just choose one based on what I want to focus on that night. It ranges from "I remember all my dreams," to "My dreams are always vivid,", to "I always know when I am dreaming," or even "I have full control over my dreams." Basically, I just decide what to focus on and make up a mantra for that. I'll even occasionally try using it for dream incubation (e.g., "I will dream about _____."). |
Mmmhmm, mantras have really helped me. Not just to attain lucidity, but pretty much for anything else such as dream recall, remembering lucid goals, and waking myself up. |
sigpic by kraom
Thank you for your input. I definitely need to work on this. I've been so frustrated. My dream recall was really good for a while. I was able to recall my dreams every night. For the past few days I've been off. Could this be from stress? |
sigpic by kraom
I also have a question, do you keep repeating the mantra over and over until you fall asleep, or say it loads of times for about 5 minutes then rest and sleep? If you do it until you sleep wouldent it be hard to drift off because your thinking a lot in your head repeating the same words over and over? |
Penny: So what do you say Sheldon, are we your X-men?
Sheldon: No, the X-men were named for the X in Charles Xavier. Since I am Sheldon Cooper, you will be, my C-men.
I repeat it until I fall asleep...Maybe that could be the problem? We'll see what happens tonight. I've been working on self-hypnosis and I did a recording today that I'm going to listen to at some point this evening. I told myself I would be completely aware during my dreams and be able to recall everything the next morning. We'll see if this helps. Hopefully it will. Wish me luck and thanks for the input! |
It is good if you can keep it up until you drift away. |